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Posts posted by CU64

  1. Surely you are kidding! The hospital DID NOT provide proper protection for these nurses- they did not screw up!! A nurse can not refuse her assignment, it's against the law...but probably wanted to when they saw the flimsy gowns and masks provided! The CDC did not have a "protocol" in place to ensure that Dallas Pres was treating this pt appropriately.

    By the way, the nurse called the CDC prior to flying...and was given the all clear. I wouldn't call that selfish!! Now she is paying the price and the CDC is admitting their mistakes. They may have protected the cruise industry, but I am losing faith in them by the minute!


    She flew 2 days after Duncan died. She reported to her family while she was there, and trying on wedding gowns, that she was not feeling well. She only called CDC before she flew BACK to Dallas with the 99.5 fever. It appears the call to CDC was to cover herself as she knew she had symptoms.

  2. How many cases do you think it would take to overwhelm the American medical system considering everything else a typical hospital has to deal with in an average day?


    Emory, U of Nebraska, Maryland and a fourth hospital have the units available for these type of infectious cases.....19 beds in total

  3. I read she went to Ohio to visit family and her fiance.......IF this is true they better quarantine that guy ASAP.


    she had to know she was getting ill when she flew commercial ....

    her denial might have been working overtime but now there are others at risk

  4. This may be confusing but dh and I are both replying on this thread.


    She flew, did her visit according to the news I just read it was to deal with her upcoming wedding. This was in spite of being told she shouldn't fly commercial air anywhere!


    Because she reported her low grade fever, showing up at emergency a few hours after she touched back down in Dallas AFTER her trip, that self reporting of her fever is in question. Anyone who ignored the rules not to fly for 21 days may not tell the truth about WHEN she noticed her low grade fever, which is the first sign of Ebola in someone who is self monitoring.


    She had no VISIBLE signs of illness on that flight as the news people are reporting, but nobody else took her temp so it isn't verified that she was fully asymptomatic. Therefore according to the CDC she could well have started shedding viruses.


    All this makes my original point for me. Screening temps at 5 airports isn't enough.


    Better airline cleaning between flights and maybe the CDC needs to quarantine non compliant people like Dr Nancy Snyderman who broke quarantine to go out for take out food or this nurse who felt wedding plans might be more important than the health and safety of others.


    I still feel fine about cruising, and now that this has happened, I hope the airline industry improves it's cleaning procedures in between flights.


    I think they probably will after this news got out.


    the airplane is the most dangerous & apparently airport staff is afraid to ask questions of those flying especially if they can be accused of discrimination

  5. This is kc50's wife, we rebooked immediately for 2 cruises out of Vancouver because we aren't worried about the cruise industry, its airline travel that concerns us. Vancouver is a comfortable 4 hour drive for us.


    I'm a retired RN, & the cleanliness on board has always impressed me, even during noro outbreaks, which happened on 2 of our cruises. The staff were great, its the people avoiding the sanitizer station at the entrance to food lines that are more of an issue. We were on the Crown Princess recently and several people didn't sanitize, then fumbled around touching multiple dishes. We have never gotten sick but we wash well and use the sanitizer without fail.


    On the other hand the airline industry which allows a whole 5 minute cleaning routine on the flight turnaround IS a factor to consider. Several recent studies were done on colds & flu transmission on airline flights. Passengers who wiped just armrests & table trays with sanitizer gel & used the gel a few times in flight PLUS avoided touching their faces had an 80 to 90% reduction in colds & flu after the trips versus passengers who didn't.


    Another germ culture study found a lot of harmful bacteria on those table trays & arm rests, while the soft fabrics didn't have as much. This says the cleaning isn't adequate, but most people with adequate immune systems & reasonable handwashing habits can and do resist them, its not too much of a public health problem. Until something like Ebola enters the picture.


    Since Ebola is transmitted through contact with infected fluids, those armrests & table trays & even the fabric cushions become more of a risk.


