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Posts posted by Travelanni

  1. Thank you, your help is greatly appreciated. I don't mind paying more if it's my fault. Based on what I'm seeing, Osnabruck looks reasonably easy to navigate.









    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Hi, I make this same connection in Osnabruck several times a year and find it very easy. (BTW I am 76 yrs old, not very quick on my feet and tote a medium size suitcase) You need to go from one level to another, the two sets of tracks cross each other, using either a short flight of stairs or the lifts. 17mins is plenty of time, I have done it in 8. When you get off either follow the crowd, most people are changing trains; or ask someone in uniform for directions, most of them speak English.

    I am a bit puzzled re the comments on lack of luggage space as I have always found racks for large suitcases at either end of every open-seating coach. It is a problem in compartment type coaches but there are very few of these on DB trains. I agree absolutely that you should book your seats in advance, only a small cost but well worth it.

    Happy traveling,:)



  2. Hi, our family will be going to Baltic this August and our ship will be docking at Warnemunde. After doing some research, it looks like both Karl's Erlebnis-Dorf and Molli Steam Train are fun, and I can't decide which one should I go with my young kids (age 2.5 and 4.5).


    If you've been to both or one of them, do you mind sharing your experience and tips with us? Thanks.


    Hi, the Molli would certainly be fun for your youngsters, both riding on it and watching it steam through the streets. You can find all the details , times fares etc, of how to get there either by train or bus on my web site, Bad Doberan and Molli pages.

    I don't know much about Karl's but I believe it is difficult to reach by public transport and car hire is the only way. Hopefully someone else can help.

    Happy cruising :)



  3. Anni I checked my account and my total charge was actually 58E!


    Hi, yes it is correct. My sample booking was made before the new price structure came out in December.

    I did another sample just a few minutes ago and your cost breaks down to a special fare on that particular train of 29E pp. and a child 6-14 yrs travelling free. The standard flexi price would be a whopping 270E so it just shows how important it is to buy ASAP before all the specials are snapped up.

    So pleased you did :D

    Have you already been assigned seats? If not, you can reserve seats using the same method as you did to book your tickets. Choose the train for which you already have a ticket. When you get to the 'tickets and options' page the bottom option is for seat reservations without buying a ticket. Ticking this will give you the options to choose the type of seats you would like, you pay on line and print out the details.

    If you have already been assigned seats you could try to change them in Prague station or take them and after the train has started look for better seats which are not marked as reserved.

    Happy travelling :)



  4. Oh okay, thanks for the clarification.


    It's confusing because some sites say I could use the Lander ticket (to go to Schwerin) for Warnemunde<->Rostock after 9am on weekdays. Guess not.


    This confusion arises because many people don't understand that there is a difference between Rostock Hbf. (Main Station) and Rostock City Centre. The Lander ticket is valid on the s-Bahn between Warnemuende and the Hbf. but to get to the City Centre you complete the journey by tram on which the Lander ticket is not valid. However, if you only intend to go into Rostock City Centre or the immediate surrounding area, Bad Doberan etc., a local transport ticket covers both the s-Bahn and the tram/bus. You would only buy a Lander ticket if you intend to travel further afield eg. Schwerin, Wismar, Stralsund.

    Basically all you need to remember is that the Lander ticket is not valid on local trams and buses in Mecklenburg.


  5. Thanks for the link. It's quite informative....especially re: Mollie Steam train. It looks like on top of the MVT, i have to get the 3 zone bus ticket to go to Bad Doberan and local bus ticket for Warnemunde/Rostock. Or am I just confusing myself....


    Hi, thank you for your appreciation. Sorry if the info is a bit confusing.

    If you wish to visit only Bad Doberan, for the Molli, and Rostock you require only a 3 zone local ticket. It covers all the trains, buses and trams you would require. If you want to go further afield, Schwerin or Wismar for example, as well as into Rostock you need the Mecklenburg day ticket for the trains and single tickets for the tram from Rostock Hbf into the city.

    You would not have time to do both Schwerin and the Molli.

    Happy cruising :)



  6. Thanks for all your help! We will be on the Regal Princess docking at L 31. We are thinking about taking the train to Rostock in the morning, returning to the ship around noon, having lunch, and then taking the train to Warnemunde. Will an all-day ticket work for this or will we need to buy a ticket for each trip? As I read it, the train ticket can be used for the tram in Rostock. Our travel agent says Princess does not have a shuttle so I assume we can walk to the train station from the dock? Thanks again.


