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Everything posted by snaefell

  1. The small print will surely get most,if not all of us sometime,all the benefits offered are all subject to operational requirements. I really do not understand the fuss,PE & IFE have only been on offer a relatively short time yet suddenly people can't do without them & object to flying on anything over a few years old,sounds like people have been spoilt! As has already been pointed out cruises are planned years ahead whilst airline schedules are usually on a much shorter time scale,if travel companies had seen Covid coming I wonder how differently they may have planned things.
  2. Looking at this from a different perspective maybe we should be applauding P&O not slaughtering them. Reading this thread it seems in the past people have turned up at the airport & had bad experiences due to the aircraft they end up on is not what they expected if one turns up at all,maybe we should give P&O credit for trying to avoid that happening again by making sure enough aircraft are in place to carry all the extra passengers expected due to the larger vessels. Also maybe people are mistaken in expecting things to have returned to normal after Covid,that could take some time if it happens at all!
  3. I can well imagine the airline details along with other things are covered by phrases like subject to change due to operational requirements! Travel history is full of similar incidents,for one I remember Lion Air,a charter company used by travel companies back in the 80/90's,always in the news seemingly because of problems with an ageing 747 which became known as the flying pig! I had to chuckle at the " full 8 hour flight without entertainment" complaints,that was pretty normal until fairly recently IME,we have done many flights to & from the States with no or little entertainment provided,we are used to taking a book,puzzler & or a Walkman to pass the time,including a direct flight from Manchester to Honolulu years ago which took 20 hours,mind you the drinks were free so that helped!😀
  4. Must admit not to have looked,for one I tend to find packages not great value but we hadn't tried OG before so wasn't sure how good it would be,as for Sindhu we hadn't been impressed with our one past experience so basically were only certain of using a speciality restaurant the first night,we were pleasantly surprised!😀
  5. No probs,my only real bug bear was booking,departure day was my Wife's Birthday so OG on the first night was a must,not being able to book until on board was frustrating,being told it was full when we got on board was annoying,refusing to accept that had the desired effect though,enjoy your cruise!
  6. Seems ages ago now but £30 for the two of us sticks in my mind,the quality was superb,the portions generous & on two occasions the service was amazing,on our second visit our main course seemed to get lost somehow,the waiting on crew seemed more upset than us that things had gone wrong!
  7. In our 19 nights we had one celebration night & 2 formal nights,should have been 3 but the itinerary changed as we went along,on 'posh' nights MPW's name did appear on the menu but I wouldn't say the menu was that special.We We ate in the Ocean Grill 3 times & Sindhu twice,the worst thing I can say about Sindhu is that we didn't consider it to be as good as the Ocean Grill which was outstanding,especially for the price being asked,to put things in perspective we are booked with Royal Caribbean in April & have booked Jamie's Italian for the second night,that is over £90,I know some people seem happy to pay whatever the cruise lines ask,I'm not one of those people,having tried RCI's steak house Chops in the past,OG was far better at a fraction of the price,dining(& drinking) on P&O is a bargain!(no I don't work for them!)
  8. It seems to vary across the fleet but we were on Arcadia back in May & even though the cruise planner origionally said that restaurants would be bookable 2 weeks before departure that never happened,2 weeks from departure that changed to book on board.
  9. I get the impression with a lot of cruise related things you find out by experience!😎
  10. When it comes to pre booking restaurants there seems to be one rule for Arvia & Iona,very different for the smaller ships & poor old Britannia seems stuck somewhere in between!😆😆
  11. She did have a good go,we had a great time & ended up paying £300 each which included 2 visits to Sindhu & 3 to the Ocean Grill,quite a difference to £1500 just for drinks!😎
  12. Used Sindhu twice on Arcadia back in May,couldn't book until on board,no mention of £10 to reserve back then.
  13. For our 19 night cruise back in May the drinks package would have cost us £1500,when you consider that I don't drink alcohol,sodas,coffee or tea it would have been some going for my Wife to make it worth the money on her own!😂
  14. I tend to be the 'kiss of death' to anything new tech & tend to rely on paperwork too,hence the title,I am always being caught out by spellcheck,I checked the message but didn't notice the title of my post had changed!😁, Thanks for your replies guys
  15. Just booked a TA on Anthem for April 2024,just curious to know how technology has moved on these days,is everything booked on board using the app ,our last Royal cruise on Quantum in 2019 the new tech was often refusing to work. Also how rigid do they tend to be at Port Liberty with checking in times please guys?
  16. Spot on guys,thanks so much for your help,much appreciated.
  17. Just starting planning a New York trip in July 2024,possibly including an Eastbound TA crossing on QM2,does one side or the other see more of the sun during the crossing at all & are some balcony cabins better or worse than others for enjoying any sun. Grateful for any advice please guys.
  18. Likewise,we had a 19 night cruise on her in May & loved it,great ship,great crew,after reading so many negative comments pre cruise. We booked our cruise in January 2022 & just knew that it wasn't going to happen,everybody just knew that the 'old tub' was already sold,just to make it look more certain Arvia was scheduled to start a cruise to the same area on the same day,what more proof did anyone need,so glad it wasn't true!😎
  19. We were on board Arcadia just after 1400hrs back in May & were told about the buffet but we were booked for the Ocean Grill at 1900hrs so it was too late for us,too much unpacking to do anyway! Assuming we do cruise again we will probably have to reconsider our dining options,we have always gone with Freedom Dining because the 'fixed dining' times were either too early or too late but given that we ended up queuing outside the MDR at 1730hrs on Arcadia we might as well go with the earlier 'fixed dining' option! There is some doubt that we will cruise again as the last two trips back from Southampton by coach have been bad enough to all but make you forget you have been away! The options from Liverpool all seem way too dear.
  20. Not much use to anyone travelling down on Intercruises coach service sadly!
  21. Really depends on what time you board I guess,for us that has always been between 1400-1500hrs,for us that is too late for lunch &/or too close to Dinner.
  22. Had to laugh one day during our Med cruise back in May when the Horizon had an item advising how Norwegian currency would be needed at our next destination,available at the travel bureaux....oops!😂
  23. They seem to make it up as they go along,same with the app! Enjoy your cruise,we did!
  24. We were not able to book ahead for Arcadia back in May,originally it said on the Cruise Planner that we would be able to book from April 30th,when that date arrived it changed to enquire on board,when we got on board & tried to book the Ocean Grill for the first night I was told it was full,making a fuss got us a table!😮
  25. Really didn't find that a problem,we visited the Ocean Grill 3 times & Sindhu twice,the food & service was first class every time,the other nights we used the MDR or the Buffet,(one night we did have a BBQ out on deck),couldn't really complain.
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