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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. We woke at 4.36 precisely, when him indoors, dreaming about driving two cars at once (🙄), knocked over his water glass 🙄. Of course, there was no further sleeping after the mopping up Much cooler & more liveable this morning. Even clouds 6
  2. Hang on in there anyone sweltering 🥵 Looks like tomorrow will be significantly more comfortable So, we’re not getting the fabled English summer - *3 hot days and a thunderstorm*. Just *3 hot days, then not so hot* It might be a bit warm tonight though Luckily we’re at the caravan and it has windows on all 4 sides, so we should be able to organise a bit of air movement 🤞
  3. Morning all I think this is the last of the really hot days; seems daft to complain for months about bad weather & then say that the temperature is hard to deal with but here we are. As others have said, I think 20-22 is the optimum for most Brits The best comment I’ve seen on the football was from a cricket fan - “Don’t let an England football fan tell you test cricket is boring, ever again” Have a nice day. Take care in the sun
  4. Morning all Hot days forecast today and tomorrow, so shall adjust activity accordingly. Still feeling nicely “exercised” from yesterday’s strenuous hike. It’s book club this afternoon, so that will be a quiet couple of hours indoors.
  5. That looks fun kalos, and I hope Mrs k is recovering well and that the trip helped Busy day today, with lots of posts & lots of people on the move. We met up with my sister & bil & we went for a walk around the Cerne Giant. Poor Mr Giant is badly in need of some weeding and re-chalking - he didn’t display very well at all. However, we had a grand walk (with a couple of precarious descents) and a lovely lunch in the courtyard of one of the 3 pubs in the village. She brought her 2 dogs, so with ours as well we were quite a pack! The sun stayed stubbornly hidden, but given the fairly strenuous walk, maybe that wasn’t so bad. It’s sunny now. Pictures would have improved with sunshine, but you can see the glorious countryside 6168325A-18D7-43BC-A8AF-B0CEE6BB574A.MOV
  6. Welcome back Graham and Pauline We missed you, despite your daily weather reports from the north east of England I’m glad you had a lovely time and it’s good to hear a good report of Arvia. Was it your first time on her?
  7. As the song goes 🎶 Things Can Only Get Better 🤞 Hopefully you are at the terminal now, or possibly already boarded? Bon Voyage, have a great cruise, and thank you for doing a contemporaneous blog
  8. Welcome back Sue - glad you had a good time Bon voyage Brian 🤞 All quiet here. We had torrential rain last night, after a lovely sunny day 🤷‍♂️. It’s nice again now; who knows what the rest of the day will bring
  9. It is! The walk will be part of your workout too! Seaside today. It’s been lovely
  10. Best wishes for a possibly technicolour Mrs k. Hope she’s back to top form asap Lovely day here & beautiful sky last night I call this one “Sunset Over Caravans”
  11. Thank goodness for that! All quiet & calm here. We led the Wednesday walk, which was also quiet & calm as lots of people are away. 6 humans, 2 dogs enjoyed a mosey round the fields, starting from home, no cars required. We’re now at the caravan and finally experiencing summer weather. Whoop de Doo Winter wheat coming along nicely
  12. Saw this on Countdown earlier It’s bang out of order
  13. That’s really bad kalos - even for you! 🙂 Yes - hope we’re not speaking too soon, but the pop-up seems to have popped-off 🤞
  14. I keep forgetting to welcome Megabear’s new family arrival. So - no more forgetting, welcome to the world Remy Is anyone else being plagued by a large pop-up competition advert? It’s annoying me - I’ll have to research how to zap it (perhaps I should ask zap???)
  15. We were apprehensive about Iona but found her to be really nice, and very clever at hiding 5000 passengers! Our walk was nice but sadly we found one unavoidable stile, so it won’t be suitable for one of the group who has a hip replacement which doesn’t allow her to negotiate stiles. Six and a half miles and back to the drawing board! Ho hum. We found many of the paths very overgrown. I think it’s because it has been such a wet and muddy year - people just couldn’t negotiate them over winter & spring, as they were waterlogged, so the grasses, brambles & nettles have run riot. We could have done with a machete!
  16. Morning! It’s sunny, bright and warm 😳 Could summer finally be here? 🤞 We’re leading the Wednesday walk this week, so are off to recce it this morning. It ends at a pub, so looks like we might be refreshing ourselves there afterwards Hope your day is good
  17. French toast/eggy bread, with maple syrup & cinnamon, topped with chantilly crème and “berries” - blueberries, strawberries, raspberries I thought it would be too sweet for me but it was gorgeous Weight - I thought the BMI/height to weight metric has been discredited by now. It’s far too simplistic and certainly doesn’t suit athletes. All the England rugby team would be termed obese using BMI 🙄 Would you tell them? 😱
  18. Is the weather finally changing? It’s felt quite nice this morning Son took us out for brekkie for Father’s Day. I went absolutely against what I would normally have. I was apprehensive but it was really lovely. Have a good day all (Gentle hug to Jane @Beckett - hope it won’t be too long before you feel the tide has turned and things are back on the up)
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