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Posts posted by lovermonkey

  1. On to Freeport! We had been to Freeport before and this time our time in Freeport would be limited. So we decided to just stay in port and do a few things. Last time we were in port, they really didn't have a lot to do. It has improved alot. It really helped that they have a Senor Frog. After walking around the port a bit, we decided to hang out at Senor Frog. I must say it was really fun. The staff there really has the knack to get people going. There was a guy there from Boston (I think) who was really fun. Took the video. Should be below. Thanks Boston guy for making my day.


    Going to DC next.










  2. This part may sound weird since I was out at Chicago Expo last night. We walked about so I am so tired. LOL

    Next day we went to Nassau. Our excursion was to head out to Atlantis to check out the dolphins. I must I love Nassau, but I hate coming out of the main port or market place in Nassau. You get glommed on by people trying to sell you stuff. And they get really pushy doing so. We even had people calling us names because we didn’t answer them. (Only so many times you can say no)

    Ok, enough of the negative talk. We went to the market place to buy a few things before our excursion started. When we were lead to the excursion buses, they lead you thru the side entrance so you don’t have to worry about all the people trying to sell you stuff. We got to Atlantis and in one word it is beautiful. Couldn’t believe how beautiful everything is. Once you get out of the bus they will walk to the beach where the dolphins are. Our excursion includes the beach, but we didn’t have to the gumption to go after the dolphins. You have to remember that the beach is on the other side of the hotel. The buses around the hotel will take you anywhere around the hotel. That includes the beach. Anyway, one of the Atlantis staff will lead you to the dolphin beach. (It is a long walk and you need to keep up. Not good for handicap.) At the end of the long walk they have a snack shop, which is cashless. (Bring your credit card if you are thirsty) Stupid us didn’t bring our credit cards. They did have orange water (Water with oranges in it) which they were out of by the time we got there. So don’t forget to bring a credit card to buy a drink. (Trust me)

    The dolphin cove has three beaches. We were told to be at beach 2. They have orientation for being around the dolphins. (I didn’t go since I wanted to take photos) Everyone was given scuba outfits and told to go to a particular location on beach 2. If you are like me and prefer to take photos etc, you take photos from the beach. There are also two like islands on the side of the beach that you can go out and take photos as well. We did have an incident. Nanna had a melt down when two dolphins did a drive by. Will have to post the video.










  3. After Monday the weather started to improve. Last few days it had been a bit chilly but since the ship has heated pools, it didn’t stop the kids from swimming. I kept asking Nanna if she was cold but after sticking my hand in the warm water I knew she was ok. Once Tuesday rolled around, it started to become nice and warm outside. Our schedule for the last days included eating at the buffet, drinking, watching shows, and eating at the buffet. And like the Triumph we didn’t check out the dinning room only once. I don’t know why. Probably because we are lazy and didn’t want to wait in line. LOL. The shows we say were pretty much from the same dancers and singers, just a different show. The first one we saw was Vroom. That one was pretty good. Lisa says it was her favorite. Had an old biker guy (Video of him) kind of introducing each song. That thought it was good. I didn’t get to see any of the comics. And I promised myself I would since again we didn’t see any on the Triumph as well. I guess plan B again.



    Wednesday rolls around and I remember waking up and holding my hand against the glass of the deck door. And was warm, even for 6am. (I slept by the glass door) I remember smiling and laughing because it has been 43 in Chicago for some time. It was nice to feel the warmth on my hand.


    Today we are in Port Canaveral, Fl to goto Universal Studios. Our main goal was to see the Harry Potter castle, etc. And of course to buy a wand. After having breakfast, we shot down to deck two to get off the ship. They had the sign up saying it was the door to leave for Port Canaveral. I think we were like 3 people back from the front. So you know we were excited about going. I don’t think we got of the ship until closer to 9am. It was taking them some time to clear. After they let us off, we quickly went thru the port building and exited the front door. There were people there directing traffic to their buses. They will ask you where you are going and after telling them Universal, they will point to your bus. The buses were better than I was expecting. I think I was expecting school buses or something. But actually they are air conditioned and have wi-fi. Yes, I said air conditioned and wi-fi.


    Takes about 45 mins or less, depending on the speed of the buses to get to Universal. They drop you off at the parking lot where you go up a flight of escalators and then do a quick left to hit the security. Once security is cleared, it doesn’t take too much walking to get into the park. Remember there are many parks, and you have to pick the right one. I say this because we were stupid and went into the wrong park for Harry Potter. I forgot which one we initial entered, but after 2 mins in my girlfriends realizes we are not in the right park. Lucky for us, a Universal park employee heard my girlfriend complain that we were in the wrong park. She told us that there is an office kiddy-corner from where we were standing. They would help us get new tickets. (Thanks Universal!)


