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Posts posted by Brad1185

  1. What’s happened so far to princess ships is the tip of the iceberg. Don’t see how the cruise lines will recover from this. I think your going to see hundreds of ships sitting idle. People are not going to chance going on a cruise only to face a 2 week quarantine. Just wait until  another couple of ships has the infection on board. The cancellations for future cruises will ramp up where they will have no choice and will have to completely shut down.  

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  2. What’s happened on the 2 Princess ships to now is nothing. Impaired on how bad it will be in the future. I think cruising is done for until there is a cure or the virus goes away. 

    they are have to start taking ships out of service as the operating costs will be too much with no passengers or the extremely reduced rates they will have to charge to get people to go. 


  3. I think until this virus dies down or there is a vaccine the cruise lines are done.  Do you really want to chance having one person infected then everyone has a two week quarantine at the end. This virus will have Have a major Negative impact on the industry for years to come.   

  4. 15 hours ago, PortFees45 said:

    There is NO dollar more stupidly spent on a cruise ship then on bottled water. 


    For crying out loud, take an empty bottle, fill it with tap water from your sink that's probably cleaner than what you drink at home, throw a lemon slice in there (optional) and put it in the fridge. A hour or two later it's literally indistinguishable from what you pay for, AND you don't have to poison yourself by drinking out of an aluminum-lined box!

    Fresh water right out of the tap. 



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