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Everything posted by qbay46

  1. I have never heard of that place
  2. What if we try Butler Creek in Vic
  3. I was wondering if that photo is the original photo or a cropped version to hide any clues
  4. the image didn't enlarge for me either.
  5. If you double click on the photo to enlarge, then double click on it again, you get an address for the image, i won't repeat it here, but is that what it is called
  6. Correct, your turn, here is some of the wildlife we saw
  7. i certainly wasnt using a paddle, but saw others paddling up the creek
  8. Went on a popular trip up this creek viewing the wild life.
  9. Barry Park Lookout, at Fingal Bay is what i meant.
  10. Yep that is the place, your turn
  11. Well it is definitely not south but where do you define north
  12. Is that the salt lake, Lake GaIrdner SA
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