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Posts posted by xenagurl

  1. I am trying to see if I need to try and get the Vibe pass or just go to h20 :cool:

    I like and area without kids ( I love kids but mine are adults now ) so the less the better. I will be going May 15 so I praying that it wont be that bad and I will not have to get up at 6:00am to claim a chair.

    Any info about h20 would be fantastic


    Also Is it warm in May in Bermuda? And on the ship ? Will I need to pack jackets ?


    I'm getting so excited I cant wait!!!:D


    We've taken the Breakaway a few times in May. If you want to make sure of having a childless peaceful time, get the Vibe pass.


    Most kids in the NYC area get out of school in June, but you have families visiting from all over so especially if you go later in May you might find that you have quite a few children there, though I've never felt that it was overrun with kids.


    I'd pack a light jacket or sweater for air conditioned areas of the ship or in case in happens to rain in Bermuda, but that's a lovely time of year to be there.


    Bon Voyage, enjoy Bermuda it's one of my favorite islands in the world!

  2. There are two sides to that. I've been on cruises where they asked and cruises where they didn't. Honestly I don't like being asked when I'm cruising solo or happen to be eating without DH when were cruising together. If I wanted to eat with someone else I'd let them know, they don't have to ask. As it happens if I'm eating alone that's the way I like it.


    So they're darned if they do and darned if they don't. I don't want to be asked, and I rarely want to eat with strangers which is a large part of why I cruise with NCL and not other lines.

  3. You'll have no problem bringing nail polish remover though I personally use the remover wipes as they're easy to carry and there's less of a chance of something spilling. I use L.A. Colors brand, they have fruity scents so there's also less smell, but as long as you're in a balcony or above smell isn't an issue if you open the balcony doors.



    As for all the makeup I think you might find that it becomes cumbersome especially if you plan on buying things to take home. I like makeup too, and use it regularly but mineral powder, eyeliner, and mascara are about all I carry...maybe an eye-shadow or two.

  4. Does the Jade have a big screen like the Epic?


    At the time no, I don't think there would be anywhere to put it, however I took it before the refurb.


    I took the Epic last year and had a great time...


    It's a pretty ship with lots to do, I'm glad you enjoyed it too. The funnel slide on that ship is my favorite out of all of them.

  5. Thanks...Miami/Barcelona with a couple of island stops


    I did that one a couple of times on the Epic. I know that ships as small as the Spirit sail transatlantic cruises, so you should be fine ship rocking wise, and the Jade is big enough to keep you occupied (I've been on for 9 days, three times) so you should have a good time. Sounds like an excellent trip! Bon Voyage!

  6. http://travelxena.com/interview-chat-with-captain-mikael-hilden-of-the-norwegian-breakaway-part-1/


    This is a long time coming (my apologies Mikael!) because DH and I took this trip in December 2015...you know best intentions...well almost exactly 2 months later and it's nearly done (if something sounds odd, mea culpa transcribing isn't my best skill. :) There are more interviews with other Captains on blog.


    I'm working on part 2, but yes I'm off on a trip soon, so I'll try to get to it this weekend.


    Happy cruising!





    Captain Mikael Hilden: We have merged with Denmark and we lost sometime we won sometimes and at some point we went together and then we agreed on one country. But then soon after that, we became a different country. So Denmark and Norway have been long time partners with some warfare as well. But between Finland and Sweden, there was never a war. We were just one country. There were not really countries those days, Sweden was a country. But for example, Russia did not exist, it was just the big steps of them. Germany, as we know today, did not exist. There was a lot of, I think 29 or 30 Kingdoms around. They work together, but that was not a country. Sweden was a country before England.



    Travel Xena: Wow, I never knew, so it’s really, really lots of history there.



    Mikael Hilden: Yes, I mean England belongs to the Roman empire and part of Germany belongs there and they push them off of it. I mean the borders went like this. Sweden was more stable these days…So Finland and Sweden were together together than Sweden had been part of Sweden.



    Travel Xena: Ok, so that’s why….



