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Posts posted by ladybugva

  1. It's only 2 1/2 hrs from Fairbanks to Denali. Not only would the car give you access to more affordable lodging in Denali and Fairbanks ,but you could also pick up snacks, beverages, etc for your cabin/hotel. Dining is quite pricey in Alaska! You might even pick up a small electric kettle in order to make tea, hot chocolate, instant cereal. Plus with a car you could utilize your time in Fairbanks to include the pipeline exhibit, Pioneer Park, the museum, cultural center and gold panning.


    Another idea to cost out, send your parents on the train from Anc to Seward while you and the girls drive. (A one-way AVIS rental that you would have for your time in Seward, then drop it in Whittier). The drive would give you the opportunity to enjoy many stops along the Turnagain Arm ... Wildlife Center, gold panning, Portage Lake, Potters Marsh, look for Dall Sheep.

    Otherwise PJS taxi in Seward has provided the ride to Whittier ... cost it out.


    I would also encourage you to look at trip reports in the STICKY above. There are some great photojournals that provide lots of detailed information.


    Splitting up is another interesting thought.


    I have really enjoyed reading the trip reports. The photos have been sooo helpful to know what to expect.

  2. Would love any thoughts on our plans. Our biggest challenge is we have 2 people with slight mobility issues. No need for ADA compliance anywhere, but are debating a rollator for one. Would really love input.


    First, we leave June 27, 2016 and return July 22, 2016.


    We will not have a rental car. Parents simply don't want one and since this is on their dime, I have pushed as far as I can. So, while I know many will want to encourage a car, and it would be great, it ain't gonna happen. :S


    There are 5 of us. Parents in their 70's. Mom has knee/back issues, dad has a prosthetic leg (but gets around fabulously, just have to be prepared). Myself in mid 40's. My 2 girls, 11 and 14.


    Budget is relatively low but we want to enjoy ourselves and stay in nice/clean places. No car will make lodging a bit more expensive, we anticipate that.


    We plan to fly into Fairbanks and do the riverboat while there. No car means we need to find lodging with shuttles.


    Fairbanks to Denali on train. 2 nights in Denali. First day at the visitor center/dog sled at park, second day shuttles to the park, morning on last day at visitor center.


    Denali to Anchorage on train for an overnight then on to Seward by train. Seward we will actually be there from July 2 - 7. Hoping to find a suitable B&B that is affordable. It is a long time to be in Seward, but the 4th messed up our plans slightly. It is ok, we will get a bonus day to see what the hubbub around the 4th is all about. Our thought is to do the "real alaska" tour there and a scenic cruise. We had an extra day built in for bad weather (don't want to miss the scenic cruising) but now actually have the 4th as another extra day.


    Seward to Whittier. We are going to hire a private driver and debating stopping at the tram and AWCC on the way. Then 2 nights (I know, I will hear there is nothing to do here :)) so we can enjoy a full day out on a private boat the day before boarding our ship.


    We are on Star Princess from Whittier to Vancouver. :D


    Then we will do a bus tour around Vancouver, ferry to Victoria, bus to timeshare there for 3 nights. Ferry to Seattle for 3 nights in a timeshare there.


    Whew, that is a lot. Any thoughts, tips, or advice? Anything you see you might change, where you recommend staying or eating? I hope after this trip to put together a good resource for those traveling with disabilities as it is difficult to get the nitty gritty in places.

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