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Posts posted by sunlover33

  1. 1 hour ago, ScubesDad said:

    Therein lies your answer.  The process was developed by the risk management group and vetted by the lawyers to provide a reasonable assurance that they are covered should something go sideways.  As long as people continue to book cruises and passenger volumes increase their actions are being confirmed and validated as reasonable and acceptable.

    Currently generating cash flow is their prime concern, and as long as people book Celebrity sees no reason to change.  If new bookings start to decline and people cancel existing bookings Celebrity  will be compelled to investigate and respond.   Complaining is meaningless as it is very unlikely to bring about change, unless it is accompanied by action.

    Unfortunately you have hit the nail completely on the head. There was a time when customer satisfaction and feedback counted for something. Even for the poor unfortunate plague ridden souls ensconced on deck three. Sadly making up lost profit is all that counts now as people are so desperate to sail agin, we are prepared to put up with this nonsense. However maybe 10 days constrained down on deck three may cure many of cruising for some time, or at least look for a company with as a Canderson says ‘more customer friendly approaches’. 

    • Like 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Denny01 said:

    Nothing wrong with questioning, the problem is cheating.

    I’m certainly not advocating cheating, and I wouldn’t condone anyone else cheating. I wear a mask when required, fully vaccinated and will social distance. If I felt unwell on a cruise I would seek medical assistance, even if it means the dreaded OV deck three cabins. I also have 40 years of senior healthcare experience so have some knowledge of disease spread and control.  However I do think some on these rules Celebrity have put in place do need to be questioned or challenged. If only verbally on this site as Celebrity doesn’t seem to read any of these comments.  The excuse that putting Pax on deck three to be near the medical facility makes no sense. How often looking at Jetblues experience did they receive  medical care? If passengers needed to be monitored that closely they would be in hospital. We have been told continuously that good ventilation and air circulation reduces the concentration of covid droplets as it does with other virus’s, so why confine infected passengers in a closed room. There is no logic to some of these decisions except maybe in Celebrity’s  best interests. Sadly these decisions don’t help Celebrity at all to encourage people not to cheat. Maybe we can’t change anything but we can still question to logic of some of the decisions. 

    • Like 9
  3. it appears Celebrity are not following their own RC guidelines when it comes to isolation of passengers. You can’t say there weren’t enough balcony cabins free to isolate passengers. 


    Figure 2. Isolation/Quarantine Zones
    Healthy individuals who have had no contact with individuals with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection
    *Quarantine during full ship quarantine
    Exposed (as defined earlier) to individuals with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection
    Individuals who have tested positive for SARS- CoV-2 or who are experiencing symptoms consistent with a SARS- CoV-2 infection

    Individuals who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 or individuals who are experiencing symptoms consistent with a SARS-CoV-2 infection will be isolated in designated isolation cabins within close proximity to the medical ward. A set of protocols apply to isolation including periodic health checks, cleaning, and meal delivery.
    Individuals who were exposed to an individual with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection will be quarantined in a single occupancy cabin with a private bathroom (unless quarantining with family members or close contacts with the same exposure history), no interconnection with an adjoining room, door closed, and preferably with a balcony.

    • Like 2
  4. Thank you David for your very informative posts about what could happen. Hope you both recover fully and very soon and debarkation goes smoothly. The U.K. and Europe are definitely open for business  despite Brexit and currently in the U.K. we have better weather than Barcelona, it’s warm and Sunny so maybe you can enjoy a few nice days before you fly home. We also have no covid restrictions so your free to move around unhindered if you wish. Safe journey when you do fly home. 

  5. 15 hours ago, Guppy99 said:

    You book a cruise for thousands of dollars and don't even read the contract? You have no idea what rights and freedoms you have surrendered and then you complain bitterly about it? 

    About the most accurate thing you have ever said with the exception we have read the  cruise contract and still don’t know what rights and freedoms we would  surrendered  because Celebrity won’t publish their protocol when pax tests positive, instead we see an amalgam of actions to cope with the same disease. Go figure. 

    • Like 2
  6. 9 hours ago, morpheusofthesea said:

    Here is another dread to watch out for. A gentleman on FB posted his bill, he felt ill on his cruise and reported to sick bay. He tested negative and was diagnosed with a sinus infection. His bill from the medical center was just about $3000. Had it been covid $ 0. Perhaps we should all bring our own home test kits with us before we visit sick bay ? Especially if not carrying insurance ?

