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Everything posted by ryndam

  1. For those that are interested, here’s this afternoon’s snack. Rob
  2. Glad you’re enjoying, Ivi. Today Jim & I hiked around the bend, over the hills and down this steep path to a lovely little beach. Pretty much had the place to ourselves. Anse Pain du Sucre. Nice day. 🌞🌞
  3. Here’s a couple of pics of yesterdays house fire as we were leaving Antigua. Rob
  4. Todays menu and Reflections. 5270D034-0EE6-4ADF-8B01-07C72D4B9447.pdf 0B8BF348-ABFF-4786-8319-4BFB41EFC8B2.pdf
  5. Love the Opihr. And the Thomas Dakin. We agree. 😁😁
  6. Dwight, surprisingly there are some of these sampler gins in the cabins but not in the bars. And vice versa. No telling. There’s enough gin onboard to submerge the entire UK. There is a new Crystal app that can be downloaded once onboard. The computer guy did it for us in about 10 seconds. I’m not sure it can be downloaded until onboard. Rob
  7. Terry, Aquamarine and up get them automatically. Not certain about the other categories. Lots of other new gins in the bars, too. Rob
  8. For those that enjoy a wee bit of gin sampling in your suite (or discreetly on your balcony), the sampler selection keeps multiplying. These are in addition to the regularly replenished supply of bourbon, vodka, wine, beers and soft drinks. Most of these gins, but not all, are also available in the bars. We were not familiar with many of these gins. I assure you, they are not going to waste. 🍸🍸 Rob
  9. The electronic version of today’s reflections wouldn’t load, so I scanned it. Sorry about the quality. Rob Reflections.pdf
  10. We have an early tour tomorrow in Antigua, so posting tomorrow’s menu tonight. The electronic version of tomorrow’s Reflections is not yet available. The Prego carpacccio is on offer tomorrow. Choices, choices… Rob 5D6E62A4-9936-45B1-B270-E4E0590CA31C.pdf
  11. When you’re onboard and the “cotton candy” dessert is on the menu, run, do not walk, do not “pass go”, etc. etc. The presentation itself is worth its own video. Even if you don’t like sweets, it’s worth the visual. (Sorry, but I don’t bring my phone to dinner, or I’d record it.) Rob
  12. Paper copies are available every day at the reception desk. We asked our butler the first day onboard for daily paper copies. I do not believe it is automatic unless you specifically request a hard copy. We receive the next day’s Reflections in our “mail slot” everyday around 6p. Rob
  13. 600 pax? Or, 6000 pax? Choice is good. What’s your choice? (Not a poll survey….) Rob
  14. Todays menu & Reflections. DFC80E65-5A34-4E5B-8451-3FDC1C72E962.pdf 928FEE62-9191-486C-A99C-D5E04A91220A.pdf
  15. Choice is good. Even Billy Joel’s music is approaching 50 years old. Beatles even older. If current musical selections, bands, entertainment , etc. are important determination for cruise selection, Crystal is currently ensconced in the mid 20th century. One should make their holiday plans accordingly.
  16. What could be better? Sunset at sea and the Prego mushroom soup delivered via butler. Nice. Happy sailors. 😁😁 Rob & Jim
  17. ryndam

    Forward Cabins

    Back to the OP’ s original question. There was a cabin open house today. The seas today are slight, but there’s a decent headwind. There’s a bit of motion going on. Rooms 11007, 9005 and 8029 were open. These are forward of the forward stairs. The motion-of-the-ocean was considerably more pronounced in these three rooms than the open house rooms located midship or further aft. Just thought for consideration, depending how affected one is by motion. Rob
  18. Updated menus. Continued user error. (Hey, I’m on holiday….lol) 6A9E09CB-9BC1-43B7-BF50-30CDDCBD6A65.pdf
  19. A day late and a dollar short. Yesterday’s Reflections and menu attached. User error (me). C07AD133-CC7B-450F-ABB5-BB89766CEA4B.pdf 364E35D2-DE62-4F6C-8CB0-AB137335D1E4%202.pdf
  20. Choice is good. We’re dining in Tastes tonight. Menu attached. However, we may need a pre-dinner Waterside mushroom soup diversion…. Rob DEF528FB-2FD2-436C-9B4A-7EE5E2B93340.pdf
  21. Todays Reflections, lunch and dinner menus. Rob 49E2F4C3-FB25-4891-BA0E-014ECADBAA77.pdf E2F0B8DF-4123-4FA6-BEB7-9B0462363E4C.pdf CBFD9E61-6F9E-44D3-B5AE-37A5201CBE6C.pdf
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