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Everything posted by delgirl

  1. Had our boarding times today. We are 1.30 sheltered balcony deck 6. Our DD. SIL and 2 grandkids in inside deck 6 3.00 pm. No rhyme or reason, think they must pick cabin times out of a hat.🤣
  2. Sorry for your loss. Golden retrievers are gorgeous we had one back in the 80's and 90's he was so placid the kids used to dress him up in leg warmers and hats he just loved the attention. My eldest daughter (the one with ms) has a golden retriever also her name is belle.
  3. Ive also had 2 of these today. Both for same cruise. Although had my name on both I presume it was one each. Also had 2 for my daughter and son-in-law as I booked cruise and all on my e-mails. Must admit I thought it a bit odd especially having 2 exact same e-mails.
  4. meant changed to bruges. Think i'm having a computer blip as well🤣
  5. Said le havre on my planner only noticed today that it had changed to le havre. Looks like a computer blip.
  6. 1st September. Just noticed the 3 day to le havre and bruges in november is now just showing as bruges. I am wondering if there is a problem with le havre or just a computer blip. Cruise is sold out so cannot see online.
  7. We are booked on the 3 day trip to le havre. Just logged onto my cunard and it is saying 3 day trip to bruges. Map still showing le havre and excursions for france. No message on my e-mails to say it has been changed. Not really bothered where we go but just find it strange.
  8. A friend of mine had DCIS last year. She had a course of radiotherapy. No hormone treatment.
  9. Thank you for your replies. It looks like I will have to take him in hand. When they have gone on a cruise before he usually eats elsewhere so he doesn't have to dress up. They have never sailed Cunard before and my daughter has told him she is not eating in the buffet.😂
  10. We are going on a 3 nighter to le havre on QM2. Son-in-law wants to know if he can wear smart jeans (think designer) on smart attire evenings. I said I wasn't sure as DH always wears trousers or chinos on smart casual.
  11. This happened to us on our last P&O cruise on oceana back in 2019. They took £1.50 out for a bottle of water from the mini fridge the day we left. Never take anything out of the mini fridge. Did wonder if cabin steward had the drink and put it down to us. They did send us a cheque for £1.50 but I remember I didn't cash it in as I couldn't be bothered to take it into the bank for that small amount. Only challenged it because I knew we hadn't drunk it.
  12. Thank you for your replies put in number minus the +44 and it accepted it. 😂
  13. Have been filling in details for our upcoming cruise. Keeps saying invalid phone number. Have put in the emergency phone no, what number do they actually want.
  14. thank you for you replies. Not going for another 8.5 weeks so will try at a later date.
  15. Thank you for your replies. They are in fact my grandchildren. We were put on a waitlist originally as they only have so many places. There was space for grandson but not grandaughter. Did a dummy run a few weeks later and it was accepted. About 2 months later I had a phone call from cunard to say they had space for the children. Said I had already booked. Don't know anything about an app. Is this the one you use onboard, inn which case no good to pre register children before you go. Will have to phone them up I think, though why you have to pre register them when they know how many are onboard in each age group I have no idea.
  16. Have read somewhere you have to pre-register children for the club before you sail. Have gone on my cunard but cannot find anything about it
  17. What happened to where you were allocated to disembark, ie, theatre, queens room. Then someone would come in to say when that particular colour or time you could go
  18. Had an e-mail for my daughter to bid on an upgrade. Says for 2 people but there are 4 of them with their children. Don't want to bid in case they give them an outside for 2. At the moment they are in an inside family room near the playzone. I know there are only so many family rooms. Has anyone else had an upgrade bid with children.
  19. My youngest daughter is there at the monent with hubby and 2 kids (1 of each). She sent me a video from their balcony yesterday of a giraffe walking about. Looked amazing. I think they are staying at the animal kingdom?. They went monday.
  20. I can beat that. Did mine online 17 April delivered 21st April. Couldn't believe it. Did DH at the same time he is still waiting. Although has had a text to say it has been printed. My passport went to Corby his to Hemel Hempstead. Thought we would have to wait ages as they are on strike.
  21. We also have looked at CPS they want £99 for 3 nights
  22. I got the alert but DH didn't. Both on EE. Same make phone but his is a more expensive one🤣
  23. Did a dummy booking for this cruise this afternoon was letting me book for 5 yr old. Phoned cunard and they said yes so all booked. Was supposed to get an e-mail telling me there was a vacancy but never got it. Thank goodness I was bored this afternoon.🤣
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