    Captain Mikael Hilden: So that’s why we have traditions, we have Swedish-speaking population. It’s very, very small it’s like 5 percent to 6 percent today. But it’s the official language, we have Swedish-speaking schools where I went and we have to learn Finnish of course and in Finnish-speaking school you have to learn a little Swedish and so we still have the tradition there.



    Travel Xena:: That’s truly is something. So in general, if you live in the area where you spoke Swedish that no one spoke Finnish for the most part?



    Captain Mikael Hilden: No, not anymore because this Finnish-speaking population grows faster than Swedish because we are so cute. So we still have some traditions of the Swedish-speaking areas, but we have all on Island it’s like 99 percent Swedish-speaking. We have the archipelago, which is more Swedish speaking, but there is a lot Finnish speaking. There was maybe 80, 90 percent recall, now it’s narrow down to 60 percent. Some areas where, when we move just outside of Helsinki.

    If you go to Finland and you see all the signs, they are always in two languages and if you see the Swedish name first then you know that majority is Swedish-speaking. If the Finnish name is first majority is Finnish-speaking.



    Travel Xena: Ok, so you know where you are based on that. Oh, that’s helpful; I guess when you go there. Wow, that’s interesting, I have to go there I always say I would go there one day.


    Travel Xena: When did you decide to be a captain or to work on ships or was it something that you didn’t decide it was just your family?



    Captain Mikael Hilden: I did not decide. No, my family would have been something else when I grow up I can’t even remember anybody told me I to be something. It was sort of just an understanding of I was going to become a doctor. My father was something else in the family before we’re doctors. There were a lot of priests, but that was not the thing. We have a couple bishops in our family, but that was not the plan for me.

    My grand-mom wanted me to become a Mathematician because she was and math was an easy thing for me when I was a child but it was not really my thing. And it was just a teacher of mine asked: “have you thought of becoming a captain?” Just out of the blue, just like that. I said no. He said: “would you like to go for an interview?” And that’s it, I mean you have to be up for different things so let’s go and it was already arranged.

    I know that teacher, he still keeps in touch. I asked him a few years ago, how did you come up with that? He said: I don’t have a clue, I don’t know. So I went for the interview and it actually sounded interesting. So I decided to become a captain.



    Travel Xena: That’s so interesting, especially coming from a family that had totally different ideas what you going to do.



    Mikael Hilden: We didn’t have a single family friend involved in shipping. I knew one person that had been working on a ship, but he was like ten years older than me. We knew each other. It was a cousin of mine who lived very far. It was like I have nothing else, he was so much older…I knew as much about captains as anybody here like the captain steering the ship but as soon as we learn, that is really not the case but it is what it is.

    And so I had a long chat with my dad he did not really…I mean sailors had a bad reputation, they were drinking, which was not really true anymore but that was the reputation that hangs in there.



    Travel Xena: Especially him being a doctor.



    Captain Mikael Hilden: And then so, we talked a long time. Then he finally admitted that he wanted to become a naval officer, but after the second world war, they said: Ok, you could not do anything else you are not good enough because some many remained in the naval army. He was in the navy as well, so he decided I will show that I can do something else than become a naval officer but that was what he wanted to do.

    And then he was a dentist at first and so he started to train and that’s basically how I decided to become a captain and I’ve not even think about anything else before I get my captain license. But he was a dentist and then he did a surgery, he wanted to finish up that part but he didn’t like. So by 34 years of age decided that he wanted to become a medical doctor instead.



    So he studied again and became a neurosurgeon specialist. So I told him when I get my captain license, at that point I knew a little bit more so I said I would be about the same age when you changed your mind. So he said: “why don;t you think that I could change my mind and do something else?” So that’s where he gave up, I said Ok. Now I decided that I could become a captain, I would work as a captain and then I would decide what to do.



    Stay tuned for more...:)


    All Rights Reserved TravelXena.com 2016

  7. As others have said, it depends on how important the balcony it for you. When I travel with DD, I always book a balcony or a suite. We enjoy spending time together on the balcony so it's important to us. But, when I travel solo, I book studio or inside. I just can't justify the extra expense for a balcony since I'm already paying dearly for my cabin since I'm solo. But, for DD and me, I'd book the balcony even if it were $700 more. What's important to you? Will you use the balcony? Would you miss being able to see out?