    It’s not exactly the way to encourage people who may feel sick to come forward. I know some on here bang on about the terms of the contract and we are all perfectly capable  of reading and understanding this. But it seems very clear to me there is no consistency with the way Celebrity is handling covid 19 cases onboard various ships, and before someone  jumps on my post to say that Celebrity cannot due to varieties of numbers etc. There can and should be some consistency,  for example it appears some Captains are announcing covid cases onboard, some are not. Some ships quarantine passengers in balconies some in ocean view, some passengers are being charged exorbitant fees for reporting symptoms if not covid, but want people to come forward to report any sickness. I would like to know who exactly is making these decisions. Individual captains or some land based administrative body because there is no written policy it seems to be made on the hoof. 
    If Celebrity really want to encourage people to cruise why not be consistent with their handling of covid onboard. If they want to put people in OV just be open straight about it. If they plan to charge medical fees then inform people of this before they report. Some risks I’m happy to take, but I’m not prepared to play roulette with the vagaries of not knowing exactly  what I’m signing up for.

    • Like 9
  7. 33 minutes ago, Guppy99 said:

    That is nonsense. Covid is transmitted differently than the other diseases you mentioned.  

     Covid 19  a virus, transmitted the same as other viruses, mainly. by droplet spread exactly the same as influenza, norovirus, the common cold, (which incidentally  is also a coronavirus) etc etc. it’s not the bubonic plague! Yes initially it was a novel virus meaning it was new and we knew little about it’s spread and capability. But like all viruses it has mutated, as killing it’s host is not in its best interest. Two years on science has developed considerably with treatments and vaccines.
    Maybe it’s time to understand we all have different views and opinions and can all be right or wrong sometimes, but instead of being confrontational  being  willing to accept people may have different views to ourselves will make for a  happier exchange of information and possible improved knowledge. 

    • Like 10
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  8. 19 minutes ago, morpheusofthesea said:

    Would some of you please take heed of all this and have second thoughts about going on a cruise this July. We have our sights on a particular suite on a particular ship on a particular date that is booked by one of you. We are checking several times a day and night hoping you cancel. Thank you for your kind attention.

    We are cruising in a Suite in July, there were no available rooms left, there are now three as of this morning. People are most definitely voting with their feet. 

    • The CDC don’t see issues with pressurisation they support the use of balcony cabins. I suspect the hotel director is spinning a line to support their policy. 
    • Selection of cabins for isolation or quarantine should consider the following:
      • Proximity to the medical facility and gangways for ease of patient transport
      • Location in dead-end corridors or low-traffic areas to minimize potential exposures
      • Spacing between other occupied cabins to reduce transmission risk
      • Absence of interconnecting doors to reduce accidental exposures
      • Positioning within view of security cameras for enforcement of isolation or quarantine
      • Presence of balconies for psychological morale


    • Like 2
  9. 47 minutes ago, excitedofharpenden said:

    I've a friend just back from a Saga cruise and there was an outbreak, she tested positive as others in her group was and she was confined to her cabin for the last six days of a twelve night cruise.  This is what I fear too.  I'm on Azamara in June (smaller 690 guest ship) b2b and have a suite on each leg.  If one is quarantined you are moved to a deck 4 window cabin.  I'm pondering.



    Phil, do you know what type of cabin your friend was quarantined in? If Celebrity and Azamara are using OV cabins I’m just wondering if all cruise companies  are all adopting this policy? If so it will be land based holidays for us for the foreseeable future. 

    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Guppy99 said:

    lol  don't cruise.  Don;t book a year in advance and them be start complaining because you opted to do so. You do not have some sort of inalienable right to be in a suite or veranda cabin even if you paid for it, because you took a risk and too bad it didn't go the way you wanted. It is not possible to make that kind of guarantee and keep the healthy passengers healthy. 

    We are trying to have a vacation here not play roulette or blackjack! It shouldn’t have to be a ‘too bad situation’. If someone is unlucky enough to catch covid while onboard, at least a basic a level of care, food, medical attention and access to outside space  should be a minimum requirement when quarantined. This would keep everyone safe and at least bearable for the infected passengers involved.  I’m not sure why you would find this questionable? 

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, mauimary said:

    If this were the case those that booked ocean view staterooms would then get an upgrade if they came down with Covid and tested positive and got moved to a stateroom with a balcony for fresh air!  

    A good incentive for honesty and reporting maybe?  Those in suites and aqua move down slightly but would still be bearable having outside space. Less cancellations for Celebrity. everyone wins, or at least loses less. It’s not asking a lot to be accommodated for up to possibly ten days somewhere with access to outside space. Even prisoners have that right. 

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  12. 8 minutes ago, wrk2cruise said:


    Has this been verified.  I saw one post but it was not first hand knowledge.  I suspect it's untrue but I don't have first hand knowledge either.

