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Posts posted by mapsmith

  1. I always say you have got to have fun with the ignorant snobs. (Let me clarify never with mentally challenged - just the ignorant jerks). I too would make similar comments just for the reaction. I know some wealthy people and you would never ever know that had enough to buy a new car by looking at them or talking to them let alone that they have many millions of dollars. I'll bet most of us do know someone but don't realize how much money that nice guy you talk to at your favorite restaurant is really worth. I even know a few famous people. They are the most down to earth people you'll come across. I've always found that the snobs usually don't have the money and are putting on airs.


    I was talking to this one nice couple on a cruise years ago and it really didn't hit me until later what they said to me. We were leaning on the railing watching the wake from the ship and were chatting. They made a small comment in passing that they had just had a "boat" built for them at a boat yard in Washington State that was almost finished and they were excited because they could watch the wake from their own ship. It took me a bit to get that they were talking about a yacht. Very personable people.


    The problem with the Mickey Arison comment is that the ignorant wouldn't get who you were talking about anyway LOL. You'd have to have spelt it out.


    Sort of like the cruise we were on and our tablemates were from the Great White North. I casually mentioned something one night about Red Green. Turns out they lived next door to Steve Smith on a lake in Canada and shared the dock with him. They talked about having him over frequently for dinner.


    And about the yacht in Washington. One of my former employees was a owner of a small liveaboard in Washington. (if you can call a 40 foot boat a liveaboard.)

  2. The first excursion I ever took was to Sting Ray City on Grand Cayman. (purchased on board). The Sting Ray Bar they take you to has water from 3 feet deep to about 6 feet deep. The excursion provided snorkels and masks. Even got the better half sort of into snorkeling. (If you count standing on the bottom and looking at the stingrays through the mask.)


    Might be a good choice.

  3. We were waiting for the last couple to arrive for our table of eight. They finally showed up, took a look at us and the others and said, "You would think they would sit us suite passengers with better people."


    Wow. You must have had Cousin Eddie sitting with you for them to make that type of judgement call about your status as soon as they met you. :eek:


    Me, I would have started talking about how exciting it was that the crew let us come up past the Gate in Steerage Class to eat in the MDR on the first night. :D




    I would have put on my own airs. I would have mentioned Uncle Micky Arison had arranged the owner's suite for us and that we had already been invited to the Captain's private dining room for the next evening. And, oh yeah, the line's head chef was on board for this cruise and was doing a private tasting menu for all suite passengers. Then when they said that they had not received their invite, I would comment about how they must have ticked off someone to be refused the invite.


    But I digress.

  4. I did it myself because the tea isn't so great and I don't drink alcohol and I wanted something other than water with my dinner.


    I've read on these boards that some bring horseradish from home to eat with their steaks bc the ships horseradish is too mild for them. I say to each their own BUT I did ask before my cruise what other's thought of it bc I didn't want to do something that was considered tacky in the MDR. It worked out fine or so I thought :).


    Ask for Grated Horseradish rather than the cream junk they usually bring. Fresher and more flavorful. I think they actually have it raw in the back and grate it when requested.


    (as an aside, watching a Canadian TV Show "How is it Made" did a segment on Horseradish. And Horseradish loses its "bite" after 7 months out of the ground. So fresh is always better.)

  5. I'm with you on this. I have to watch my sugar intake and so take diet flavored ice tea options with me.


    Mio does make a great Peach Ice Tea flavor, They also make a "Sweet Tea" Flavor. Without sugar.


    They also have a couple of Energy Drink flavors that have some really weird colors.


    Green Apple Energy Mio is a Fluorescent Green. Berry Energy Mio is a brilliant magenta color.


    There are a bunch of flavors and we usually get ours at the 99Cent Stores out here in the west rather than pay $3.99 per bottle.

  6. After boarding. Just find a quiet spot and allow them to talk if they wish. Drinks or not as appropriate. After boarding, many of the bars, not on the Lido will be somewhat vacant and just find a quiet one. Piano Bar is usually vacant early on.


    Lost my mother a couple of months back. Even though life goes on, you need a little quiet time for reflection.

  7. I am wondering how quickly Carnival (and the other lines) will collect the taxes for the State of Texas to speed things up at disembarkation. I would expect that the Texas based cruises may actually have the tax added (and a sticker to show it has been paid) at the on-board shops. And the "collection desk" at the ports (where you have to leave the booze that you purchased on shore {wink, wink} will have someone to charge the tax to your on board account.


    I would expect this to be on board in a month or so after the cluster duck at customs during disembarkation.

  8. Depends on where your cruise is going. You probably will not need it in the Caribbean as the humidity (even in interior rooms) is in the 70-90% range. Possibly on an Alaskan Cruise, it might be cool enough that the humidity is under 50-60%. But it is just another thing to take along.


    You can also humidify the room by running the shower on HOT for about 3-4 minutes with the door open.



    We use humidifiers here in Tucson because our humidity can range down in the 0-20% range.

    Would never consider taking one on a cruise. Last two cruises were interiors on a Caribbean Cruise and the humidity was fine in an interior.

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