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happy v

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Everything posted by happy v

  1. Thank you. I use a similar recipe with condensed milk for cheesecake. This seems just up our street. I will try it when I'm back from holiday
  2. Selbourne could you say how it has been returning home. Usually after 14/21 day cruise things are normal after a couple of days and you forget you have been away. I was just wondering if such a long cruise has been different
  3. Thank you for posting this. We regularly travel on the coach so this is good to know
  4. Agreed. However all hypothetical. It isn't going to happen again for years 😉😀
  5. Possibly, possibly not. The cost of leaving Eavesway, zero. Cost of leaving us. Flights and hotel accomodations weighed against extra port charges. Loosing a few days better than the lot
  6. I think the main difference is my invoice states coach travel to and from the ship is included. Passengers on Eavesway will have received extra OBC and P &O have no idea how they are traveling.
  7. If it helps we have been using the coaches since 2015. We haven't missed the boat yet! 😉
  8. I can't believe Iona is five!
  9. I did check your map first. I will let you have the details when we return. As it is a useful tool
  10. Thank you all for your help. A shuttle does make life easier!😉
  11. Good morning lovely people. Could you tell me if P&O provide a shuttle to Porto. Or will I have to sort it myself? Thanks
  12. It is Intercruises we book and they subcontract. All the coaches have toilets
  13. Always on ours. But we usually have a Durham company. So I doubt you would get them. Ellison's which is Intercruises always have toilets too
  14. Wow after all this time and you keep telling us you're nearly home. I feel quite odd, slightly bereft 😂. It is truly amazing the effort you have put into this. I would have given up weeks ago. I hope embarkation goes well. I very much doubt you will have time to post before you are home. So best wishes for a safe journey. An after thought. You will definitely sleep well tomorrow,.....in your own bed
  15. We have a robot. I love it and call him Robbie. Not very original I know. It was that or plastic grass😀
  16. That's a lovely menu. I really hope it tastes as good as it looks for you
  17. I haven't been on Arcadia so will just reply in general. The ships inside temperature will be comfortable for indoor clothing. The pool temperature is usually hot during winter months. On a Northern Lights cruise I had to get out once. It was so hot I started feeling nauseous. The pool deck will be outside temperature
  18. Durham Cathedral is free. However, we, our grandchildren, and a lot of other people in Durham have paid a £1 a brick for 300,000 Lego bricks to make a model of the Cathedral. It is now finished and looks fantastic. Personally I wouldn't pay to go into a church. Pay to pray doesn't sit right.
  19. If she did that. The golden circle will be a doddle.
  20. This is an excellent excursion and I would recommend it. I think the level of difficulty will be the split where two tectonic plates are moving. The ground is uneven. However you could just do a small amount of walking and turn around when you were tired.
  21. I received my annual report and notice of annual meeting on Wednesday
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