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Posts posted by timesurfer7

  1. I served in the AF for three years (resigned my commission as a Captain to pin on Mrs-and yes I made Captain in the three years I was in) and was able to get the military OBC. My husband, who just retired after 35 years in the AF, also receives the credit.

  2. I don't know. After 30 years of marriage I don't see the problem. So what if he sees me on the toilet or my shadow in the shower? And should someone see me when the door is opened Not a big deal. I don't know you and you don't know me. If the bathroom is a make or break deal I feel sorry for you. Enjoy your vacation and don't worry about who sees what!!!

  3. We had to "teach" the chef how to make Eggs Benedict on our cruise to Hawaii several months back. According to our server he was told that the sauce is made by whisking the mixture over ICE. Hence the unpleasant consistency, added to being under the salamander too long. We had a standing order every morning for Eggs Benedict and found out after five days that it was better to "deconstruct" the eggs rather than eat what we were presented with every morning. We ordered the EB every morning but we would also order extra crispy (as the originals never were) English muffins on the side, along with ham slices. This way we made our own EB by using the given egg (by this time they learned to bring the sauce on the side so that it was heated and not sitting congealing on the eggs) and the extra ham and English Muffin. But after eight days I was sick of having to do this so stopped ordering it and just enjoyed other types of eggs.

  4. My husband and I were on the Grand last month and he had the Ultimate Soda card. He was VERY disappointed with the quality of the soda and will not do buy it again. I used the card for some mocktails but in truth what they charge, with him not liking the products, was not worth it. Luckily I had brought along four 2 litter bottles for him to drink while in the cabin. So unless you like dispensed products, and we all know that there is no consistency with them, I would not suggest you purchase the card. For kids it is fine but not for an adult palate. If you purchase cokes while on board you can get them in the can. This is the only way to go in my husband's opinion.

  5. Hi we were on the Grand (same class) to Hawaii on April 28th for two weeks and the weather was great. The first two days going to Hawaii we did have some rocking of the boat but it calmed down after a few days. I chose a cabin on Dolphin because I wanted to be able to go out on the balcony at night and see the entire sky. I did not want to be limited to half or none so we were very happy with the Dolphin mini suite. One night when I could not sleep I read outside on the balcony at 2:0 AM and it was beautiful. You will enjoy whatever room you chose and floor.

  6. You can ask your steward to bring you one of the robes from the spa. It is the heavier one and larger. I have done this twice on cruises with Princess and have had them in my cabin before I retire the first night.

  7. We did the BVE with friends on the Grand to Hawaii from San Francisco on April 28th I believe. We were able to board at 10:45 and like the previous poster stated, the agents were confused. We all received the boarding picture and it was at no cost to us (those sailing and our friends that were here for the BVE). We are going on the CA coastal in October so I hope that they have a BVE for that one too.

  8. Hi. We were just off the Grand after the two week Hawaii trip from April 28 to May 13. We were in a mini suite if that matters. Bed was too hard for me so had JoJo put two mattress toppers on it for me. Was fine but did get shoulder aches half way through the trip. I am used to sleeping on a sleep number but was not too uncomfortable on the Grand bed. Hope this helps. Any other questions just ask.

  9. Oh my Lynda!!! Cannot believe it is you!! Has it been 10 years since our trip on the Diamond? Tried your email but it came back unknown. Hope you are doing well. Had so much fun with you 10 years ago when we were celebrating our 20th anniversary on the Diamond. We are off on a 15 day cruise to Hawaii out of San Francisco on the 28th for our 30th anniversary. My, time has flown hasn't it? We are now retired (Mike retired after 35 years with the Air Force) and settled in Reno Nevada where we had a house built last year. What have you been doing? And more importantly what cruises have you taken in the last ten years? Let me know how you are.


