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the penguins

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Everything posted by the penguins

  1. It's transparent - see your booking conditions number 13. Also collect a more detailed list from Guest Relations on the ship.
  2. Use whatever currency you like on the ship. In your case we would start with any left over Krone or Euros as that's much better than changing it back. Norway is practically cash free cards are accepted practically everywhere.
  3. Typically I apply after final payment, Royal says 3 weeks. 48 hours before the end of our last cruise we decided to stay on for the next. Applied for the Shareholders benefit the next morning (24 hours before sailing) and the credit was on our new sailing that night. How's that for service.
  4. Some of the arguments seem to be more like a magicians speil all smoke and mirrors. To cover various points raised; 1) pay in other countries is irrelevant. 2) ships operate to their own rules. Roya's includes "auto tips". 3) Royal does make it clear about its tipping policy. Booking condition 13 (in the UK) is headed: What are onboard service charges/tips " and states they " will add daily gratuities to each guests sea pass account" - it could not be clearer. 4) if anyone doesn't accept auto typing don't book with Royal. By all means campaign against auto tiping directly with Royals Management. Will this work? Who knows but Celebrity passengers have successfully campaiged against Celebrity's compolsary AI pricing and now all cruises are available with cruise only and AI options. In the meantime accept that removing auto tips impacts on the earnings of some staff. Tip extra if you want depending on service - we do that. Above all enjoy your cruises.
  5. This is Gabriella the coordinator from Silhouette 2019 - no guarantee they are all like her.
  6. Tips can be in any currency you like , no need to get US . The Matre De will happily show the next days MDR menue during dinner so you can pre select. If there is nothing suitable that you like they will prepare a special dish. All part of the service not a problem provided they have the 24 hour notice.
  7. Of course it does as the Cruise Lines will be recruiting on the basis that there will tips on top of those basic wages. Do you really believe anyone would take the job of cabin steward or server if they thought that the majority of passengers would cancel the auto tips? In my opinion there are only to honourable options to this: 1) If you decide to book with a company that clearly shows "auto tips" will be added you should accept that as part of the deal. or 2) If you can't accept "auto tips" then book with a company that doesn't require them.
  8. Indeed you did. I sort of answered 2 different points/posts in 1 reply. Sorry for any confusion.
  9. Tell everyone you are going on vacation and will be back on X date. Tell family you will check emails once a day (if the connection allows) and reply once a day max. For dire emergencies give family the ships emergency contact number. To quote Charles DeGaul "graveyards are full of people who were indispensable" you are on vacation just enjoy it. 😀😊😂
  10. Of course they could but until they do the only effect of removing your auto gratuities is to reduce the "pay" of a lot of crew members. Of course this is your choice just accept the reality of it.
  11. In which case you should only be booking cruises that charge and "pay" the staff in that way e.g. Viking. Not a line like Royal where your actions are simply depriving a large number of staff of part of their "pay".
  12. In which case I think you are way off there as well. Lots of posts on different threads showing extra tips for cabin stewards as 💲5 on cruises of less than 5 nights and 💲10 for longer ones.
  13. What going rate? If you mean EU rates then I would guess it would need twice the crew just to meet the "working time directive" rules - staff on board work a typical 8 hour day 7 days a week and never have a full day off throughout their contacts. Add on the EU 28 days annual leave for full time staff and the situation would be worse. 70% of Celebrity crew came back as ships restarted (sorry don't know the figures for Royal) so they must be doing something right Our policy is to accept the way the cruise is marketed and the costs split. Wether it's part tips or no tips the price would be the same. Tip over and above for the crew we actively interact with. Take a few gifts for others (biscuits for Guest Relations, Chocolates for the girls on check in at Select Dining, these are just examples. Above all be appreciative of the service and smile.
  14. Not on any Celebrity ship - at least this is what we were told in a Q and A with senior officers on Silhouette.
  15. Your maths are way out. Cabin Steward gets a share of the daily grats (you can get the exact split from Guest Relations) of around 💲2.50 X 7 x 2 gives 💲35 a week a long way short of your £50. No cruise line can afford to pay EU wage rates and EU benefits.
  16. Russia already cancelled for 2023 and I suspect much longer.
  17. Be careful of what you wish for. On Celebrity (and I assume Royal) on cruises sold in Australia and New Zealand tipping is "not required". Result the basic prices are increased - I am happy with that. Drink prices are increased to include the tips and then rounded up to the nearest 💲- i.e. you pay more. The practice of adding compolsary elements to a basic price is illegal in the UK and the EU. Hence port fees and taxes are included. By keeping tips "optional" cruise lines are able to avoid this requirement. None of the ships are American and none abide by US, UK, or EU employment laws. We always pre pay the tips and give extra to specific crew members.
  18. The perfect description of why you shouldn't remove the autotips. Thank you.
  19. Which is why I added the ? mark. We love sharing, have made many friends over dinner and benefitted from other passengers knowledge. We are not keen on fixed dining partly due to the times and partly because it's difficult if you really don't "gell" with your companions.
  20. To be clear: The main Al Bacio is on Deck 5 Al Bacio 11 is in the buffet - enter by the right hand door and it is on your left.
  21. Regular balcony why: Concierge is just a squarer cabin not worth the money Aqua gives you Blu but as a first time cruiser do you really want to sit on your own at dinner? You get your own allocated table. Take the Any Time Dining option - we always pre book for 6.30 pm which allows a leisurely meal and the main theatre at 9.0pm. On arrival ask for a sharing table - we would say a table of 6 is the perfect size. Enjoy your cruise.
  22. Not riskier just different. You could always have been put off a ship due to illness or accident and had to make your own way home. Just plan for the worst i.e. good travel insurance and enjoy the cruise.
  23. Correct it's in the price you pay i.e. not free. Exactly like X's AI pricing.
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