    Hi, thank you for your appreciation.

    As GradUT says you cannot walk from LP/31 to the train station. It is on the opposite side of the river.

    However, what you propose makes a good day out if you go straight from Rostock to Warnemuende as it would take too long to return to the ship for lunch. There are very good restaurants and cafes in both places. The all day Local Transport ticket would cover all your transport by bus, train and tram, for the entire day.

    I am surprised that Princess does not provide a shuttle, free or otherwise. It might be worth checking with them direct as they do not often berth at LP/31 and sometimes travel agents are only aware of the normal arrangements in place at the Cruise Centre in Warnemuende.

    Hope you find the bus times etc. on the web site useful in your planning.

    Happy cruising :)



  7. We are thinking about venturing to Bad Doberan while in port in Warnemunde to experience the Mollie Steam Train and explore Bad Doberan and Kuhlungsborn. Has anyone done this? Any suggestions/comments re timing' date=' good restaurants and the best way to do this? Thanks.[/quote']



    Hi, this is a great day out for young and old.

    Please see the Bad Doberan page on my web site for full details for your planned excursion on the 'Molli' and how to get to Bad Doberan from Warnemuende by either train or bus.

    ;) Tip. Try to be in the Main Street of the town when the 'Molli' steams through, quite amazing.

    Happy cruising :)



  8. Hi, most station lockers come in two sizes and a large one will take a big suitcase and a carry-on bag. I do not know how many there are in Schwerin or the cost but will check while I am there next week.

    The lockers at Schwerin are a bit difficult to find. From the platform, go down to the tunnel. Using the stairs turn right or if using the lift turn left. The lockers are tucked away in the right hand corner between the toilets and the lift to street level.

    Do not exit by this lift, it only leads to a back street. Go right to the other end of the tunnel and exit through the main hall. Find the rest of the directions for getting into the city centre on my web site, Schwerin page.


    Hi, as promised I had a look at the lockers in Schwerin yesterday. They are essentially in the same place so the previous instructions still apply but there are now more of them and they are easier to see.

    There are 12 big lockers which I am sure will take a big suitcase and a carry on bag, cost 5euro per 24 hrs.

    Happy cruising :)



  9. At www.bahnhof.de you can get an overview of the services at stations, in German language only, but symbols and Google Translate may help. The linked example for Warnemunde (cruise port) shows baggage storage at even smaller train stations in Germany. Usually, you insert a €2 coin per day for a small locker with enough space for 2 back packs or so, and there may even be bigger lockers.



    You can also get information on the station facilities in English by using http://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/query.exe/en


    Fill in your journey details, expand the details of any train and you will find the 'station information' button at the bottom. This gives info for all the services available at your stations including any transfer stations. eg. if you put in Warnemünde to Schwerin it also gives the info for Rostock.


    I just checked the lockers at Schwerin yesterday and the larger lockers (of which there are always at least one or two, lots in the bigger stations) will take a big suitcase and a carry on bag, cost 5euro per 24 hrs.


    Happy cruising :)



  10. Serenade was originally scheduled to dock in Warnemunde but now seems to be docking in Rostock. Is there transportation from Rostock dock to the train station or is there only one port that being Warnemunde/Rostock?




    Hi, this seems to be a point of confusion with many people due to the way in which the cruise companies advertise this port as either 'Berlin' (totally misleading as Berlin is 200klms south) or Warnemünde. :confused:

    The whole complex is officially the Port of Rostock and the usual place for cruise ships to berth is the Warnemünde Cruise Terminal, part of the port but situated in the seaside suburb of Warnemünde about 30mins from the Rostock city centre. These are berths P1-4, P7 and P8. There is a direct s-bahn train service from the Cruise Terminal to the Rostock main station.


    However, at the height of the season, when there are more than 3 cruise ships or other visiting ships in Warnemünde some cruise ships must use the Rostock commercial (ferry and cargo) docks across the river. These are berths LP31, LP41 and LP42. There is no train service but most ships run a shuttle and there is a public transport bus to the nearest train station on the Warnemünde/Rostock s-bahn line.

    The berths are assigned at least a year in advance and the Port of Rostock publishes a schedule of port calls in February of each year. All you need is the name of your ship and your due date in the port to check where you will berth. The assigned berths rarely change at short notice despite what the cruise companies may tell you.



    On my web site you will find a page for each set of berths with details on how to get to the main station in Rostock.


