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Posts posted by ladybugva

  1. Thanks, I will look at that. Just had someone else recommend that one so definitely something I will check at. Always good when you get multiple recommendations!


    Yes, we have found the hotels to be so expensive and not what I would call luxury! I thought that would be the cheaper option when I first started looking. Very surprised to see the inns and B&B are actually less and nicer!

  2. After the suggestions on here and others on another travel board, I think you guys may be on to something. I am now considering adding an extra day and staying Thursday night Wasilla or Palmer one night and then Friday night in Girdwood (found a nice condo walking distance to the fair shuttle). That would give us time on Friday to get down to Girdwood early/mid afternoon, settle in, and go to the fair for dinner. Then we can get up the next morning to drive leisurely to Seward. The only trouble with that is we would have to back track to the Anchorage markets (can't decide if that is worth it or not). We have plenty of time that day so that isn't an issue and it doesn't seem to be too far (although I have noted about the traffic). Will definitely go check out the Palmer cottages, thanks!

  3. Thanks John, I have heard nothing but great things about them! My girls and I are definitely going to go with them. Parents are debating. Now they have the information to make a decision and I have confirmation the girls and I will have a great trip! :)


    Just had a thought, what happens if you don't get into port for some reason? Do they refund? I can't think of a reason there you wouldn't get in, but it did just hit me. Or what if the ship is late?

  4. I have seen a lot of recommendations for this company for Skagway. Originally I was thinking of doing the ship tour, but this is intriguing. I like the one that goes all of the way to Emerald Lake.


    I have a sensitive question though. My parents have some mobility struggles but both get around well, even a bit of stairs. Dad has a prosthetic leg, mom will have a rollator. Will this be an ok tour for them? Also, my mom has to know where the bathroom options are. I know they have them on the train, but what about after the train for the drive to Emerald Lake and back to Skagway? :o

  5. Car rental-if you are a Costco member, see what price they can get you. At least with them you don't pay extra for a second driver.

    Depending on which airline you are planning on using, you may want to see if you can get a good deal on an air/car package versus buying separately?

    Don't know if there is a Costco or Walmart(probably?) or Sam's club where you will be but you would save a lot of money on food items there. So a rental car would be helpful to do that.

    Since there are 5 of you, perhaps you can figure out a way to use 1 or 2 suitcases between the 5 of you to buy nonperishable foods and pack them?Peanut butter,tuna,various granola bars,cereals,coffee,juice boxes,powdered drink mixes,etc? Or just have everyone tuck a few items in each suitcase.


    Oh, I hadn't thought of Costco for a rental car. Duh! Thank you for pointing that out. I didn't know you didn't have to pay for an extra driver with them, good to know that.


    We are going to fly one way and different airlines. That may give us options (or not).


    I have been making a list of good foods to buy. Tuna wasn't on the list. Thanks for mentioning that. I have jerky on there for protein but my mom's teeth probably won't like that!:eek: We will have a couple of places with a kitchen so we will do some pasta and easy meals. I was trying to think of things that didn't need to be kept fresh and wouldn't crush. Hadn't thought of powdered drinks either. I was stuck on water and soda and don't want my kids having too much soda!


    Thanks so much for the helpful tips!

  6. Thanks! I will look up some images and see. Sounds like fun, but also looks like something we can make a decision on that day if the mood strikes us or not. :) Glad I saw it before we went, it would have been quite the shock to think we were just going to stop by Girdwood for a bite to eat or the tram ride and run into that! :eek:

  7. When in Anchorage be sure to get to the F St. Station and try their Halibut sandwich. Humpys is another good rest. there but I prefer F St. On your way down to Seward stop in Girdwood and have lunch at The Bake Shop or dinner at Double Muskie. Have fun!!


    Have put these on my list! Thanks!!!!


    Just found out our day to travel south will put us at the Girdwood Forest Festival Day. Wonder how that will impact our lunch stop!

  8. Sorry, but I too thought your plans and ideas seemed very scattered. The questions you were asking, and the number of them, made it sound like you were just beginning the research process. That is why I too suggested you take additional time to research in order. That's offensive to you?