    This is the way I think about it as well.


    I love inside cabins and balconies and am happy with both. Would I cancel a balcony for an inside, quite possibly if I were sailing alone, but if I were with DH maybe not. I'd probably let that be his call.


    For me insides are great for sleeping. I have the best sleep in an inside cabin, but if I want to see the view while not moving from my room I'd choose a balcony. A good portion of my decision would be based on the itinerary and how much time I planned on spending on the room.

  8. You will be happy, if you haven't seen it, they have reversed the "no food from the restaurants or buffet" rule.


    Just noticed that in the other thread. Thanks for the note. Well it'll making taking cake back to the room easier now. Not that we need any more cake (or any food) while cruising. LOL

  9. Congratulations!


    When I took the Jade a few times in 2011/2012 the crew was definitely tops. However I really love the decor on the Jade as well. There's something fun about Hawaiian decor on a Med ship. I hope that haven't and wont change it. There's also the layout of Jewel class ships in general. While I really enjoy the size of the Epic and Breakaway class ships. Jewel class layout and size are my favorite.


    I hope that you have a wonderful time!

  10. Hubby and I debarked from the Breakaway on May 17th. We both brought food from the buffet and ordered from the room service menu (once) which is slightly more expansive with offerings like grilled salmon and steak.


    We had no problem bringing food from the buffet, but when I asked to take a cake from Le Bistro I was told that they couldn't but that's not the first time it's been said. I find that it's hit or miss asking for food from there. A few times they wrapped it up and sent it with me, multiple times they've delivered it to my room and on occasion they just say say that they're unable to do that.


    All in all it made no real difference to our cruise. As long as I can bring food from the buffet that I prefer to eat in my stateroom I won't complain...for now. If they enforce that "rule" that's when I'll have a problem with this.


    All of this talk of food and now I'm hungry.

  11. I'm sorry, the way you were talking I thought you were much older lol.


    So did I!


    OP I never remember any music playing when I took Med cruises. Perhaps this is something they've recently taken to. I see what you're trying to say, but as no one would agree on the music they want to hear when returning perhaps they will skip it in the future if enough people speak out on it.


    I think it's all a part of what NCL is trying to promote, a fun yet family oriented atmosphere. Perhaps another cruise line would be more your personality. If you do take NCL again I'd suggest skipping Caribbean runs, because they play loud fun music for re-entry to the ship every sailing. I like the atmosphere it provides but might find it odd for a Mediterranean run.

  12. Since the OP has had the question answered, I have a question about a carry on item. I carry a small pocket knife. The locking blade is less than 3".


    I can always play it safe and leave it here on the farm, but it' my "jewelry". Is it legal to board with it?


    My husband has a multi-tool he likes to carry that includes a small knife. He was allowed to bring it on board but was told that he shouldn't do it in the future. Personally I would leave it home just to be safe, especially if it has sentimental value.

  13. Now you are starting to see the concern many of us have been expressing. The room service fee by itself is not a big deal but seen in the light of what Del Rio wants to do with NCL it takes on a different meaning entirely. I am not sure it's a matter of how dumb he is but rather a matter of how arrogant he is.


    The bold is the crux of it. I'm very curious to see where this company will be in 5 years.

  14. This. Exactly. He could still change my mind if he says things I want to hear regarding solo cruisers. Otherwise, I'm in wait and see mode. From my standpoint, there isn't so much wrong with NCL that needs fixing.


    Good question about solo cruisers. I often cruise solo and I do wonder what this will mean in those cases. --- They've a wider customer base, are more of a household name in America and Europe, have new ships, & have gone public in the few short years Kevin Sheehan was CEO. I know I'm not on the inside, but that's not the sign of a company that needs to be shaken from the ground up, but each CEO likes to put their "stamp" on things. Hopefully his won't "sink the ship".

  15. For that many people yes. The room might not be that much bigger but you'll have the balcony space and it will feel larger due to natural light. I'm probably one of the few that actually likes inside rooms, so if it were just me or me and my husband no I don't think I'd pay an additional $800 for a balcony unless there were ports that I wanted to have a good view of.

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