    Once we got out new tickets and were shown where to hit the Island Adventure theme park, we were on our way to see Harry Potter. It was the first thing we did. After buying sodas ext, of course. Once we got to Harry Potter part of the park, we hit Lavenders. We were thinking it was the only place to buy a wand, but we were wrong. Lavenders had a big line. One of the ladies told us that if we just wanted to buy a wand, we could go to any of the other shops around. Lavenders you can buy a wand and they will give you a show as well. Like the ones you have seen on Youtube where the shop keep tries to find the perfect wand for you, etc. We decided to go and buy it from one of the other shops. (Other shops are small and not easily to get thru with all the people) At the other shops they have different wands you can buy. I actually got Lord Voldemort’s wand. Oh, and I also bought the sorting hat. Girlfriend got the marauders map. (I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.) The Marauders map and the sorting hat were bought after the Harry Potter ride. Which you don’t have to actually ride to get too. You can actually go in another line and by pass the ride, but get to see all the things in the castle. It was pretty cool.








  4. LOVE the review. Can never have too many pictures!! We sail for the first time on her in October.


    Thats very true. So here is four more. I got up Monday morning at 2am and I couldn't go back to sleep. Decided to check out the deck and take photos. The night photos you see is me walking around taking photos. As you can see I stopped and got Ice Cream.


    The bad thing about Monday morning was that Pride was hit by what someone told me was two storm systems. We got 9 ft swells hitting the ship. It made everyone sick. We took nanna (Girlfriend's daughter) to camp carnival and it was the last time she went. Probably the same for some of the other kids. I don't know why Carinvial puts camp Carnival on the front of the ship because that seemed to be worse spot for wave turbulence. Anyway, 25 kids got sick that day. Including Nanna. We were told we would have to take her to the on-board dr if she wanted to return. I had heard that it cost alot to take them to the dr. so we didn't take her. She of course didn't want to go back to camp carnival anyway. We did find out later that the dr would give us a note saying she was ok to go back at no cost, but I think Camp Carnival could have told us before. We had sea sickness pills but couldn't find them so we went to the gift shop to pick some up. After taking the sea sickness pills, we seemed better. But we really didn't do anything that night.


    I also wanted to mention that we felt that we didn't get the best service from our room stewart. Thru the whole week we only got two towel animals and to get clean towels we had to send the teenager down to get them. But to be honest it wasn't a big problem. Some people have slow weeks and I guess this was his. I only mention it because the 9 year old was really excited to get the towel animals, and I only wish that could have been fixed.


    Video of the bad weather. You can tell people were having trouble walking down the halls.











    This was one of the two towels we got all week.



  5. When I came back to the room I showed the kids the video of the ship coming in. That’s when they keep asking, “Can we go now…” I had gotten an email from Carnival asking people not to show up before 1:30pm. Which I thought was odd since I had heard so many people go to the terminal way earlier than that. So I waited until 11am to check out. (I couldn’t wait to get there either) Bellhop flagged us a private car for 25 bucks. (4 people) If you opt for a taxi it is only 15 bucks. But I didn’t mind paying the extra 10 bucks for a private car.

    When we got to port there was a line of cars waiting to get into the port. To my understand, it was for people who were parking. So we were able to go right around them, where he dropped us at the front door. To line thru to security was a breeze to get thru. The only two things that stopped us were that I forgot to sign my passport and one of our 12 packs of soda was open. So they needed to check every can to make sure it was ok. Got our sign and sail cards and were sitting down within a few minutes. There were already many people already there who were in front of us, so apparently they ignored the email as well. Getting on board seemed like a long time, but I think it only about an hour before we boarded. Once we got on board my fiancée went to get soda stickers and I sat down and ordered a KISS On The LIPS. Been waiting since getting one on the Triumph to order one. And now I finally had one. Then I waited in line at the deli and got a Pastrami on rye. Been waiting a long time for them.

    We did a bunch of stuff before and after Muster drill. Muster drill wasn’t too bad, but seemed longer from when we did the Triumph. Probably just me. Kids just wanted to swim. The girlfriend and I just laid out by the pool.

    Walking around the Pride is like being in a Rembrandt. We use to go down the glass elevators and say "Tushy Tushy Winky." You will find out why. I took photos. Should be down below. We did fine our room. We were at 7250. I have photos of that too.









  6. What time did you arrive at the port for embarking? How long did it take you to get on the ship? Sorry if I missed this info from a previous post. I'm still trying to figure out what time to get to the Port.


    I am actually typing that up now, but I didn't say what time we got there but I know I left at 11am. I think it only took us less than 20 mins to get there. Took about 1 hr after we sat down. Going thru security was quick. I mean less than 20 mins thru the whole process.


    They say on the email I got not to be there before 1:30. But people were there way before me, so I bet if you got there 10:30 it wouldn't be a problem.

  7. Roughly about 9am. The problem is getting off the ship. They were going to call by deck for people that were doing self check out, but it didn't work out. Alot of people were just going anyway, so they stopped calling decks after 1. A lady around us went to guess services and they pretty much said you are on your own. So we got in line quick.


    Opps, typo. I mean guest services.

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