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dad son team

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Posts posted by dad son team

  1. Just now, PTC DAWG said:

    IF I was booked for Saturday, I wouldn't hesitate or worry.  Giddy up!

    I am booked for Saturday and have no intentions of changing.  Worst case is they delay us a bit, or maybe miss a port.  Not worth canceling for such a minor change.

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  2. 13 minutes ago, Briji04 said:

    I’m the OP. I think NCL is doing the best they can in the situation. I never felt unsafe once. However, if you read some of the things ppl are saying to the media or on twitter you’d think we were sitting in the dark while the band played on.  

    The ship maintained power the entire time. We just reduced speed to almost stopped while they checked out the engines before deciding to go to San Juan. 


    Passengers are eating NCLs food. They are definitely taking advantage of their beverage package. They are  hogging deck chairs and spending money in the casino.  Then complaining they are only getting 50% off.


    Yeah we skipped a couple of ports. Life is full of disappointments. But we are all still alive. 

    Have they given you any update on your schedule as far as getting back to PC on time, or why they are stopping in Freeport (possibly)?

  3. 11 hours ago, Chad_O said:

    Your question is vague and could even be read as lurid. What sort of secrets are you looking for? What sort of "areas" might we frequent? I am more than the average bear and I favor a rotation of deck chair/trivia/MDR/entertainment venue/bar on a daily basis. if by secret areas you mean backrooms, dungeons, or steam rooms I would stick to Berlin or Detroit.

    Chad, my intention was not a lurid as you read.  I was looking more to if there is a bar or lounge or such on the ships that tends to attract the gay crowd more than the others.  I am well aware of the "shady" areas that one may frequent.   

  4. I am doing a last minute cruise next week that I still have not booked.  I have my air to Miami on Friday,with a return Sunday so I can do a Saturday-Saturday, or Sunday--Sunday cruise.  The reason I am waiting is because I have friends on a sailing that I want but it's too high for me so I am hoping it comes down, but I have my eye on the back up and if that looks like the price will go up, or it may sell.out, I'll book that.  In the meantime, the backup price has dropped another $70 in the last 2 days.

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  5. Thanks everyone.  It looks like I'll be doing the Epic Western itinerary.  I'm not going to be streaming, and my plan was to do as mking8288 said and go online, open up the pages I need then disconnect to do the work, and reconnect when I need to send a word .doc.  Most of my online is posting in my class forums, similar to what we do here.  I'd rather not take the laptop off in port so I'll mostly be on the ship.  I think I may chance it and just buy the 250, and worst case is I will have to buy another 250.

  6. While I will be on vacation from work, I will still have school work to do so I plan on getting an internet package so I can upload some assignments. I am thinking the 250 minute package will be enough, but if it isn't, will they let me upgrade to the full package and pay the difference, or would I have to buy another 250 minute package?  The two 250 minute packages would be more than the 1 unlimited (non-streaming) package.

  7. I will be traveling on the Epic (should be interesting from what I read) as a solo in a studio for the first time.  These cabins are very popular with the solo crowd, but I was wondering how much do you really interact with the other solo's?   I know that a cruise is what you make it to be, and that no 2 are alike in the make-up of the passengers, but I was just wondering if things like finding someone to go to dinner with is usually not a problem.  What about going on shore?  Do they usually have some group option or is it all on your own?

  8. so here is my dilemma. I have two offers for me, one has $50 OBC, and the other says I get FunPlay chips but doesn't say how much. I have never had the FunPlay before so I have no idea what they will give me, but I am not a big player so I doubt it will be much. I have emailed the casino@carnival.com to inquire but have not heard back.


    What is your experience wth FunPlay chips? Worth the chance of guaranteed $50 OBC?

  9. It was a negative article. I have never sailed QM2, or even Cunard for that matter but I have a good idea of what to expect as far as the make up of the ship passengers. It seems like there was a group of bears on board but since that is not his type he didn't give them any thought. His loss. There is nothing wrong with facial hair.

  10. You need to call Carnival. There is an option in the phone menu for post cruise issues, then the next menu for S&S charges. I called them Monday and it took about 15 minutes for them to pick up. $22 extra was added to my S&S after my final bill and I learned it was for a towel they say was not returned. I advised that I did return it and they reversed the $22 right away. It has not popped up on my card yet, but it's only been 2 days.

  11. So nobody was there when you went to return the towel. You couldn't have maybe 10 minutes later tried again? Same happened to me and I went back with the towel 10 minutes later and checked it in.

    There are signs stating that you will be charged.

    You could have returned it the next day



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    Actually, there was someone there when I returned it. When I walked up to the desk I asked if I should throw the towels (there were 2) in the bin and he said yes, never asking for my cabin number. Two towels but yet I was only charged for one.


    In the end, I called Carnival and like a previous poster said, the agent on the phone was very nice and agreed to refund the $22 with no hesitation. Makes you wonder if they do this a lot and people just don't notice, and if they do they refund.

  12. Since I started this and I'm back from my cruise I thought I would let you know how it went. I got the cheers and did not hit the 15 drink max on any day. I got to 14 on the first sea day and I don't think I broke 10 on any other day. I did reach the 5-6 daily minimum to get to the break even so I do feel like I got my money's worth. I also found myself getting more drinks because I could, not because I really wanted one. Although the pre-dinner martini's could easily become a habit. If I had to do it again, I think I would depend on the number of sea days, and the social situation of the cruise. If I was going with a group and we were doing a lot of sitting around bars chatting or being social, then I can see drinking more.

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