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Posts posted by erbunny

  1. One question that has come up a few times is "What is the name of the horse in Jingle Bells?"


    Some people say "Bob" others say "Bobtail." Argument arises from those that have Bob that Bobtails shouldn't count. Vice versa with Bobtail answer. I can't remember what is on the answer sheet. Personally, I felt like bobtail was just a description of the horses tail but couldn't figure out how jingle bells fit on it since the tail was bobbed.


    So, when I got home, I asked my co-workers at the thrift shop I volunteer at. The granddaughter (16 but very bright) of one of them who was doing summer volunteer work pipes up "The horse has no name, and it is not bobtail." She said she read it in a book called "Words you thought you knew." So I came home and googled a bit to find the song was written in 18xx and read the original lyrics. Bobtail was lowercase "b" and a hyphen between bob and tail--bob-tail. That tells me it isn't the name of the horse. I plan to go to the library and see if I can pull the book the granddaugther refered to because I have no doubt it will come up again.


    I like the docking scores if you are wrong. Note to self: Take bob-tail proof with me (lol)


    Then we have the never ending conflict over "What vegetable has the most calories." Answer: Avocado according to the answer sheet the guy had. Big argument--Avocado is a fruit. O.K. file that away. Another quiz, same ship, different host. "What fruit has the most calories?" Banana? We know it isn't avocado. Nope, his sheet said avocado. This became a running joke the rest of the cruise. The last day on the progressive quiz with even a different host, the first question was "What is the main ingredient of guacamole?" Needless to say, we all were practically rolling on the floor laughing. Poor host couldn't figure out why. Webster's says it is a fruit.


    Their answer sheets do have errors in them. Did you know that Gibraltar was a country? That came up in what are the two smallest countries in the world. Vatican is one and most put Monaco down for the other although Angora crossed our minds. Good news is no one had Gibraltar so it was a wash.


    Tucker in Texas

    What fun...I have always thought Bob-Tail nag referred to the horse having his tail cut short--bobbed--not it's being his name. If you thirst for between -cruise trivia, there is a great site called Funtrivia.com, where I compete under the same screen name

  2. I can't believe anyone would play just to get a prize. I love trivia, and haven't been on enough cruises to encounter the repeats, but this would certainly be an easy fix.


    BTW, what is shipshape ? Sounds like it was pretty popular. I have also seen some demand for tehreturn of horse races. I think the more variety , the better.


    One suggestion would be an ongoing, cruise length trivia tournament, with real prizes, based on one's accumulated points. Or a combined trivia/scavenger hunt. Whatever, there are lots of innovations which could be made.

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