    I hope this helps to clear up the confusion

    Happy cruising :)



  11. Our HAL ship is supposed to dock at Warnemunde at 6am on a Monday in May. Do you think it would be possible to catch a 6:55am train to Berlin (transferring at Rostock)?


    In theory it is doable as the ship docks 5 mins from the train station but I would not risk it if you have a deadline (eg flight booked) in Berlin. Ships rarely dock exactly on time and, depending on your last port of call, have to be cleared by immigration before you can disembark. Also the 6:55 s-Bahn train would give you only 6mins for the transfer in Rostock. Not enough really for someone unfamiliar with the station and toting luggage.

    It may be worth a query to HAL as to what time you can expect to disembark.



  12. Hi Anni,

    Thank you for answering questions on this board. We are planning to visit Schwerin during our stop at Warnemunde and I've found your information very useful. I wanted to mention that I think your arrival times for the train from Schwerin to Rostock are incorrect, departing Schwerin at 13:47, arriving Rostock at 13:50 - now that's a high speed train 😳


    Thanks again for all you do.


    Hi, thank you for your appreciation and for pointing out the error on my web site. :o


    I can only apologise if it caused any confusion. There is no excuse for such an error, which I have now corrected. I will have to improve my proof-reading!


    Enjoy Schwerin.


    Happy cruising :),



  13. Anni - I should have asked this before: the only decision we will have to make is whether we leave before 9 AM (and get the earlier train - it costs a little more but more time to spend in Schwerin ) or we leave after 9 AM - slightly less expensive but also less time to spend in Schwerin. So the question is: we will take our time taking in the beauty of Schwerin and visit the shops and castle, etc. - once we are off the train - should we allocate a few hours in Schwerin or perhaps as much as four/five hours there? If we take the early train at 9:07 and take the first train back at 15:53 - that's almost six hours there - that maybe excessive for us. I was thinking we would take the 11:07 train (still giving us almost four hours there) - and between 0900 to 1107 - we would tour Rostock. Does that sound like a workable plan?


    Hi Jerry, it is a workable plan although it will be slightly more expensive. Please remember that the LANDER TICKET is NOT VALID on the tram between Rostock Hbf. (central station) and Rostock city centre. Therefore you would need to buy single local transport tickets, which are valid any time for the whole journey (s-bahn + tram) between Warnemünde and Rostock city centre. You would also need single tickets for the tram back to Rostock Hbf. There is no such thing as a return ticket, you must buy separate singles.

    I will try to simplify - the Lander ticket is valid after 9am between Warnemünde and Rostock Hbf only whereas the Local Transport ticket is valid between Warnemünde and Rostock city centre, s-bahn + tram, at any time.

    If you still wish to use your Lander ticket after 9am to get to Rostock Hbf. you could not arrive before 9:24 and the alternative to using the tram would be to walk to and from the city. Walking time is about 15mins each way (and BTW, there is nothing of interest between the two) so you would save 8.40 euros but be left with effectively just over an hour to explore Rostock.

    I am sorry if I did not make it clear but the trains Rostock-Schwerin run every 2 hours through the day starting at 6:07 and Schwerin to Rostock every two hours starting at 7:47 until 21:47.with an extra train at 16:46. Please look at my Schwerin page on the web site for the latest updates.

    Given your comments about how long you like to spend in one place my personal thoughts on the subject ;)

    Have a lesiurely breakfast, take a walk around Warnemünde, catch whichever s-bahn gives you plenty of time for your change in Rostock Hbf. to the 11:07 to Schwerin, spend 4 hours in Schwerin, take the 16:46 back to Rostock and, if you have the time and the energy, stop off in Rostock on the way back. Then carry on to Warnemünde and chill out with a wine in a waterside cafe just 5mins away from your ship. Enjoy a relaxed day in what is otherwise a very port-intensive cruise.

    Happy cruising :)



  14. Hi, my Husband and I are docking in Hamburg on the Regal Princess - April 17th.

    The ship will be docking at Steinwerder Cruise Terminal (I think it is going into dry dock). We are trying to find local car service that we can arrange ahead of time to take us to the Hauptbahnhof (Main Train Station) in Hamburg.


    Do you have any recommendations??


    Thank you,:)


    Hi, I am sorry but I no longer feel qualified to answer questions about Hamburg since it was pointed out by a resident of that city that it is not part of NE Germany even though it is my shopping city.

    He/she suggested that you post on the thread 'JMHamburg and others please help with Hamburg' where your query will be seen by people more knowledgeable than I.

    Sorry I can't help. I hope you get a satisfactory answer.