    Yes, this is a public forum, so you get what you get. It's not like we're paid travel agents sitting in a phone bank waiting for people to call so we can plan their trips. We volunteer our time to answer questions and help people make the most of their time. If you don't like the answer, you ask again and see who else responds. But why be offended and criticize BQ?


    I won't be checking this thread again. Good luck with your plans; hope you have a good trip.


    Wow, I really don't understand the reaction here. :confused: Seems really off compared to others, but I guess different strokes for different folks. I still wonder if it is perhaps not understanding tones, but is what it is. Suggestions to research are definitely not offensive and pointers on what to research are actually great. :) Definitely not trying to irritate anyone myself, just trying to gather information and put the pieces together. Perhaps I am not explaining well enough how difficult it is to plan with disabilities and then to add a major change like going from train to car travel. Will do better in other questions I ask. :)

  9. We are doing a self drive land tour before our cruise summer 2016 and I am gathering information on where to stay/eat/do.


    We will be driving in on a Friday night to Anchorage and are looking for a nice, inexpensive place to stay one night. We aren't thinking budget hostel and not the Ritz type lodging. Perhaps a B & B. Since we will have a car location isn't too critical, but we will want to get up Saturday morning and go to the market and walk around that area before heading out to drive to Seward.


    My parents have mobility issues so we would like to find a place with no stairs to get to rooms. Doesn't have to be ADA compliant and there can be a tub (shower would be ideal). Outside steps are fine, especially if there is a railing, just not too many of them.


    Thanks in advance!


    Anything you consider a "don't miss" or a place that you love to eat?

  10. Good grief, you are on a public board. Sorry you don't like my answers, but you have written about "budget" several times. Some of your plans are very costly with alternatives available. The advice of determining your activities is a good one, with the suggestion of following with the itinerary.


    You HAVE made some significant changes in a short time, and I see over and over, poor plans made with piece meal reservations, disjointed itineraries resulting, wasted days. etc. Doesn't matter to me, but, it's pointed out, again, because this is a public board. I'll exit from this line.



    Guess I didn't take it wrong.:( Sorry we plan differently. I have planned for my family for trips around the world and for people with disabilities, planning is a bit more challenging and doesn't fit the "norm" with how you do it. I understand you do it differently and that is ok. Just don't appreciate being insulted for how I do it. We have always had to plan around lodging and it has always turned out fabulously. Mostly thanks to wonderful people on travel boards giving us great advice.:) You have some great thoughts and would love to hear those, but could do without putting me down for how I have to plan. When someone has mobility issues, you are greatly limited in choices. I don't understand your comment about costly choices with cheaper alternatives. I must have missed any specifics on this and in my research we haven't found any. We go cheap so we can stay longer. If I am missing where the cheaper alternatives are, please let me know.


    Would welcome anymore tips on how to plan the first leg of our journey. We are really looking into Fairbanks/Denali/Anchorage now. Thanks in advance!

  11. You've been all over the place with your ideas. In one day, you've already made changes. You are ahead of yourself. You need to find out ABOUT Alaska, first. And make lists of what you are going to do and where. THEN you can figure out the nights needed and route.


    You already have jumped into a selection for Seward. I agree with Maple's points. That's a huge amount of time, that could possibility be far better used, touring Fairbanks, adding breaks in your driving time, alternative touring areas, on Kenai Peninsula, Valdez etc etc.


    I actually find this a bit offensive, I hope that was not the intent. I have spent weeks researching and hours and hours reading websites and trip reports. Going from thinking no car for a month of research to finding out we were going to be getting a car does make a lot of changes, but that has nothing to do with not researching and being all over the place.


    I find it logical since we have the ship booked to plan backwards. We know we are going to spend 2 nights in the Whittier area. One is a transit day with AWCC and stops along the way, one is a full day boat tour. Then we board the ship as early as we can and chill. Done. We can book lodging there now if we want to stay in the condo, but are struggling with saving money and staying in the condos or enjoying the location and "look" of the inn.