    It is looking like standard isolation procedures aren't quite enough since at least 3 nurses, possibly 4 have become infected in Western hospitals. 2 Spanish & the Australian plus possibly Dallas. Isolation procedures are designed with a bit of overkill, so that says we need to revamp the procedure as this virus is slipping thru.


    We are looking forward to some lovely cruises beginning & ending in Vancouver, without fear. For the immediate future we will not travel by air unless absolutely necessary.


    Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Forums mobile app


    we fly Nov 7........out of LAX....not good.........

    starting to wonder if travel ins will pay if we cancel cruise

  6. Funny you should mention Claustrophobia. The first time I ran a few laps on this track it was a very hot day with no wind and Allure was docked in Nassau. With the view obstructed by the life boats on both sides and in this case a ship on one side and the tunnel at the back, I could see where this might bother someone. I also noticed due to the ship's design even when moving, not much air moves through here. However, if you imagine a lap is 1/2 mile (not exactly, but you get the idea.) There are at least 6 exits/entrances with scattered wide visibility areas. Shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as its not packed. (never seen more than 25 people on it at one time.


    Estimate 1/4 mile between aft and forward stairs......piece of cake!


    I plan to walk the track to and from aft/forward stairs when I am meeting a schedule on Deck 3, Conference Rm Forward, duplicate bridge cruise....to avoid Promenade and 8...

  7. LOL so right!!!

    Drives me crazy! You'll have serious runners, fast walkers and joggers trying to follow the rules and staying in the left lane..(to pass)..With some very oblivious strollers blithely walking hand in hand or two or three side by side clogging up everything........and really putting the runners (and themselves)at risk of an injury.

    There are several entrances port, starboard, aft and bow. It is truly the best jogging trail on any ship I have seen!:)


    I can have claustrophobia. Can you exit the track in any other places beside

    aft and forward stairs?


    PS I know the rules and walk fast


  8. Cindy having stayed in both I would choose the Crown Loft. IMHO the only thing the AQS has going for it is the large balcony. The rest of the suite felt cheap.


    We just liked the overall feel of the CL. It felt more like a suite and the area is nicer. I have photos of the AQS in my Oasis photos. Crown Loft photos are in my Oasis and Allure photos.


    The best I have seen ! Thank you!


  9. I would have been sooooo tempted to put the dirty dishes RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR OWN DOOR!!!


    why not knock on door, or call and leave message, that it is a problem in the

    hallway for you to enter room......suggest they call RS and leave dishes in room.

    The cat and mouse game during the entire cruise seems to defy common sense!.....and has to have an impact on your enjoyment of the cruise.

  10. We found the thermal suites on Oasis and Allure to be small and poorly designed, and when more than a few people were in that area, it was crowded and noisy, not at all pleasant and relaxing as you would want a spa area to be.


    As I prefer a better designed spa and facilities, this is why RCCL megaships do not appeal to me; but the people who like the ship do not go on them for the spa facilities! Understood!


    This is why I decided to upgrade to JS as I will use the bathtub instead! (:

  11. If I am walking from aft stairs to forward stairs, it appears on the deck diagrams that there are no break points to cut to the right or left out of the

    Promenade or main thoroughfare on Deck 8.


    If I am going to gym from aft stairs, it appears that I have to go through those high traffic areas except maybe on Deck 5 jogging track, or on

    Deck 7 where it appears there is nothing...and once I am in center of Deck 7, there is no way out except to go forward or aft.


    Am I reading this correctly?

    Thanks from all of you who have walked this ship.

  12. I was mainly looking for the better group experience - perhaps at the beginning of the cruise where talk might be more towards backgrounds/interests and cruise plans, or later where there make be more talk about the past week.


    Or if we're really lucky,not talk about the cruise at all!


    Full table/great couples, all interesting......I recommend at the beginning.

    Oct 2013 RT Boston Canada/NE 7 day


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