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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. I know, isn't that sad? He was such an integral part of all of our sail-aways and many of us regularly said thanks to him at the end of every session. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Shout out to all Cat Herders from a member of the Nailing Jello To The Wall Society. I'd rather give something away than re-gift, as I'd hate to accidentally give it to the person who gave it to me in the first place. I'm drinking my favourite tea right now - Bigelow's I Love Lemon - that I was introduced to many cruises ago aboard a BHB. It's cool and dark out there this morning, but I see we've got clear skies and can see an abundance of stars. I'm sorry for all the folks in Florida who are experiencing a storm this weekend - that will make for some rocking and rolling on the ships. For those traveling this weekend, please be safe. The weather guy on TV last night said that people in Texas have more snow right now than we do . . . how's that for weird weather? @Crazy For Catsit sounds to me like you're staying near Harbour Shops in FLL, as I recognize the names of all the places you've stopped for meals/drinks. Bon Voyage today to you! Also Bon Voyage to @Suslor and @Ichiban Nekko! Wishing @Ichiban Nekko and her DH a very Happy Anniversary. @NiagarawineI was saddened to hear your DFIL had passed away - may his memory be a blessing to all of you. @kazucontinued prayers for your DB's DMIL. We had a lovely evening at the restaurant with our friends last night - we sat on the outdoor patio that had propane heaters, and every seat had a cozy shawl that you could use if you still weren't warm enough. We never thought we'd be able to sit outside comfortably in December and enjoy a meal! The food kept coming, the wine was flowing freely and after about 3.5 hours we decided to call it a night. All 3 couples took taxis back home so nobody had to worry about driving, and today we'll all go and retrieve our vehicles. Better safe than sorry. Today I've got sugar cookies to make and will package up more nuts & bolts to give away. Thank goodness each batch makes a lot! I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the white wine, and would like to try today's menu suggestion on a BHB. Of course it's Friday night, pizza night at our house, so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals for us to enjoy at the kitchen table. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I think we should try to do more good every day, just imagine how nice life would be if we all could. I sometimes try to conserve energy by having an afternoon nap. LOL I've never had roast chestnuts, but often see them enjoyed in movies. It's cool and dark this morning with a temp of -4(24F), with a high of +3(37F), and we still don't have snow. Wherever you go, our weather is the topic of conversation as people are marveling over the fact that we will be having a brown Christmas. That was so true yesterday as I had lunch with over 100 retired colleagues - many of them much older than me - who remembered when they had to dig out snowdrifts on their driveways to get to church on Christmas eve. @Sharon in AZwishing you and Craig a very Happy Anniversary! @Crazy For Catssafe travels to you! @StLouisCruisersmy sympathies to you on the loss of your cousin. @Haljo1935I'm glad you're getting somewhere with your shoulder pain. @aliaschiefwishing you safe travels as you join your family for birthday celebrations. @marshhawkyes, you certainly can freeze ham - pack it tightly into zip top bags or airtight containers and toss them in the freezer for use later. Some running around for us today, as I have a couple of packages to mail - thankfully the destinations are relatively close, so they "should" get there by Christmas. Then I'm picking up things to take with us for Christmas dinner that are in today's sale flyers. Late this afternoon our friends (the fellow with post-polio syndrome) have invited us and another couple out for a Christmas dinner at a local restaurant. She said she just doesn't feel like doing a lot of cooking lately, but wanted to be sure we were able to get together, so they're treating us to dinner instead. These are life-long friends, in fact the two ladies have known my DH longer than I have. I know there will be great conversations, much laughter, and good food around the table. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I think I might just make a cup of cocoa this morning - a sweet start to the day. Saint Lucia is the saint of lights, of which there are many sparkling this year. DH's son took violin lessons as a little guy, and, well, let's just say it wasn't something worth pursuing. He's much better at playing the radio than the violin. A busy day for the two of us - I'm going to a Christmas lunch (it's a huge turkey dinner served at lunch time) with my retired colleagues. I'd forgotten about the online invitation that was sent out, when a friend messaged me about why I wasn't coming this year. I hastily changed whatever plans I might have had for today to accommodate this request, as it's always fun to get together with more than 100 people I used to work with. DH has coffee with his band this afternoon, and I've got to package up some things to send away to the cable company so we don't get charged for keeping their equipment. I finished the Christmas cards yesterday and will get them mailed today, and while doing the last of them yesterday, the mailman arrived. In the box was what I've been waiting for - confirmation of an appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon on January 3rd to see about my torn rotator cuff. I've already put it on the calendar so I don't forget that most important appointment! @kazuI'll certainly keep your DBIL's mother in my heart; which is it - Bill or Roman's mother? Prayers to your sister as well as she stays by her side. I'm pretty sure I'd like the drink of the day, as it sounds quite refreshing with all that citrus. I'll pass on the white wine and am just not a fan of falafel. After a large meal at lunch time and with DH having coffee (and I'm sure a snack) mid afternoon, I don't think we'll be very hungry, if at all, by dinner time. I think we'll just leave it to grazing out of the fridge, or maybe even having cereal for dinner tonight. And wine. Or maybe just wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'll postpone the gingerbread decorating for about 8 or 9 days till we're with our family in Calgary. Thanks for the idea of Ambrosia - will add that to the Christmas dinner menu; I'll bet the kids will really like it. I do love pointsettias, however, having a cat in the house means either it has to be up high, or it just isn't safe for her. Same goes for Easter lilies. It's rather cool out there this morning at -13C (8F) with a bit of wind, but certainly not like yesterday, and definitely not like @kazu was experiencing. Yikes on that! Yesterday was a cold one for us and the wind gusts were really strong - I felt bad for anyone having to work outside, as it would have been very uncomfortable. Speaking of wind - thanks @kazu for sharing the maritime story - what a great idea having one ferry provide shelter for the other. Not much happening here today, just time to sort out what's going to be coming with us at Christmas, making a list of everything I have to take (we always provide Christmas dinner, so bring the turkey, and this year the littlest DGS has also requested ham), and the things to go with the meal. DH has mentioned making a run to the Salvation Army to drop some things off that he's decided to give up from the garage. I'm sure I could find things in the house as well, but not right now - I think that'll happen in the new year. I saw this on FB this morning and thought it was important to share - so many are wanting to have the "perfect Christmas" that we forget that it's easy to have one without all the fuss. I'd like to try the drink of the day, would definitely appreciate the wine, but will do a drive-by of the menu suggestion. Last night DH said we haven't had something in a long time, so it's looking like we'll be having toasted BLT's and tomato soup for dinner at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. That’s good to know; I’ll be contacting our agent when she gets back to work!
  7. Dutch 150th - lemon juice, more Vitamin C. Crab & artichoke dip, Rack of lamb, and the Flourless chocolate cake. Yum!
  8. Bottomless mimosas because I like to drink healthy - can't skimp on Vitamin C! Banana French toast, Jamaican fried chicken and coffee to end this amazing repast.
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Every time you turn around, there's a new app for your phone - I've become selective about the ones I want to install. Every December we buy a few extra boxes of kitty food and drop it off at our local rescue centre, so I have to remember to do that this week. Interesting that UNICEF Day for Change comes in December when we always collected at Halloween. It's cool and dark out this morning with our temp sitting at -4(24F) and there's a good wind blowing as well which will make walking a little uncomfortable if you're not dressed properly. I just read an article from Environment Canada that said there isn't any precipitation in the forecast for the next 2 weeks which means we will be having a brown Christmas. Most unusual for us, but if there's an upside to it, it means we won't have to worry about traveling in a snowstorm. @57redbirdsending good vibes to you and your surgical team today for a successful outcome. @rafinmdgood luck with your PET scan today; I hope you get some answers from the test. @Heartgrovebe careful on the roads as you head to your appointments. @Mr. Bostonsending you comfort and love as you mourn the passing of your Aunt Roberta. I was saddened to read yesterday that Lou of PTZ webcams had passed away - there are a number of sail-away addicts who are part of the Daily family who look forward to viewing the webcams on a regular basis. I usually start the morning by opening the Port Everglades camera, then switch to Key West where I watch until I see either a person walking or one of the many chickens in the area. The chickens are hilarious if you catch them going down the street. Obviously it doesn't take much to entertain me. LOL Just a couple of things on the agenda today for us - first a bit of shopping to do to pick up some stocking stuffers for the family, and then later in the afternoon I have a nail appointment - one of my gels came off yesterday, so I might as well get a total fill and then I'm ready for Christmas. I'd like to try the drink of the day, would probably enjoy the wine, and look forward to the recipes for today's menu suggestion. After yesterday's family dinner there were plenty of leftovers so DH and I will be enjoying ribs, potatoes, veggies and coleslaw at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. I know so many of us are avid sail-away watchers thanks to PTZ webcams. Unfortunately one of the primary folks involved has passed away. May Lou’s soul rest in eternal peace.
