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Posts posted by Realblonde474

  1. hey there MamaParr....and I so glad that you are still hanging with us. And yes, I will stick around as well "after the big cruise".


    Just back from an hour of cardio, now out to dinner with the kids.


    Am I the only person who "dreams" of the clothes she will wear when....

    during my hour of cardio...


    I swear I run a personal fashion show in my head when I getting bored on the Precor...whatever keeps our motivation goin...right?


    Take care y'all!


  2. Hey there, Miss Joly, and yes do I flex! You go girl and congrats on your progress.


    I tried on my dresses for the cruise on Thursday and most are great but a couple are still tight across my BUTT. So frustrated because I have loss some weight and my arms/back/legs/shoulders are great but my BUTT is still BIG...we aren't talking a shelf or anything but it still there. My sweetie said that alot had to do with how small my waist had become but I think he had other motives. I did buy two new dresses on Saturday and they do look great and both are form fitting (I do have a very pronounced hour glass)


    Oh well, such a problem.


    In the next few days, I am going to do more cardio for longer times, and from everything that I have read that will help me reduce my weight as long as I continue to lift one or two days a week.


    Hope y'all are well!


  3. Wednesday PM did cardio and barbell, tonight 1 hour of cardio planned and maybe some yoga or something fun. Thanks for all of the get well wishes.

    I am so impressed with everyone's progress. The PMS Monster is rearing it's ugly head but since I am so CLOSE to my departure, the chips and wine are out.


    Been very good with my food and alcohol intake and althought I haven't lost more than about 10 pounds my clothes are fitting much better. I am going to start to pull clothes out of the closet to mix and match and organize.


    My honey doesn't workout but appreciates the work I do. He was jock in high school but between work and etc...also I believe the motivation is personal and we can't make them anymore than they can make us.


    Hugs to you all.



  4. to MMPar: by the time you read this you will on your cruise: Have a fantastic time.


    Hope everyone is doing well. Never made it to the gym yesterday (Monday) at I was at the office from 6 am to 8 pm but I didn't snack and no wine last night.


    Today is kickboxing!


    Happy Tuesday and thanks for all the prayers. I passed them onto the people doing and receiving the news.


    How many days?

  5. Did two classes on Saturday and then 2 on Sunday. But I had a big steak and wine to wash it down so I don't want to see the scale. Will check it tomorrow.


    Our progress as a group is so inspirational to me!


    BTW, please send hugs my way. Today is the big "take over" day at work and they have 10 security guards in the lobby. While I think I am going to be ok, please pray for those who are in for a surprise. Walk outs at work with immediate terminations are ugly. I am so nervous for everyone.



  6. Ugh! My office is sick and we were just "acquired" by another company. Bad news: the work load is killing me, good news: I am being retained and given a promotion.


    Regardless of that, I am committed to my fitness and food. Tuesday was Kickboxing and some cardio. Wednesday was Body Pump and THEN my awesome/crazy instructor invited me to run with her for 20 minutes on the treadmill.


    The scale was kind to me today and reflected my hard work!


    Hope y'all are well!


  7. Well, no offense but Shawn T is such a "queen"! I love him but my goodness. I really enjoyed his HIP HOP ABS series. A while ago, I did this STEP Video with Cher and after about three months I could cue the instructor and sing along....my ex husband thought I was crazy!


    The Barbell instructor on Wednesday night classes at my gym cues from me during class if she loses count and especially during the warmup as I can do it during my sleep.


    Happy Valentine's Day, dear ladies!



  8. Took a couple of days off from the gym (wicked time at work including Saturday) but I did 30 mins of cardio then an awesome kick boxing class on Sunday afternoon! Taking CRT (lifting class) and then doing cardio tonight and I can't wait.


    I have to remind myself that even though things get crazy with the kids (would anyone like a teenager? I have three) and work....THE BEST THING we can do to manage it all is to EXERCISE.


    Doing better with food (thank you, Jesus that I don't like cake; in reference to the other posts above) but between wine and sorbet I could do some damage.


    Welcome to our newbies! And Happy Monday LADIES!!!