    Karen and Mike (timesurfer7)

  10. Louanne thank you so much for your positive comments. My husband and I, both veterans (me only three years and he 35 years served in Air Force) will be on the Grand on the 28th and we cannot wait. I have read so much on this ship, both negative and positive, and yet we are still going!!! Hmm I think. Rust on a boat? You mean the thing that is traveling on water has rust? Wow what a concept. But I am like you. I look at the half full glass and only see the good in all. Will there be some things I don't like? Perhaps. Will I let it ruin my 30th Anniversary cruise? NO WAY. I will accept the good with the bad and wake up the next morning and start fresh. I think we will be on the young side (54 and 57) but does this matter? No it does not. I enjoy all people whenever we go. Must be the fact I have moved 23 times in the past 30 years and in my life time, moved over 30 TIMES. I will have fun no matter what life brings me on board (hmmm not if my room smells of smoke but there are remedies for that too!!!) and I am counting the days and hours before we board the ship for Hawaii.


    Do you remember which nights are formal nights? Need to plan on when to celebrate our anniversary and my husbands retirement. Again, thank you for your words.

  11. After following my husband around the globe for the past 35 years while he was active duty Air Force, I have to admit I am at a loss. He has always worn his dress blues or his mess dress for functions (and mess dress for formal nights on cruises as it is the equivalent to a tuxedo) so please lend me some direction. What exactly is a dinner jacket? And does one wear a tie with it? Is a sport coat the same thing and does one wear a tie with it too? These are for formal nights. Hubby does not want to wear his mess dress uniform this time (although I have begged him to as I love him in it) because he is retired. So what does he wear? He does have a tuxedo made in Turkey but not sure if it will fit as that was made ten years ago. Can he wear a sports jacket? And if so with or without a tie for formal nights? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  12. David thank you for your honest review of the Grand. I will be sailing on her, out of SF April 28th to Hawaii. I am very allergic to mold (and have been since I was a little girl and tested for it in Germany) and mildew. After your review I am really worried about the condition of the ship. We will be staying on the Dolphin in room 214. Is this one of the places that you feel is a problem with leakage ect?


    Not having good entertainment does not bother me as much as being able to sleep and breath at night. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Thanks again.



  13. Vistaprint. Look for a discount coupon (usually 50% off) through Groupon or such. They do a great job and fast. Just had a bag made for myself and a hat for my husband for our upcoming Hawaiian cruise as well as 60 post it notes packages to hand out at our meet and greet gathering. Have had two reunions and have had shirts and hats made for everyone. Good luck.

  14. K, wiping down the surfaces of your cabin along with other precautions is just what the CDC recommends to help prevent the spread of the Norovirus (Stomach flu). It is a highly contagious virus that causes inflammation of the stomach and intestines. This can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pains. It is the number one cause of gastroenteritis in the US and can be very serious. People are hospitalized every year from this virus as well as dying from complications.


    Being in a closed place such as a cruise ship can cause the virus to spread quickly. It just takes a few particles of the Novovirus to make you sick. The virus can remain on surfaces for several weeks once it has been contaminated. Putting your fingers in your mouth after touching the surface can lead to being sick. You can also become sick from food and liquids that have been contaminated from someone that is sick.


    There is no vaccine against this virus nor is there a cure once you have it. The main way to prevent spread is good hand washing, with warm water and soap. Wash your hands before touching your hands to your mouth (eating, drinking and brushing your teeth) and after going to the bathroom, changing diapers, or touching high-hand contact surfaces (door knobs, elevator buttons and railings), returning to your cabin, helping a sick person and blowing your nose.


    So would I wipe down the surfaces of my room? You bet I would. As a nurse I know that I can't always prevent myself or others from getting sick but if there is something that I can do to ante up my odds you bet I am going to do it. I also carry diarrhea and nausea pills as well as Tylenol. And if I have small children with me I also carry fluids to help prevent dehydration. Call me a worry wart but I will be prepared if the worst happens. And if nothing happens than I smile as I go down the gangplank and remember to wash my hands as soon as I can!!! So don't let the neysayers get to you. You do what you need to do to keep yourself and your family members safe and well.


    Best cruis}ing to you and may you never get sick on board (and remember to wash your hands!!!!)!_

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