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Posts posted by esimon

  1. I have to agree with the statements about not taking the commentary on this thread too seriously. I suspect that 95+% of HAL passengers are very laissez faire with regards to dress codes. This board seems to attract that small vocal minority who are hung up on the issue.


    Don't let worries about how others might feel about your apparel choices detract from your cruise experience. If they want to let these petty issues ruin their cruise, so be it. Don't get caught up in the nonsense. Dress the way you feel is appropriate. You might even give the people with too much time on their hands something to talk about.


    I especially get a kick out the comments about the "non-compliant" people being self-centered and all about ME ME ME. I guess the holier-than-thou types fail to see the irony in their own comments. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


    Those of use who Like the dress code didn''t make it up -- We just follow it - not the pot calling the kettle black -- the group following the suggestions -- Its not like people walk around talking about the underdressed - and after dinner I don't care -

    Many of us have said if you don't like the suggestions - go where you do like the suggestions - get off your I don't follow the rules and you can't make me high horse -

    Wear what you want wear you want - don't complain if some one says something and enjoy your cruise


    I will enjoy mine

  2. Why do the people who are so apposed the this idea just change lines?????? There is a reason I don't travel on Carnival -- or maybe I should and expect them to make exceptions for me. The whole argument seems ludicrous to me -


    Formal dress is only considered "stuffy" by those who do not like it or feel uncomfortable in it. Yet most of those people watched the Academy Awards (or the women did ...) and the wives were secretly wishing their husband dressed like so-and-so sometimes

  3. aaahhhh lets call them suggestions so we don't need to follow them I guess -- just a thought


    A third issue usually never stated explicitly is - I don't like to follow rules I don't like or cause ME some inconvenience...followed up by - how does my conduct - not following rules - affect you? Most people, not wanting to create a fuss, quickly demur and say - oh...no big deal.....


    Here is my opinion as to why this is important.


    Being part of larger group that choose to share the same experience - formal night is very enjoyable.

  4. Pete and Judy - so very well put - I guess I was trying to say that and didn't say it eloquently enough for some people.

    sorry ghjmco -- It is about following rules and I think it is quite nice that HAL will let you eat in the lido or your room - they don't force you to Dress Appropriately

    Going on a cruise is a contract between you and the cruise line.....you agree to give them money and comply with a myriad of rules. They agree to provide you the cruise experience - which includes enforcing their rules across the board.


    Thanks again Pete

  5. It mAtters or I wouldn't have asked but thanks for the curiosity. I want to make sure those that take care of us are getting their fareshare.

    I like the union concept. Didn't think of that.

    I will tip the room service folks. I do love my morning coffee!!

  6. I know this is not a new question so I don't want this to go on and on LOL but...

    now that tipping is charged daily and billed at the end - can you break down for me who actually gets these tips


    thank you

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