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Everything posted by plethera1

  1. Thanks @paross4 @cruiseguy1016 for the quick responses. I think knowing that will make it a more enjoyable experience as I won't have to keep track. I really want to try to not force the use of the drink package so we know what we would normally do. Obviously, we are going to try things we would normally not try and get drinks because we know they are included. Just going to try to not be obligated to make certain goal. If we lose money this time, so be it...we'll know for next time. If not, great.
  2. Sorry for creating another beverage package thread but I was just wondering if there is a rundown of what you bought on our account. I was planning on keeping track on our next cruise as I bought the deluxe package and I just want to see how close the numbers are so I know what to do for the next trip. I am hoping RCL puts it on your final bill so I don't have to keep track. Even if they don't put the amounts that'd be good.
  3. Was curious about this statement "If you choose to get a drink first, you will not have your card so you will just have to provide your room number to get a drink, this is only for day 1." I'm new to the drink package but I assumed your card was given to you when you checked in before boarding. This has been my past experience with other cruise lines. Is this not the case?
  4. Can I assume that if the drink is over your allotment, the bartender will let you know before they make it? I can see us just ordering something and not realizing it. Do you have to sign for the free drinks? I assume the extra charge would need to be signed for. However, I assume the higher price is usually for stuff that people know they are ordering and is more expensive like a nicer bourbon, etc.
  5. On Wonder May 28th...been watching...lowest for me is $72/day as well.
  6. For my cruises in the past out of Canaveral, you can use your phone until you get out to sea. I'm guessing you should be able to from Charleston as well. I then turn on airplane mode so I don't accidentally incur any fees connecting from a foreign country. I'm going to the US Virgin Islands next summer so I'll need to look if I can connect there for free via my cell provider.
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