  9. Didn't work out last night, school function BUT had a light dinner. Didn't make it to that 5:30 AM class today at LifeTime (do you know that it's cold and dark outside at that hour) BUT will go to gym after work as I am sneaking out early and no "hard" plans for tonight, my sweetie is grilling for me.


    Have a fantastic weekend ladies!




    BTW, how days til your cruises?

  10. I did Body Pump last night (this is my prayer meeting on Wednesday nights as I talk to my Maker during this class :mad: , justing kidding but I do invoke His Name during that hour).


    This is "bad" week for the gym as I have had something Tuesday and Thursday night right after work. Don't you hate it when kids/work/life interfers with our gym/workout time! I could've/should've done something in the morning BEFORE my day started. There is a class tomorrow morning at 5:30 at my gym. I am going to try very hard to take that class.


    Have a wonderful day, dear ladies! I look forward to hearing from all of you each day! And your posts inspire me!




  11. I thought I was the only person who did the scale dance? :eek: You know where you get off and on it about 3 times and then check the calibration?


    And yes, I get the tighter feeling too! Isn't it great! LOL...:)


    Thank goodness, we are not into football so I won't worry about the party food temptation. My kids are with their father this weekend so I can go to the gym after work and stay there UNTIL I am ready to leave NOT when my three teens need me!


    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!!



  12. I could wear that HOLY GRAIL beaded dress hanging in my closet and then I would BUY new shoes to wear with it ! ! !


    It is so frustrating because my arms now stop waving when I stop waving them, all my back boobs are gone, and for 48 my legs look good in hose BUT my darn butt is still there!!!!


    I would offer y'all some cheese to go with that whine but I don't want to waste the calories :p:p:p:p



  13. To MamaParr...you don't need luck you need coffee :) have a great day!


    And to all of our newbies..WELCOME to the Party!


    I did BodyPump last night and while my hair looks terrible today (my arms and upper back are too sore to style my blonde locks) I know my butt is a gettin' better SO it doesn't matter!!! (just kidding, want to get a giggle)


    Have a fantastic day everyone!




  14. First, while I am so happy (you don't know how much all of this helps me)...we MUST remember not to be hard on ourselves..:mad:


    The only thing negative thinking does for us is SLOW DOWN our weight loss and fitness journey. I struggle with this each day.


    Celebrate each loss and the recovery/improvement from our fitness AND then learn from each little "side step".

    For example, I love my wine (I wish those calories from the list above for by the bottle not the glass)

    SO I try very HARD to limit myself to only one glass each night...and if I should slip (for example too much bread for lunch yesterday) I add more cardio at the gym before my kick boxing class. Of course, I am very sore but all is good today with the scale.


    We ARE making progress!


    Many, many hugs to all of you!


  15. Thanks for checking in with us! I am with you on the miserable part but remember as someone posted earlier "Every day counts and is a new day".


    While my scale is still something that I want to hurl out the window everyday, by moving and sweatin each day (however and where ever you chose to do it)..you will feel better and your clothes will fit much better as well.


    Thanks for joining our "party".



  16. Thanks again all the support. Last night I did Body Pump and I finally was down two pounds on the scale....


    Not where I want to be by any means and certainly not the "Biggest Loser" rate but at least WE (and I mean all of us on this post) are moving and moving in the right direction.


    Have a wonderful day everyone! Each of you have already brightened mine!



  17. Thanks for sharing your posts above. Iwas so down yesterday.


    There are some days that I work out for over two hours (2 classes back to back at the gym and then some cardio to warm up or down) and my scale is not moving....


    BUT after I stopped sobbing I tried on some of my "cruise clothes" I discovered that they are looking better.


    So, we will continue to journal and sweat...


    Hugs to you all and thanks again for the encouragement to everyone!


  18. The good thing about being very sore from working out is that you are too sore to eat "chewy" food; :eek: the bad thing (for me anyway) is that I self medicate with wine.


    BTW, there is nothing worse that having a bad cold in the winter! Feel better!


    And aren't short term goals to long term problems wonderful! :p I know that my sweetie is impressed and appreciative of my progress!


    I am so glad that we are "here" for each other.



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