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Posts posted by Grandmaanne7

  1. 1 minute ago, Fouremco said:

    Good luck! :classic_smile:

    Well, Celebrity was happy to go ahead and refund my credit card and charge it to my OBC, however, we had booked on a sale and the excursion would have to be rebooked at the current price.  It's not worth over $60 to me.  Hopefully there will be another sale and I can rebook then.

  2. On 10/6/2019 at 5:05 PM, Fouremco said:

    As both bookings were made by you with the same TA, why not ask the TA why there is a difference? Personally, I've yet to see a Canadian TA offer 4 perks, and I wonder if there is some confusion over where they came from. 

    This was not a Canadian TA.  It was an online TA located in NH.  I did contact them and they just got back to me indicating that they contacted Celebrity to ensure that I now have access to the funds prior to the cruise.  Indeed, I just checked the website and it is now there.  I, therefore, assume that it is non-refundable although the TA did not answer that part of my question directly.  Now, I will contact Celebrity and see if I can have the shore excursion I purchased a couple of weeks ago taken out of my OBC and refunded to my credit card.  Wish me luck.

  3. 26 minutes ago, ShawninFL said:

    Whether refundable or not, if the OBC is coming from the cruise line it will show on the reservation and can be used to make precruise purchases in Cruise Planner.  If it's coming from the TA, then it doesn't show up on your account until the second day of the cruise.  So anyone whose reservation includes the 4-perks should have at least $300.00 on OBC for use precruise.   

    This is my confusion.  We purchased the exact same deal (the 4 perks came from the TA, not Celebrity).  Our OBC is not showing on our reservation on the Celebrity website and our cabin has not been assigned - we booked OV guarantees.  Our companions had their cabin assigned immediately and their OBC is showing as usable prior to the cruise on the Celebrity website.  It just seems a bit strange to me.

  4. We have a cruise booked on Infinity in March.  We were lucky enough to get all 4 perks included for a great price.  We booked the exact same deal for our traveling companions the very next day.  Our OBC is not available for pre cruise purchases, which I understand and confirmed with the TA that it is from them, therefore is refundable.  A few days after booking, our companions' OBC appeared as usable prior to the cruise.  Has anyone ever had refundable OBC available for use prior to their cruise?

  5. We booked an OV guarantee on Monday and have not received cabin assignment yet.  My sister booked the same OV guarantee on the same cruise on Tuesday and received the cabin assignment immediately.  I don't see any rhyme or reason to what they do.

  6. 1 hour ago, micmacmissy said:

    Does anyone know when Infinity goes into drydock?

    According to the website, Infinity goes into drydock in November 2020.


    We have a 5-nighter booked in March on Infinity.  We've been on Century, Eclipse and Reflection.  This will be our first M class ship.  Can someone expand on the T pool, please?  I've been very curious about it.  Is it available for use by anyone or does one have to be in a certain class cabin to use it?  Thanks in advance.

  7. We enjoyed doing the tour and were able to see several alligators and a few species of birds.  The wildlife show afterwards was informative and entertaining.  We had to dodge some wildfires on the way back to the airport but all was well.  Our flight left after 5:00, I believe, but the literature will tell you what is the earliest flight back you should have.  Enjoy!

  8. Long Island Iced Teas are also lovely and refreshing.  Can't remember exactly what's in it although I do know that there are tiny bits of tequila, rum and a few other alcohols.  They top it off with cola and lemonade.  It's the only drink that I like cola in.  As previously mentioned, Mudslides are very yummy.  The Aspen coffee in Cafe al Bacio used to be included in the Classic package but now it's an additional $1.18.  It's worth it!

  9. Answer: I planned to stay at the same place my vehicle was parked at.


    I found what I was looking for. I remembered booking it before but for the life of me could not remember where it was at. I went through some old e-mails (which I am glad I did not delete). The Hyatt Place lets you stay and leave your car for 7 days before charging . Plus shuttle service to port for first 2 people then $7.00 for extra persons. Hotelnparking dot com is where you need to go to book. It worked out last time that they did not charge me for the other week. It could have been because my friend who was with me had a heart attack and we flew back from Columbia South America and they felt sorry, not sure. But they were wonderful. Their shuttle was not working when we got in. So, they told us to get a cab and they paid the cab driver. We paid the tip. This place is really nice and I would recommend it to anyone.