    My understanding is the poster had spoken to a senior member  of staff onboard to enquire where positive cases would be isolated and was informed it would be in an inside stateroom. I an not able to verify but have no reason to doubt the post either. 

  13. I have no problem risking catching covid on a cruise

    I have no problem testing daily.

    I have no problem contacting the medical centre to say I feel unwell 

    I have no problem being confined to a balcony cabin if I test positive 


    BUT I have a real problem not knowing Celebrity’s policy before I board and where I may end up if I am positive. OV or even as I have read on Millennium in an inside cabin. 
    Celebrity needs to be open and transparent about their covid policy, it’s not enough to say “well if you don’t want to take the risk don’t cruise”. If we all do that there will be no cruise ships in the future. Just be honest, transparent, so people can make an informed choice and maybe consider looking after the people who are the future for your industry. 

    • Like 15
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  14. 2 hours ago, tinaincc said:

    Do you know if you are determined to be a close contact if they can force testing on you?  What if you decline?

    You can’t decline, you have accepted the terms and conditions set out in the conduct policy. The section on quarantine is deliberately vague. It needs to be made clear the conditions of quarantine so guests are able to make an informed decision to cruise or cancel. If I was moved from my suite to a balcony that I could live with,  but an IV or inside never. If there is no clarity before sailing I’m inclined to cancel. 

    Guest Health, Safety, and Conduct Policy

    Celebrity Cruises
    (Last Updated: January, 2021)


  15. 49 minutes ago, Guppy99 said:

    The whole idea behind quarantine is not just cabins scattered wherever, it is clustering those quarantined cabins to so that the appropriate actions can be taken by staff to minimize the risk of spreading. That means,no...you don't get a choice.

    So why not have a quarantine floor of balcony cabins like most other cruise lines are doing? I too feel we need to reconsider our attitude to covid in light of current treatments, vaccinations and disease effects. As cangelmd inferred, under these restrictions cruising will never recover. Although I feel some people would prefer the infected wear a bell and shout unclean whenever in the presence of others. Time to move on after 2 years. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, Ipeeinthepools said:

    Perhaps Celebrity does not want to mix confirmed Covid cases with new crew members because the ventilation system has not been modified to prevent cross-infection. 

    The ventilation system according to Celebrity should be able to cope. 


    HVAC system continuously supplies and filters 100% fresh, filtered air to all spaces. You can breathe easy knowing the robust system’s layers of protection make the transmission of aerosol particles between spaces extremely low to virtually impossible.

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  17. Clearly there are differing views as to how Celebrity is handling positive cases, and differences in various ships. But Is there anywhere that specifically outlines the protocol of what happens in these cases or is it really down to individual Captains and ships  to make their own decisions based on numbers. I understand the testing 5 days after a positive test and 10 days etc, but I’m more interested in how the individuals are affected. Number of medical visits, specific cabins, treatment of partners etc. If people  knew exactly  to expect then booked passengers could continue  or cancel based on factual information. 

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  18. 11 minutes ago, Ipeeinthepools said:

    Perhaps Celebrity is using the balcony cabins to isolate new crew members that are just joining the ship.  Perhaps Celebrity does not want to mix confirmed Covid cases with new crew members because the ventilation system has not been modified to prevent cross-infection.  There are numerous reasons other than greed.

    Two questions arise from your comments. Why are Celebrity putting the needs of new crew members above those of paying guests, surely they can accommodate both without having to isolate in OV rooms and secondly if the ventilation system has not been modified to cope with the prevention of cross infection why is the ship even sailing? 

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    • Haha 3
  19. 4 hours ago, Thameside said:

    Hi All

    Myself and DW are both in Isolation onboard the Silouette, since yesterday, and located on deck 3 and all as described by JetBlue. We tested positive yesterday and as of this afternoon just over 1% of positive cases onboard, announced by the Captain. We are now on our way to Lisbon and at present only feeling a heavy cold and coughing. Our meals are all delivered in cardboard boxes and everything from the room has to be put into pink hazardous waste bags for collection and disposing of.

    Unlike JetBlue we were only in Aqua room on deck 11 with all that affords but all the same now in ocean view with basic amenities feels a miserable.


    I hope you get out of Isolation soon JetBlue, we won’t until we reach home in Southampton, but at least we will be home. Whilst on this cruise they just cancelled our booking for Japan cruise in October, but might be a blessing in disguise as may have cancelled. 

    Just to finish, hardly any masks are being worn around the ship, other than crew, as they are not mandatory, but would have felt that they would have reapplied the rule as it is likely that figures will rise fairly rapidly, if they are not careful. They do not seem to have introduced any enhanced protocols to try to get on top of it.

    Hope you only have a mild dose and recover soon. 

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