    In Seward, we knew we wanted one day for the "real alaska tour" and one day for a boat cruise. It was suggested to add in a day in case of weather issues so as not to miss the boat as it seems to be a highlight. When we did that, we realized that put us there over the 4th and no tours are offered that day. Not a big deal, as the festivities on the 4th do look like a lot of fun. We think Seward sounds like a lovely area and a place we will really enjoy relaxing in. And I did like the suggestion of a second boat tour. So that puts us at 4 days/5 nights and allows us to do everything we want to do with a buffer or the chance to do a second boat tour. We booked a great rental that has a shower my dad can use, is walking distance for him to the library/sea life/beach/shopping/4th of July booths. It was the only one in town that was still available, in our budget that fit all of his special needs. Waiting to book that could have put us over budget or in a place that didn't work as well (they gave us this year's rates). I emailed many, many places. When I found out only one met our needs and was in our price range, I grabbed it. We are paying less than the rate of one room at the Holiday Inn for a 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment.


    Having a car does change our plans from Anchorage to Seward so I do have a lot of catch up work to do here. I figure we will stay in a B & B there (have not researched yet), get up and go to the market as that will be a Saturday morning, have a look at anything we want in town, and head out midday. Then we can drive down, taking our time, perhaps stopping at the tram.


    Backing up from Anchorage, we will be staying in the Healy area most likely. I am talking with a really nice homeowner that appears to have a place that will meet my father's needs and is about half the cost of a hotel room. Have received some great information about Healy that I tucked away in case a car came up and glad to have it now as I research this more. This is still a little fluid as we think we will spend 3 nights here but it could go to 2 or up to 4. We do know we want to shuttle into the park at least once and do the dog sled demo and the visitor centers. I will definitely take a hard look at this area. Hoping to get some good suggestions.


    Finally, Fairbanks. At this point we are trying to decide how many days to spend here - 1 or 2. And if we do just the Riverboat or also the Gold Dredge 8. My inclination is to fly in, go to one one day, one the next and head out that day. Still researching this area as a car really changes things here so things we didn't think we could get to we can now. I am emailing with a place here as well as a hotel that will work for my father's needs. There are actually many more options here so I am not as concerned with booking right away like I am in the other areas that there aren't as many options for him.


    So saying I haven't researched and don't KNOW is really quite offensive. I was just hoping for some specific advice to add to what I have done. Thankful for the folks that have given me that.


    I know most people do not plan so far in advance. When planning for 2 people with mobility issues and 2 children, I find that I must plan my trips far in advance to be able to meet those needs and get really good pricing. Some things like rental cars and plane tickets can't be purchased yet, but I can get a good idea of cost to work out a budget and know what I can and cannot add. In fact, one kind soul priced out the difference in car rental vs. train for this summer to give me an idea. This is going to be a 27 day trip. Lots of parts to it and I am grateful for all of the input I can get. Hoping I just read the tone of your post wrong.:)

  12. Yes, it is really early to get an accurate price. We have to come up with a ballpark figure to get our trip insurance within the 15 day period of starting to book the trip. I hope to get a really good rough idea. If based on pricing now, the train will cost my family about $1350 (with no coupons). A rental car one way rental $1600 (obviously this can change dramatically) plus the gas and such. We may just not worry with the added incentive to get trip insurance early this time.


    Route is super hard to figure out. At least for me. Would we miss a lot by not doing Fairbanks?

  13. - if you plan to return the car to Whitter, AVIS is the only vendor in Whittier so you will only have 1 vendor to price.


    - a cheaper option might be a one-way rental from Fai to Anc, then pick up a RT rental in Anchorage, and take a transfer to Whittier


    So price 3 options:


    1. AVIS one-way for the entire trip


    2. any vendor for the one-way Fairbanks - Anc, then AVIS one-way for the rest of the trip with pick up in Anc, drop off in Whittier.


    3. any vendor for one-way FAI - Anc, then a RT rental in Anc to be returned the day of or day before the cruise)



    You are awesome!! Thank you. Off to research I go.....

  14. Ok guys, now I really need some thoughts. Super excited to secure a property in Seward for 7/2/16 - 7/9/16. And even more excited that the owner has my parents thinking rental car!!!!!! Just needed someone "in the know" to tell them. Comes better than from your kid. ;) Sandwich generation is tough - parents don't think you know anything and your kids don't think you know anything.;)


    So with that, can anyone give me a ballpark estimate on a rental car, and help me figure out the most economical way to do this?