    Happy cruising :)



  15. Hi Anni,

    My boyfriend and I will be disembarking from the Regal Princess in Warnemunde on May 25 and flying to our next stop in Edinburgh. We are trying to decide whether to fly out of Berlin or Hamburg, and looking at how long the travel time is to each airport, and how early we can book a flight. Using Google Maps, it looks like there is train service directly to Hamburg airport, but the journey to Berlin airport will be a little longer with bus service for the last part of the trip. Is that correct?


    Hi, as you say the travel time to the two airports is pretty much the same. In both cases you would take the s-Bahn to Rostock and the RE to either Hamburg or Berlin main station. In Hamburg you would then take the s-Bahn to the airport and in Berlin the shuttle bus.My choice would be Hamburg.

    Happy cruising :)



    Hi, sorry but I did not finish this reply before posting.

    My choice would be Hamburg, partly because it is the easier journey but mainly the cost. A Mecklenburg Lander day ticket would cost 27 euro for two people all the way to the airport, including a stop over in Schwerin or public transport for sightseeing in Hamburg, plus two single tickets for the s-Bahn if you want to leave Warnemuende before 9am. The Lander ticket can be bought in advance on the Internet or from a ticket machine or the station office on the day.

    To Berlin the cost would be 27 euro pp. special bought in advance on the Internet or 43 euro pp. on the day, plus the cost of the shuttle bus in Berlin.

    Hope this helps with your planning :)


  16. I am thinking about taking the train from Warnemunde to Hambug airport after my cruise for my flight to my next stop, and I'm wondering if it is feasible to stop in Schwerin along the way to do some sightseeing since I think the train passes through there. The problem is that I will have all of my luggage with me, so I would need to find lockers or a baggage storage place at the train station in Schwerin. I saw that lockers do exist at that station but cannot find any information on how big they are. My boyfriend and I will probably each have a 25" suitcase plus a carry-on bag. Does anyone know if these would fit in the train station lockers? Thanks!


    Hi, most station lockers come in two sizes and a large one will take a big suitcase and a carry-on bag. I do not know how many there are in Schwerin or the cost but will check while I am there next week.

    The lockers at Schwerin are a bit difficult to find. From the platform, go down to the tunnel. Using the stairs turn right or if using the lift turn left. The lockers are tucked away in the right hand corner between the toilets and the lift to street level.

    Do not exit by this lift, it only leads to a back street. Go right to the other end of the tunnel and exit through the main hall. Find the rest of the directions for getting into the city centre on my web site, Schwerin page.

    Happy cruising :)



  17. Hi Anni,

    My boyfriend and I will be disembarking from the Regal Princess in Warnemunde on May 25 and flying to our next stop in Edinburgh. We are trying to decide whether to fly out of Berlin or Hamburg, and looking at how long the travel time is to each airport, and how early we can book a flight. Using Google Maps, it looks like there is train service directly to Hamburg airport, but the journey to Berlin airport will be a little longer with bus service for the last part of the trip. Is that correct?


    Hi, as you say the travel time to the two airports is pretty much the same. In both cases you would take the s-Bahn to Rostock and the RE to either Hamburg or Berlin main station. In Hamburg you would then take the s-Bahn to the airport and in Berlin the shuttle bus.My choice would be Hamburg.

    Happy cruising :)


  18. Hi Anni, we will be in Warnemunde on Thursday 25th May which is Ascension Day / Father's Day.

    What venues and shops are usually open on public holidays (assuming Ascension Day is a public holiday in Germany)


    Still deciding between Berlin, Schwerin or staying in Warnemunde and Rostock.





    Hi Jim,

    Ascension Day is indeed a public holiday in Germany. Apart from religious celebrations it is traditional for MEN, not just fathers, to get together and go out into the country or to the beach or a park, their 'supplies' loaded into little hand-carts, and have a women- and kid-free day. The spirit tends to be happy, noisy and a bit boozy.

    By law, nearly all shops in Germany are closed on Sundays and public holidays. The exceptions are shops in large rail stations and airports: souvenir and tourist shops; some bakeries. Exemptions are made for holiday towns where shops can choose to open or not and most do open.

    This means that most shops in Berlin, Rostock and Schwerin will be closed but in Warnemünde they will be open. Cafes and restaurants everywhere will be open. As regards tourist attractions, museums etc. a general rule of thumb is that if they close on one day per week it will be Monday.


