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Posts posted by Cinders411

  1. Just thinking about Labadee when we visited last year , we had just come out from a swim & drying off when a couple asked would we look after their bags while they had lunch , no problem , now it was a large backpack each & 1 bag each , they came back almost 2 hours later &'apologised they said they met a couple of friends and had a few drinks together needless to say we were unable to take another swim & missed lunch it was cleared when we made our way up


    But now what do I do if that ever occurs again say NO then I will be considered rude ?


    No I don't think so. I would probably say no as well due to just the situation you described.

  2. The elevator shoehorns who decide they can fit onto an already full elevator are the people I feel are rude. When there is no place to move back except too close to someone else and they step onto the three inch space available, I wish an alarm would go off so they would back off and wait for an elevator with space for them.


    When an elevator is full, it is full, and additional people should not try to compress everyone else just to avoid waiting for another elevator. It is especially rude if there are two, three or four people who want to squeeze on. It is such a relief if someone gets off on the next floor. I actually should get off.


    I hate being trapped on an overly full elevators, but I never say anything to the shoehorn who happily squeezes on. :rolleyes:



    Elevator shoehorns. Oh I like that one! :D

  3. Sadly we have. There were the "Sand Sitters" at Labadee who kept moving closer and closer to our clam shell while chain smoking even though the beach is not a designated smoking area........There was the, "Elevator Drunk" who leaned on me for 10 floors. There are always the "Stair Sitters", who manage to come late to every show and then sit on the stairs in everyone's way. There are the "Elevator Jumpers" who simply cannot wait for people to get off, before plowing in. Don't even get me started on the "Chair Hogs" LOL. I understand your frustration and I often share it but, I generally do not engage. No one is going to ruin my cruise. No matter how much of a butt they are.

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