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Everything posted by graciekelli

  1. Hello. I thought I would chime in on our experience on Vision in April. We purchased the UDP because the food quality in MD was so poor previously. The specialty restuarants are all what the MD used to be years ago. However on the smaller ships with only 3 resturants the choices become a bit repeticious, but always delicious and well prepared. We ate in the MD twice on a 10 day cruise. Once at dinner and it was good and once at breakfast and it was good for me and bad for my DH. We both ordered eggs benedict and mine came very nicely prepared. DH was served his on a burnt (Black) english muffin. It was inedible. So DH said go ahead and eat, I'll just go to the WJ. Waiter came around and DH showed him the muffin and he said he'd get him another one. DH said no, wife is already almost done, I'll just grab something at the WJ. Waiter insisted and DH relented. After waiting about 20 minutes, the second eggs benedict came and the yolks were hard. DH cut into both and both were hard. We just got up and left. The WJ on Vision was also hospital food grade, flavorless, repeticious and not something either of us enjoyed. Room service was good believe it or not and I thought that it improved from the "free" days of Room Service. The Solarium Bistro was also very good, but I felt that their hours of operation were too limitied. We are going on Jewel on 10/30. No UDP. So I will see how the Jewel's MD meals are for myself.
  2. Same!! We're on the Jewel 10/30. I hope we will still have access.
  3. I just went on my planner and there is a Halloween sale. I paid $48 including the tip for 24 bottles. I have no idea if I will get the Evian or how large the size. We'll see. We board on 10/30.
  4. Kind of opposite for me. I was sick with everything as a kid. Flu this, strep that, etc...As an adult, I never get sick. I can't even remember the last time I was sick. I raised 5 kids who all took turns being sick and I took care of all of them, never getting sick. I think I must have gotten every germ possible as a child and after becoming an adult I am immune. I do wash my hands many times per day, from my days working in healthcare, it became a habit.
  5. That would be so great. We usually sail in a JS or aft balcony.
  6. That didn't happen with my son and his wife. In fact, my son is a Diamond but his points are at level Emerald. My Daughter in Law was given Diamond status after boarding her first cruise and going to the Loyalty Ambassador with my son to inquire. They gave her a new card with Diamond printed on it. She was able to go into the Diamond Lounge with her card, order her 4 drinks and pick up her photo.
  7. Yes, she was loaded up with the 4 free drinks. They were also able to get 2 free photos - one for each of them. They had a blast and gave my daughter (25) all the tips for her cruise in August (she's diamond becuase of Mom and Dad) and she is bringing her never cruised before husband with her. They are so excited.
  8. I'm sorry if I made this confusing. I just used the title from the prior post that closed because I commented on some questions about Diamond status as kids, but now an adult married to a never cruised before spouse and I just wanted to let you all know what happened on their cruise. Not trying to be decieving or "clickbait" geez....
  9. Hello, I tried to update those interested on the previous thread, but it was closed. My son who is now 23 and married went on his first cruise as an adult the end of April. He was diamond through us prior to 18 years old. His wife is a first time cruiser. When they boarded, his card said "Diamond" her's did not. They went up to the Diamond Lounge and spoke to the Loyalty Ambassador. She updated my daughter-in-law's status to Diamond and explained to them that they will be Diamond whenever they cruise with Royal, but their points have now reverted back to their actual cruise points and to get to the next level (Diamond Plus) they will earn off of their adjusted points. I hope this helps with anyone whose kids are now adults and wondering what status they are. By the way, they were on Allure of the Seas.
  10. I have seen people come into the windjammer in their jammies. So I am pretty sure that most people do whatever they want. I'm just saying...
  11. I agree. Even for us, we like to dress up for dinner "dates" but we will not be going to the 9's in the Caribbean. It's just like you said "casual."
  12. It's just not on cruise ships, it happens all the time, I remember a time my twin boys were sitting in a coffee bar in our grocery store reading a comic book and a "stranger" older lady approached them and scolded them by asking "did you Pay for those magazines?" I was coming back to the table with my coffee when I caught her. I told asked her why she thought it was okay for her to approach children and scold them. If she had a question, it should be directed to me the parent. She then scolded me, and said I was the worst mother in the world. You know, some people are crusty and have issues and it's not just on cruise ships.
  13. I just have to say...I totally agree. One time I expressed what "WE" like to do on these nights and I thought people were going to assainate me. I learned my lesson. Expect to be attacked on CC. Not going to stop me from posting what I want to.
  14. We're in PXH too. Can't imagine that kind of rainfall in 24 hours even during monsoon season. The rain rolls in quickly and rolls out quickly.
  15. Us too. Leaving on Vision on 4/21. Sure hope everything dries out.
  16. We're keeping our eyes open on this, we are scheduled to arrive in FLL on Wednesday 4/19 for our Friday 4/21 Vision cruise. Hoping it dries out.
  17. I'm considering the key for the internet. But it's $4.00 more a day than Voom. Not sure any of the other perks are worth it since we have unlimited dining packaage. We don't use flowrider or rock wall and we don't really care about getting off the ship first. So, it may be a pass for us.
  18. We're about to take Vision on this same exact itineraray, leaving on 4/21. I am super excited to follow this review to see what's in store. It will be our first cruise since COVID. DH and I love the small ships too. I am concerned about what you were served the first night though...
  19. Hehe! My husband calls them "cooking pots for humans!" It's a big "NO!"
  20. You were very smart. I should have done this...and asked my dumb question. I think we will semi-know the answer after the 2 kids have their cruises in a couple of months. If this tread is still alive, Ill let you all know what happened:)
  21. Not to mention, cruises that we did in suites or double points when their used to be Double for Diamonds in December. So, if we were sailing as diamonds in December, but they weren't actually Diamond themselves, did they earn the double points? This can get very complex. Like I said...I just told them to roll with the punches and see what happens. DS sails end of April and DD sails in August.
  22. Good idea. I will have them pull up their history and calculate their points...oh wait, I'm not sure, several cruises were under the old system of points.
  23. I have a question on this issue. Where do you see how many points a child has actually earned? I never really kept track of the kid's points, just ours. They have not been on all the same cruises as us, but many of them. Now they are all grown and on their own. DD (25) and DS (23) are both planning their own "first" cruises without Mommy and Daddy footing the bill. When we went onto their CAS account, they are both listed as Diamond and have the same exact points as we do, which we know cannot be correct since they didn't go on every cruise we took. They actually could be Diamond on their own, as we are very close in points to D+, but I don't know for sure. I told them both that they will just need to see what happens. They could still be diamond or not. I have no idea. My son is married and will be bringing his wife on her first cruise ever. My daughter lives with her boyfriend and she is bringing him on his first cruise ever. I am curious to find out what happens. But, whatever happens, I am fine with it. My kids did not "earn" anything. We the parents earned everything.
  24. Huh? That' a bit harsh. All people need to make a living. Being a good waiter is tough with demanding customers who have special dietary requests, ensuring food is delivered hot or cold as described and promptly. Knowing when to return to a table often enough to provide great customer service, but not too often as to be a pest. Addressing concerns that the customer may have. I have had great waiters and horrendous waiters. In my eyes, any job that a person executes to the highest of standards is professional and that includes housekeeping, gardeners, maintenance workers, etc...
  25. Hi Teddie, I think that there are a lot of people in this world that have a lot of disposible income and can afford to be super generous with tips and they spread their kindness to others whenever possible. I also think there are a lot of braggers out their who a "full of it." And finally, I think that tipping anything over what is recommended - cruise or land is extremely generous. You are extremely generous.
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