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Frequent Floater

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Posts posted by Frequent Floater

  1. Hey there JR. No Paradise pins but will be sending you some extra Spirit pins after the 13th. I will also be sending that other pin for your personal collection.

    Still no luck on the Festivale pin but I never give up. Maybe will find someone on the Spirit with one =~)

  2. Hi! I am in need of :

    Carnival Destiny

    Carnival Pride

    Carnival Spirit







    I have extra to trade:

    Carnival Legend

    Carnival Liberty

    Carnival Triumph

    Carnival Valor



    Or I will purchase any or all of the needed past guest pins.



    I am interested in trading for your Elation pin.

    email me rdonte@cox.net

  3. Hey JR it is called a "passion" and there are so few of us out there now days that just want to help others as it comes back to us ten fold. KARMA

    Keep up the good work!! One day the Festivale pins shall shine on us both.

  4. Hope you received the pins I sent you to share with others.

    Mail service was interrupted here in San Diego country with all the wildfires.

    Glad to see you are still hunting for those elusive pins for all of us. One day we shall be lucky enough to find the old ones we are seaching for.

  5. Good to know you are still around and helping us find those pins..

    I put in a request from 2 of my friends sailing the Freedom in Sept. to send me their pins as they don't collect. I will be happy to share with you..

    Still no luck on the Festival pin. I will not give up.

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