    Happy cruising :)



  19. Thanks Anni - One last question: have the train times changed?


    Hi, more good news :):) - the train times have not changed. I updated everything on my web site last week but it is always advisable to check nearer your date. The DB site which I use is a direct English translation of the German site, not the sites designed for tourists which are often behind in updates.


    Happy cruising :)



  20. Actually I should have taken my time reading your response. If I understand this - if you leave before 9 AM then the only additional fare is 2 Euro pp - so the total expense for two people would be 26 +2 +2 if one wants to catch the 9:07 train. Is that correct? The additional 4 Euros would be for the S-bahn between Warnemunde and Rostock for two people but that portion is included in the Lander ticket for the return?????





    :)The good news is - you have the methodology right but :( the bad news is - the fares have gone up!

    The Lander Ticket is now 23€ for the first person and 4€ additional for each person up to four extra. ie 27€ for two people. A single ticket for the local transport before 9am is now 2.10€ pp.


    Sorry about that.


    Happy cruising :)



  21. We'll be flying into Berlin Tegel, and would like to travel on to the cruise port to spend our pre-cruise night there. What is the easiest (but still reasonably priced) way to handle the tranportation? I expect it will only be my husband and I, but the couple we're traveling with may arrive in time to travel with us.



    The easiest way to travel from Berlin Tegel to Warnemünde Cruise Terminal is;

    Tegel to Berlin Hbf (main station): by taxi, cost around 20€ or by TXL shuttle bus, fare 2.80€ pp

    ;) Tip: if you are pushed for time and it is peak hour the bus is the better bet as they travel in dedicated bus lanes.

    Berlin Hbf to Rostock Hbf: by train. For timetables and special fares please see the Berlin page on my web site.

    Rostock Hbf to Warnemünde: by taxi, cost around 30€ or by s-bahn (suburban train), fare included in ticket from Berlin.


    Happy cruising :)



  22. Hi Anna

    planning to take a late August NCL cruise out of Warnemunde. Probably spend about 6 days in Berlin before the cruise, so my question is about the return. Since what ever airline I take ( back to Canada) I have to transfer from Berlin to another airport I see I cannot possibly make a flight home after disembarking.

    My question is whether it makes sense to go to Hamburg for a couple of days and then fly out from there. If so, how difficult would it be to take a train to Hamburg or are you aware of any tour companies that take travellers there, including a tour.( apparently some tour companies offer post cruise transfer and tour to Berlin)

    thank you


    Hi, I do not know any thing about tour companies for the tour you suggest but the train service between Rostock and Warnemuende is excellent. There is one RE, on which the Mecklenburg Lander ticket is valid, every two hours and one IC every two hours making it about one train per hour. The journey time is just over 2hrs for the RE and just under for the IC.

    Happy cruising :)


  23. Visitors to St. Petersburg do not need a visa if...

    ... their visit is less than 72 hours

    ... they sleep on the ship

    ... they arrive and depart via ocean-going cruise ship.


    Have the Russian visa rules changed because I would interpret this to mean that I could arrive in SPB on a cruse ship, get off and wander around unaccompanied for three days, provided I returned to the ship each night, and leave on the cruise ship. All without a visa. :confused::confused:


  24. Anni, thank you so much for taking the time to respond. Before I posted my question, I did read through your website on the topic. From your response above and from your website, this is what I have surmised:

    From the Warnemunde port, take a taxi or the local S-Bahn to the Rostock train station, and transfer there to another train. (RE train?)

    From Rostock take the train to Berlin--but does the train go to main train station in Berlin?? Is there another destination from Rostock because I think the the next step is to take a bus to the airport. Is the bus station in or connected to the main train station?

    Do I have this correct?


    We are 2 couples who are quite seasoned travelers, and this sounds a bit complicated... I'm sure it's quite straightforward to anyone who has done it even just once. And of course, there is the fear of delays when there are three separate bits of transportation required to get to the airport. I think that is why many people throw up their hands and just sign up for the (I agree, way over-priced) ship transfer.


    With a bit of clarification, we might be willing to give the journey from port to airport a go.


    We feel pretty comfortable about the info we've garnered getting to the port from Berlin:

    Taxi from our hotel to main train station

    Take the RE train (is that correct??) to Rockstock

    Take the S-Bahn train or taxi to the port


    Thank you for any further clarification you can give us.

    We appreciate your time and expertise!


    Hi, thank you for your appreciation. Sorry I did not make myself clear but thanks to Sauerkraut saying clearly exactly what I was trying to say you have it worked out. As I said before, taxi to TXL would be my choice too.

    Happy cruising :)


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