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Everything posted by MJC

  1. Is it just shampoo or a conditioning shampoo product?
  2. Sally Hansen Microwave Eyebrow/Face wax kit. Super easy to use. I get it at my local Walgreens or Rite Aid. https://www.amazon.com/Sally-Hansen-Microwaveable-Eyebrows-Face/dp/B003GLR044
  3. Laurie, hoping you have a fabulous trip! We're on our way back from Niagara Falls. We've had a wonderful week. Hiked Watkins Glen SP today and visited one of the wineries here in the Finger Lakes region. Looking forward to being home with my kitty tomorrow.
  4. Laurie, I like those two jjill dresses. The first one I'd have to try on to see where those swirls would land on my girls, KWIM? That brown one caught my eye too when the catalog came. Always nice to find linen in an EARTH color. How sweet about the earrings! Now you will think of your sister when you wear them. I sometimes wear my mom's or grandma's jewelry just to feel them close when I'm missing them. I still use my grandma's car key fob even though she has been gone a long time now. I have clothes all over my bed to pack for our Niagara Falls trip. This morning I picked out earrings and went through my toiletries bag to take stock. Since we will be walking and hiking a lot, wearing hats and sunglasses, with camera straps too, I chose mostly small ones that have backs so I won't lose them. We have planned two nice dinners out while in NF Ontario, so I have two pretty tops and dressier earrings, and a pair of black pants to wear for those, with some wedge loafers. Otherwise it will be a very casual week. If anyone is in the market for luggage, I recommend checking out your local Macy's. Our NJ store had a 60% off sale going on to move out the inventory that's been hanging around through the pandemic. Since the handle broke on my roll-aboard during my last return flight from FL, I got a new London Fog at a steal last Wednesday.
  5. Thank you! I had no idea. Now I can see that my most recent booster is missing and can address it.
  6. Here is what Princess website says: In my case, my printed Excelsior pass shows the dates and type of vax, but the app does not show that info, it only shows that I've had three. I haven't scanned my pass QR code to see what it displays or if it works. I suggest you check what the QR code scan displays before you rely on it. Separately from boarding, I was recently in Canada and I had to show proof of vax to eat indoors. Only half of the restaurants we visited had QR scanners, the rest wanted to see the CDC card. So depending on the policies of the countries you visit, your CDC card might be needed too.
  7. The app we used is called Navica.
  8. 69.99 USD Be sure you get the ones for travel. The also sell a rapid test that is not accepted. IIRC the text on the boxes differ.
  9. We live in NY and took 2 Caribbean cruises this winter. We ordered online proctored tests called Binax from eMed and did them at home, supervised by an online proctor, but you could easily do it from your hotel. It takes 20 or so minutes. You could order the tests for delivery to your hotel in the US and do them when you arrive. We did ours at 1am no problem. You do need to have some computer or tablet skills and you need to set up an eMed account. We don't have national health care here so we just bought the tests. You can print the results at the hotel and there's also an app that will display on your phone. https://www.emed.com/products/covid-at-home-testkit-six-pack?hsLang=en&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1N2TBhCOARIsAGVHQc7QQZOz2QvY07MJmfoNugxBvCHezdm9bNNyc8aFDT0XgbqJbop1XesaAuT5EALw_wcB
  10. Here in the US, masks are not required by the government, but venues may have a mask and/or vax policy, so it is advised to check websites for mask and vaccination requirements before you go. I was at the ballet last week and it was mask and vax required. Also some of our museums still have a mask requirement.
  11. Following closely as we are in a forward BZ in September. I will give our travel agent a heads up. What is POLAR? Sorry but it's one of those words that is impossible to Google.
  12. I've ordered their leggings, and I really like them. So soft.
  13. Here's a cute summer dress in cotton. I don't think the online colors look right, but in the catalog the teal is teal and the purple looks like it might be a FIRE color: https://www.northstyle.com/itemdy00.aspx?T1=NP124+BK+S This is a cute top but I'm not a fan of spandex: https://www.northstyle.com/itemdy00.aspx?T1=NL964+PKM+S Nutmeg! Nice color: https://www.northstyle.com/itemdy00.aspx?T1=NL948+NV+S You can see why I might like the color of these pj's: https://www.northstyle.com/itemdy00.aspx?T1=NF406+CF+2X
  14. Laurie, for the November cruise I used Color Street nails. They were hardy and I only had to remove them when the gap between the color and cuticle got too big. But, they are a gel product and damaged my nails. I am just at the point where they have grown out enough that my nail beds are healthy, though the tips are still a tad brittle, so I am keeping my nails very short. That was 5 months ago already. In January I tried the Diva Ultra Shine Gel Color nails. They are a tiny bit thicker, and even though they say gel, they do not harm my nails. With that product I find that the shimmer colors look natural but the solids are a little too shiny for my taste? I never thought before about how glossy one prefers their nails to look. As for removal, the Color Street required soaking with a cotton ball first for the color to come completely off. The Diva nails I could just peel off (carefully) and then use remover for whatever residue was left (very little). They are super convenient and a bit easier to apply IMO. I just bought a bunch on sale at TJMaxx, so keep an eye out if you want to save a bit on your first try. I've been working in my yard a lot lately so my nails are being a bit neglected. I'll be applying some Diva nails before we leave for our Niagara Falls trip, though, after I give myself a pedicure first. Now that some warm days have arrived my toes will be public again soon. 🙂
  15. I'm tempted by the shirt dress too. I pass a jjill on my way to the dermatologist, so I sometimes pop in to try stuff on.
  16. jjill has a lot of teal. https://www.jjill.com/SearchDisplay?storeId=10101&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&sType=SimpleSearch&resultCatEntryType=2&showResultsPage=true&searchSource=Q&pageView=&beginIndex=0&pageSize=36&authToken=&searchTerm=teal https://www.jjill.com/product/pj-coastline-garment-dyed-linen-dress?color=4FN&searchTerm=linen dress Coral: https://www.jjill.com/product/ibiza-tiered-maxi-dress?searchTerm= https://www.jjill.com/product/madeira-pintucked-blouse?searchTerm=
  17. Laurie, I really like that dress. I'm very tempted. I've gotten a flood of catalogs. Here is an interesting green from Coldwater Creek: https://www.coldwatercreek.com/search?q=garden+green There was a top I was thinking about, but it's already sold out. 😒
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