    Can't wait till we cruise. We are finally getting to take one of our bucket list cruises after the horrible time we had last time. And we are NOT taking the same ship. We are excited for this cruise and well needed after all we have been through.

    Thanks to those who posted. Hope I can help someone else who is looking.


    Yes, you did help! This is exactly the information I was looking for. Thank you!

  10. We were in a Concierge cabin on the Eclipse directly under the oceanview cafe and never heard a sound from above. Of course, the area we were under was carpeted. If you are under the outdoor eating area, that might be completely different.


    Sent from my HUAWEI KII-L05 using Tapatalk

  11. I have the sale banner for my May cruise next year but some things went up. I know the Premium Drink package was $88 something yesterday, today it's $91.77. Also the 3 dinner package was $130 something and is now $144.97.


    I wonder if they've adjusted the Canadian rate for purchases.


    I think a couple of shore excursions have gone down. Monaco and Nice on your own was $114 and is now $98. Or there's the bus for 1 Euro :)

    I noticed that the (Canadian) sale price of an excursion I booked on sale this morning is up a few dollars. I also noticed that the internet prices increased this afternoon for our booked cruise.


    Sent from my HUAWEI KII-L05 using Tapatalk

  12. When wintering in Florida I always check the Celebrity site on Fridays and Saturdays for next day sailings and haven't been disappointed. We pack that night and leave next am. We've done this 4 times with great deals on guarantees and were upgraded twice. Once to OV and once to Aqua. Have to be ready to sail and who isn't.
    Is this still possible? It was my understanding that cruise lines must submit names of all cruisers 48 hours in advance of the cruise.


    Sent from my HUAWEI KII-L05 using Tapatalk

  13. I checked my 9/6/19 Reflection cruise and it seems that it is just the opposite!


    After selecting the Go Big option and saying no to prepaid gratuities, the next screen says: NO RISK DEPOSIT and the net price is the same as the refundable price that was current when I last checked on 5/20/18 and is refundable until June 7, 2019. And there does not appear to be an alternative non-refundable rate available!

    This is also what I saw when doing a 24 hour hold recently on a September 2018 cruise. Hopefully, they have reconsidered the non refundable deposit.


    Sent from my HUAWEI KII-L05 using Tapatalk

  14. I agree with the post above ... it is more likely that people don't want to be seated with others. Reasons for this:


    Time constraints

    Others may be coughing or appear to be sick

    You, yourself are not feeling well and don't want to share that with others

    Fear of bad table manners of other guests

    Others oftentimes wear too much perfume / cologne

    Fear of not getting along with your table mates

    Wanting a more romantic experience

    Need for a quiet dining experience

    Not wanting to make small talk


    They seemed to have solved this issue by putting a lot of smaller tables right next to one another .... separated by a few inches so if you choose to dine alone, you can or you can strike up a conversation with those right next to you.


    I prefer a table of 4-6 myself; tables with 8 or more are too large ... too much yelling across the table and plan to spend a lot longer at the table. And sometimes, we just prefer to eat alone. We've had some table mates from hell before but also have made some life long friends in the dining rooms.

    This is an excellent list of why people prefer to dine at a table for two. May I add hearing impairment? My husband and I both have difficulty hearing in noisy environments and it becomes uncomfortable asking people to repeat themselves constantly, both for us and them. We sometimes will meet another couple and dine with them but anything more than that is too overwhelming.


    Sent from my HUAWEI KII-L05 using Tapatalk

  15. I think there is a trick in this, a member of the roll call in one of our reserved cruises mentioned the 50% discount in the second package of drinks, My cruise planner does not show a single penny of discount. I have tried all alcoholic, non-alcoholic, premium and classic packages. Also the excursions NO discount on check out.


    I ran into this as well. Finally called Celebrity and the agent said that only 4 shore excursions on my booked cruise were discounted. I asked her which ones and, when she told me, I responded that these were the same prices as prior to the sale as I had been monitoring them. She had no response.

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