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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/15)

  1. I've had great success using https://www.luggageloungemiami.com/ when killing time between disembarkation and a later flight, if going to the beach is of interest. I've used https://www.resortpass.com/ as well, and this option is really excellent if you have a very long time before a flight! I've not stayed in the Haven, so I can't comment on how long they let you hang out before disembarking.
  2. If I could like this one thousand-plus times, I would. 😄 Thank you so so so much for this information, and taking the time out of your last day on board to share. The hubby and I will look to mirror this tech stack as best we can when we sail out next month. Just know that there are nerds out there like me who very much appreciate this level of detail, kudos and cheers to you for going the extra mile!
  3. Every time I sail, I look for options along these lines; I'm sailing this exact ship and itinerary in a month, so would love to know how you made this work. 🙂
  4. Thank you so very much for the updates! Lovely to see the weather clearing up a bit during your sail away, looks fantastic out there. Doing this exact itinerary in mid-Oct., so I appreciate learning from your experiences. Excited to see more Freestyle Dailies as the week progresses!
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