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Posts posted by celebrity

  1. Interesting article speculating about Anthem's returning early yet again to Cape Liberty.




    He never has anything positive to say about any cruise line.

    If they continued with the planned itinerary, he would have jumped all over it, accusing Royal of being reckless. The ship didn't cause Noro, passengers carried it onboard.

    I feel awful that the cruise is being cut short.

    For those on board, stay well and I hope your next cruise is drama free.

  2. Do NOT try to convince them. It always backfires! They will do it when they're ready!


    The more you "talk it up", the greater the chance that the experience will NOT match what you've told them.


    Let them be. They will cruise when they're ready!


    Exactly! I have friends that love camping. No amount of begging will convince me to go.

    Everyone has their idea of a vacation and if this is not appealing to them, so be it.

  3. Celebrity I think you have nailed it and I agree completely!


    In case anyone is unaware, this IS Cruise Critic's Forum and they make the rules. If you don't like those rules you can take your marbles and go play somewhere else.



    Glad you agree ! How would the OP like being slandered on the Internet for an opinion?

    Thanks for the support.


    I sailed on Quantum 4-12-15 and had the worst cabin steward in 25 cruises. It was comical to us as he failed in so many areas but I never reached out to corporate, reduced grats or posted his name on the Internet. He was never rude, just overwhelmed and who knows what else may have been going on his life?

    I didn't tip extra which we ordinarily do, but to hang him out to dry is not cool!

    I'm tired of bullies that sit behind a keyboard.

    Walk a mile in someone else's shoes.

    My mantra: Better to be kind than to be right.

    If you are kind, you are right all the time.

  4. Having read a later posting of yours on this thread, I can certainly understand why the editors here might not post your review in its entirety: your having named an individual in your scathing report, in a format which does not accommodate any counter-comment was something any responsible editor would have either modified or rejected.




    Your attitude indicates a possible reason why you now refer to yourself as "...a FORMER newspaper editor..."; newspaper publishers have their own responsibilities.



    As the recipient of a very personal and harsh attack on FB of all places, I am very sensitive to

    irresponsible posts.


    In my instance, the individual posted my name and had never had any interaction with me but wanted me fired from my job. [emoji35]


    I would think as a former editor you would be sensitive to the fact that your "opinion" could cost someone their livelihood.

    Shame on you and kudos to CC for editing your post.



    OP: I sure hope you are never put on the fire for someone else's opinion of you.

  5. There was a middle aged couple that I worked with in a previous job. They wrote an article in the company newsletter about how your kids are only young once and even if you have to borrow money for a vacation the memories are so worth it. A couple of years later they were in a car accident and the wife had a traumatic brain injury and had to start learning everything, including family, from the beginning. I will always remember them. I never borrowed money, but we have said to ourselves "we could have a lot of things or money in the bank if we hadn't traveled so much" we would not have had all of those great memories. Sorry if this is a downer, I was meaning it as inspiration. