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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. I wonder where the police boat is headed with lights and siren going?
  2. I'm seeing sweaters, jean jackets, windbreakers and bunny hugs, but no puffy jackets. Sigh.
  3. Quite honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to see puffy jackets! LOL
  4. Not sure if it's a new camera or not, but loving the zoom capacity!
  5. I'm back - DH's son (whose birthday is today) just stopped in, so we had to have a visit. I guess I just missed Sky and that's about it - a long time between ships today.
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! A shout out to all Korean Americans, I'd love to make my dreams (of warmer temps) come true, and I do enjoy peach melba on a BHB. Dang, it's cold; right now it's -35C (-31F) and we're only expecting a high of -32 (-25). And it's snowing, and there's a wind, bringing the windchill factor to -45 again . . . for those not accustomed to Celsius/Fahrenheit, that's -49F. Although we didn't have a lot of wind yesterday, a community about an hour west of us had gusty winds and at one point in the day their wind chill temperature registered -60C (-76F). Such is life on the "frozen tundra". Even though it was bone chilling cold, we did go out yesterday - DH started my car (after having to put the charger on it overnight) and we went to his chiropractor appointment. One adjustment later and he was already walking better, and he was able to go in on his own to pick up his prescription. Once we returned home, he settled into his recliner with the heating pad and by last night said he was feeling much better. He returns for another adjustment on Tuesday and perhaps another at the end of the week, but it's good to know they help. I finished reading the book I began a couple of days ago, so thought instead of making another blanket, I'd knit up some toques. I got one finished yesterday and have another started that should take me just a couple of hours to make - the more I can, the sooner I can drop another batch of them off to one of the fire halls where they are collecting cold weather items for the less fortunate. I usually make toques out of the leftover yarns from my blankets, so I already have at least a dozen ready to go. Not a lot on our agenda today except to stay indoors and keep warm. I'm going to pass on the drink (not a fan of whiskey), am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and will pass on the menu suggestion. I've taken some of the frozen turkey soup of to thaw and will make a small batch of buns so we can enjoy a bowl of hot soup and fresh buns at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in the path of storms, in grief, and in pain. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. A couple of times we sent it out in the morning and it was back in our room when we returned from dinner.
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I do like curried chicken - if it isn't too spicy. Sorry, no gingers around here to kiss, so I'll just slap an extra one on DH. We drink hot tea every morning and throughout the day as well. Well as I said yesterday, it's damn cold. Right now we're at -35C (-31F) and with the wind, it brings our overall temperature to -47C (-52.6F). Think I'm exaggerating? Here's proof: @Cruzin TerriI'm sorry your suspicions were confirmed yesterday, but at least you know now and can look for a way forward. A friend's wife was treated with Aracept a number of years ago and we believe it gave her a good number of years before she finally passed from a heart attack. @seagarsmokergood luck with your second interview today! @kazuthinking of you and all on the East coast who will be dealing with another incoming storm. So glad you have a generator! A few things on the agenda today - it appears DH tweaked his back yesterday, so I'm going to call the chiropractor to see if he can get in today; he didn't have a good night, and neither did I because of it. Then we can stop on the way home and pick up his monthly meds as well as picking up some extra coffee gift cards that we often give out to people who are homeless; I realized yesterday we were down to one or two, and it's time to replenish the stock. I'd like to try the drink of the day while sitting on a deck of a BHB, will let others enjoy today's wine selection, and oh my, another butternut squash recipe - LOL. Of course it's Friday night, pizza night, so after we get home and tuck ourselves into the warm cocoon of our house, we'll peruse the online menus to see what ooey gooey concoction we will have delivered to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in grief, in pain, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We all know how dangerous cigarettes are - DH's daughter smoked for years and about 5 years ago said she was quitting. Well she did stop smoking cigarettes, but now vapes instead. As if that's any better for her lungs. Sheesh! I'm lucky to still have a boy to hug, so I'll definitely do that today. Hot toddies will be most welcome today! Okay, it's just damn cold. Right now it's -29C (-20F) and there's a whopper of a wind bringing the wind chill factor to -37(-34C), so that's winter on the "frozen tundra". And it hasn't reached it's coldest yet; according to the weather app, on Friday night we're expecting an overnight low of -35C and who knows what kind of wind, but it will definitely bring the temp to past -40C (which is also -40F). We were so happy to see our fellow out there clearing off the driveway yesterday, as there was a lot of snow. He shoveled the entire double drive, the front sidewalk, around the side of the house and then our back patio. I was surprised to see that the neighbour who had also hired this young man still had a ton of snow on her driveway, but thought maybe he just needed a break for some coffee and a warm-up. Shortly after lunch he returned - this time with a large snow blower; I guess he figured it wasn't worth ruining his back, and bought a big machine to help do his work. Work smarter, not harder. @StLouisCruiserswishing Ren a very Happy Birthday. @Cruzin Terrisending good vibes for your DH's neurologist appointment today. Very little on the agenda today, just sorting through some cruise clothing, and then I have to look at emptying out our kitchen cabinets and drawers. Our son-in-law who is a house painter is coming in while we're away and will be refinishing the kitchen cabinets - yay! They're really looking shabby and it's time for a renewal; I'll be happy when we return to see shiny cabinets again. I have to get a number of boxes and clear off the dining room table so I can put all our dishes, pots & pans, and assorted casseroles and cooking utensils on it. A lot of work, but it will definitely be worth it. I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, would love the Cava, and think the menu suggestion would be so easy to do. We had spaghetti last night, and DH is going out for coffee with his bandmates to a little coffee shop not far away that makes great toasted roast beef sandwiches, so he said he'll bring a couple home for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, and even for those who don't think they are. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I do love chocolate, and know that bittersweet is the best! White chocolate is just a chocolate wanna-be. I do appreciate our houseplants because most of them become outdoor plants in the spring/summer/fall. I don't think today is a day to cut energy costs, but we never keep the house too warm or too cool, regardless of the season. The predicted "Alberta Clipper" came through starting around 2PM yesterday. The wind came first, and then it brought cold, followed by what looked like just a small amount of snow. That quickly morphed into snow, snow, and more snow, and howling winds overnight. This morning as I looked outside you couldn't tell where the street ended and the driveway began. Our neighbour decided it would be a good thing to start his behemoth snow blower at 5:30 this morning and clear his driveway - he's retired, so I don't know why on earth he would need to do it so early, but it sure woke us up. All I know is that it's cold and dark out there with a wind chill temperature of -35C (-31F) and we're not going anywhere! @kazuanother fall - yikes! So glad it wasn't as bad as you thought; please take care of you or we're going to have to encase you in bubble wrap! @JazzyVI'm glad to hear you had some extra sleep - hopefully it's a trend that will continue. @Denise T I agree with your assessment of the Icon of the Seas - too big for me; it's twice as large as the small town were I grew up! Not much happening here, I finished another blanket off last night so I think I'm taking the day to sit in front of the fireplace with a book that arrived from Amazon a couple of days ago. I will definitely pass on the drink - I tried absinthe once and didn't like it. I'll let the white wine folks enjoy today's selection, and look forward to the recipe for today's menu suggestion. Right now I've got some ground beef thawing that will be made into spaghetti sauce and I'll turn that into baked spaghetti served along with a tossed salad for us to enjoy in the warmth of our kitchen tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in the midst of storms, and wars. Cheers to all who have celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! There's nothing to compare with the feeling of ascending in a hot air balloon. Yay for choreographers, but I don't think we'll be dancing today. We enjoy apricots in jam, and I make a really good coffee apricot barbecue sauce that goes well on pork chops and chicken. We have a few errands to run today before the storm hits; an "Alberta Clipper" is supposed to blow through here starting around noon and continuing into tomorrow afternoon. Right now we're sitting at a temperature of -26C (-14F) and don't have any wind to speak of - but wait. We're expecting the wind to pick up and bring along with it around 15cm (6 inches) of snow which means we'll have blizzard conditions through the night. Sure glad we can get out this morning and pick up a few things we need before the weather turns on us. And ever so glad we've hired someone to do our snow removal! @Cruzin Terri sending good vibes for a safe and easy drive for you and DH today. @Crazy For Catsagain, my condolences on the loss of Amelia; it's good that her passing was quick and she didn't suffer. I'm giving a hard pass on the drink of the day - tomato juice and pineapple juice? *Shudder* I think I'd take the vodka and lobster claw and walk away. I'd like the wine, and think Minestrone soup would be great on a day like today. We haven't had salmon for a while, so I'll be making panko crusted salmon in the air fryer and serve it along with mashed potatoes and green beans that we can enjoy in the safety and warmth of our kitchen tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. @Crazy For Catsmy heart goes out to you and Juan as you deal with the loss of your beautiful Amelia. They are small in stature, but take a huge part of our hearts when they leave for the Rainbow Bridge.
  13. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I think DH has some argyle socks, I haven't had a bubble bath in years, and I tell people we can't divorce because neither of us wants the kids. LOL I'm kidding! Well it happened, winter has begun. We had more snow yesterday and I'm expecting to hear the blower going any time as our snow removal guy makes an appearance. And it's cold. Right now it's -23C (-9F), and it's expected to get colder as the week progresses. I took out my downfilled jacket yesterday in anticipation of the change in weather and will put my light leather jacket back in the closet. DH was supposed to for a tooth extraction today, but yesterday woke with another head cold (what's up with that?), so I called and left a message canceling his appointment. We'll see how the week progresses and hopefully he can get it taken care of before we leave on vacation. @rafinmd thinking of you as you begin your radiation treatments today. @marshhawkhope all goes well with your endocrinologist appointment. Other than staying warm, there's not much on the agenda, so I think I'll work on going through our cruise clothes to see what fits, what should be brought, what should stay home and what needs to be purchased to fill in the blanks. We're getting to FLL 3 days in advance of sailing, so anything I've forgotten will be able to be replaced without worry. We've cruised often enough that it's rare to actually forget things, but you never know! I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass - I had one when we were in Japan and drank it to be polite, but that's all. I'd like the wine, but it's out of my budget, and look forward to today's recipe. I'm going to take out some salmon fillets that will be baked in the air fryer and served along with tater tots and a side salad that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them, especially those in the midst of wars. Cheers to all with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  14. Yes, it's already confirmed. We'll have our Canadian flag on the balcony; 4th floor near the aft of the ship.
  15. Well that's all for me today - thanks Leanne, Dave(love the camera and zoom - is it new?), and my fellow sail-away addicts. See you next time!
  16. The good lord willing and the creek's don't rise, we will hopefully be on her in 4 weeks time!
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