    We were planning to fly into Fairbanks, spend a couple of nights, head to Denali, spend a couple of nights, head into Anchorage, spend a night, head to Seward, spend 5 nights because of it falling on the 4th, and then head to Whittier and spend 2 nights (although with a rental car more options than Whittier). With a car many more options become available. However, I have heard a one way rental from Fairbanks ending in Whittier can be very pricey.

  15. We have secured a rental house for Seward that meets all of our needs and budget! Yay! We will have a kitchen and living room so that will be very nice. The kitchen will definitely help with meal cost! Booking early saved a lot as well.


    Great to know when to start looking for rates. My youngest daughter and myself will be in Africa volunteering/safari the month of August so I will definitely do a lot of research in July and hope there are good deals available.


    Very good to know on the RR. When do they start selling 2016 tickets and when do the coupon books become available?


    If it were up to me, there would be no question. We would have a car for the first half. Unfortunately, it isn't up to me. But, since we still have some time, I am going to watch for good deals and if come across one work really hard to convince my parents. I think driving from Fairbanks to Anchorage is a much better option. Funny you say that about Fairbanks and only doing the river cruise. I actually told my mom the same thing but that boat is the thing she is most looking forward to on this trip. They were in Alaska briefly 15 years ago and didn't make it to Fairbanks.


    The beauty of planning so early is gathering lots of information (and opinions which may be more valuable in some cases) so when it is time to make bookings, you are ready. Thankful for this and TA that have friendly helpful people. Without it, I would not have known when Princess opened up their bookings (my dad wanted only one cabin on the ship on one date!!! so let me tell you we were on top of that). It also helped me learn how quickly Seward books for the 4th so we could arrange that. The rest I think can wait for booking, but it is really, really good to get all of our ducks in a row.


    Still welcome any other thoughts or tips. Will definitely be on here a lot this summer scouring for information!!!

  16. Not sure how, "budget" is going to impact, but taking the train, is a huge expense compared to car/van rentals. You may want to rough price with this year's rates, then add 10% for a ball park. Just a suggestion, as I sometimes, see plans not realistically based on prices. For meals, budget 50% more than you would at home.


    An alternative, I would suggest, is spend some time in Anchorage. Has plenty to see and do, and is well worth at least a full day.


    Your current plan, of just an overnight- is grueling, with getting in late and leaving real early the next am. You do need an hour prior for check in.


    You have a nice amount of time, and should do very well with your current plans. In Seward- you are going at a very busy time, do not expect any bargains with lodging rates. I've seen them triple in prices. :) As you probably have read, be well informed about your boat tours. There is NO way to tell weather on the gulf from Seward. So expect motion, and take precautions if prone, no matter what it looks like in Seward. You need at least 6 hours on the water. I will suggest, if this is not doable for some, then split up. This tour is too good to miss, if interested in seeing glaciers and varied wildlife. With all your time, the real interested people, consider going out again, Major Marine does give a repeater discounter. It's a whole another experience, in this jackpot wildlife area. :)

    Be well prepared for huge crowds and sold out tours, waits at restaurants. :)


    So hard to know how to price for a rental car. I hear there are some better deals in the fall for the next season sometimes. Based on this year (good idea to add 10%, I hadn't done that), it looks like it would be quite a bit more to rent a car than go on the train. Mostly because it is a large vehicle going one way I think. Of course, I am also banking on the coupon books having reduced train fare on them and am traveling with a child.


    I am actually a bit on the anal side and looked up places to eat in the areas and menus to make the food budget. :o I didn't know about grocery pricing, so made that up. I think I will be too low on that but it is a ballpark and will add a little more after reading what you said. As I hear about good places to eat, I add them to the list with prices.


    Good to know about Anchorage. I keep going back and forth on that one. Was hopeful that we would hit a weekend and go to the market but the 4th really messed us up.


    We plan to do the longest boat tour and see which company we can find the best price on (they seem pretty comparable). Didn't even cross my mind to do 2 days. That actually sounds like a great idea! I have heard that this boat ride is the highlight of many trips.


    Thank you!

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