  11. Aperol Spritz, or maybe a Lemon Drop, oh what the heck, I’ve got the SBP, so I’ll have both, I’m not driving! Shrimp Cocktail, Salmon, and Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cheesecake. Oh yum!
  12. @LAFFNVEGAS I was waving in my heart; we were having Darcy, her hubby and her brother over for an early dinner so missed seeing you. Have a wonderful cruise!
  13. I'm going to try to be here, but might not - depending if our guests arrive on time, or early. In the event I'm not, would someone try to get a screen shot of @LAFFNVEGAS and @dobiemom on the starboard aft neptune? I'd love to be able to see them later if I can't be here when they sail past.
  14. Oh my gosh, I'd forgotten (please forgive me!) about Poohby Joe!!! I'm sure he's going to have a wonderful time. BTW, how on earth did you bring all of those bags down from your condo? Do you have a luggage cart or did it take a couple of trips?
  15. Bon Voyage; I'm excited for you and hope to be able to watch sail-away today and catch you on the webcam!
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've never worked in a library, but appreciated the Dewey Decimal System once it was explained to me. Animal Rights day should be every day - no animal should ever be mistreated. We'll celebrate International Lager Day in February when we have our traditional beer in every port. First of all, an exciting day for so many of our Daily family - Bon Voyage to @LAFFNVEGAS, @dobiemom, @POA1, @Huskerchick and @lindaler - enjoy your cruise!! @Cruising-along wishing your DH Henry a very Happy Birthday with many happy, healthy returns of the day. It's a cool and cloudy morning out there; we're sitting at -6C (21F), with a predicted high of -2C, which for this time of year is almost unheard of. Looking at my FB memories on this day in 2019 we had an overnight low of -39C (38F) and had a ton of snow. As I look out the living room window, there isn't a snowflake in sight. Yesterday it was so warm that the neighbour and his 2 young sons were on their driveway playing basketball. Very strange, but apparently this is what El Nino is doing for us. We had a lovely dinner with our friends last night where the food was good, the wine flowed freely, and we had lively conversation. Unfortunately, it was also a time for Wayne to admit that they wouldn't be joining us on the cruise in February. He had spoken with his insurance company and his health had to be stable for 90 days in order for him to be covered, so we'll just have to book another one another time with them. I'll continue the cruise countdown for just the 2 of us now, with 55 days until we sail. Last night our DS sent photos showing that yesterday the family had been able to see the Holiday train in Calgary, and on the way home a little voice from the back seat said "Daddy, this has been the best birthday ever!" Melted my heart!!! I'd like to try the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, but will pass on the menu suggestion. Today we're having DH's family over for a pre-Christmas dinner, as we'll be in Calgary for the holidays. His DD, her DH, and DH's son will be joining us later this afternoon where we're planning on having barbecued ribs, baked potatoes, killer coleslaw, roasted brussels sprouts and lemon cake at the dining table. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially our Daily family who are experiencing health issues, and for the people in the midst of wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  17. Yay, another adventure to follow along! Thanks to you and @Huskerchickfor taking us with you!
  18. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We received our first Christmas card yesterday - I haven't finished ours yet, but they're on the table, ready and waiting. Who among us hasn't had to go to a Lost and Found at some point? Thankfully some folks are honest and return things they've found, while others . . . Totally agree with genocide prevention, which should be every day. We love stopping at Funchal - we've been there 3 times and it never ceases to bring us happiness just being there. It's a quiet, dark morning out there but I can see what looks like a fingernail clipping of the moon shining through the clouds. We had a heavy frost overnight so that means the streets will be slippery for anyone venturing out early in the morning. Thankfully we don't have to be anywhere until after the noon hour. We spoke with our family in Calgary who yesterday were experiencing snow and slushy rain coming down, making their roads a mess. Unfortunately for that reason they were unable to go to see the holiday train for Parker's birthday, but made it safely to a restaurant where he enjoyed his favourite pizza and had cheesecake with strawberry topping for dessert. The servers made a huge fuss over him which he totally enjoyed. Yesterday I packed up the blankets I'd finished for children and youth going into foster care and delivered them to the drop off location. I didn't realize I'd made a total 18 of them that I managed to squeeze into 2 giant compression bags that I'd gotten on sale recently. When knitting or crocheting these blankets, I always hope the recipients will find comfort using them, and hope they have success in their lives. I guess you could say they're infused with love. Not a lot happening today, so maybe I will get to work on the Christmas cards. I'd like to try the drink, am pretty sure I'd enjoy the wine, and would like to see the recipe for the menu suggestion. I'm not going to be cooking tonight, as our friend Wayne wants to take us out to dinner as a thank you for getting him to and from the hospital last week. Totally unnecessary, but it makes him happy, so we'll go. He and his lady friend Fran will be waiting for us at a nice restaurant where we'll enjoy dinner, great conversation, and good friends. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those involved in wars not of their making. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  19. Thanks for taking us along with you again! Have a great time!
  20. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! My mother used to do crossword puzzles every day - I tell people I don't know enough words to do them. A huge salute to all blue collar workers; without them, our world would fall apart quickly. I do enjoy a good brownie. It stopped raining by around 9:30 last night and so far there isn't any snow, so maybe it will miss us. I do know it will make those having to drive to work this morning a little less stressful for a Friday. Looking at the forecast, we're still not expecting snow, so who knows when it will happen. According to my FB memories, on this day in 2015 we had rain - I think that might have been the year we didn't have a single snowflake until Dec 24th. @dfishwow, you and Sue won the lottery with that upsell - congrats!! @Sharon in AZI'm glad your second cataract surgery went well. @Cruzin Terrisorry you had such a disappointing medical appointment yesterday. @ottahand7I hope DH's shingles isn't getting him down. @marshhawkhow are you managing with the oxygen? Is DH feeling any better? @Ichiban Nekkowishing your DH a very Happy Birthday! Today is our little grandson Parker's 4th birthday so I left a voice message on his dad's phone that can be played when he gets up this morning. We'll do a video call tonight to see how his day went - the family is hoping to get to see the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train early this evening, which I'm sure the kids will enjoy. Not a lot on the agenda today, so I think I'll take the day to either make a batch of nuts & bolts or Christmas Crack. I have to get the butter out of the freezer for the crack, so if I'm going to make it, I'd better get it going soon. I'm going to give a pass on the drink of the day; like @kochleffel, I'd rather have a PB & J sandwich. I'll let others have the white wine, and will bypass the menu suggestion as it's Friday night pizza night at our house. DH mentioned the other day we haven't had the bacon chicken ranch pizza in a long time, so I think we'll be enjoying that one at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  21. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We'll likely have cotton candy at Christmas when we go to Calgary as they have a little machine that you pop in a solid candy and it magically turns into the spun candy we all enjoyed as children. Yay for Illinois, I guess. I wish everyone some joy in their lives. I know Hanukkah begins tonight, so best wishes for a Happy Hanukkah to everyone who celebrates. My halo keeps slipping, so I think the act of trying to put it back up keeps it shiny enough. Well it's raining. The forecast last night was for freezing rain overnight, turning to snow later this morning. I looked out first thing and the streets were wet and it was still raining - I feel bad for those having to make their way to work this morning. Listening to the radio there are already a few accidents being reported; sure glad we don't have to brave the roads if we don't want to. I'm supposed to have lunch with a friend, but last night we decided we'd confirm mid morning just because of the forecast. Neither of us needs to be in an accident - lunch and our visit can wait. Yesterday I finished the last of my kitchen towel toppers; I've now got a dozen made up that I've put into little zip top bags, ready to be given as host/hostess gifts when needed. I like having useful things like that available for last minute gifts. The dining room table is now back to it's normal state and can again be used for it's original purpose. DH went for coffee with his band mates yesterday afternoon and said our friend Wayne is feeling much better, although he still has some swelling in his legs. @JazzyVthank you for putting him on our care list, but I think he can come off now. Whether or not they'll be able to join us on the cruise in February is still up in the air - he's going to check with his health insurer to see if he will be covered. It would be nice if they could be with us, but I'm not holding my breath. @StLouisCruisersHappy Birthday to your DSIL. @kazuI hope one of the doggy coats fits Ivan. I'll bet he's one of the happiest doggos around, knowing he's found his furever home with a mom who truly cares about him. I'm giving the drink a pass (not a fan of rye), would like to try the menu suggestion - DH's daughter made something similar in her Instant Pot a couple of weeks ago and said it was delicious - and would definitely enjoy the wine. Trying to make space in the freezer for the turkey, so I brought out some ground beef that will be made into quesadillas for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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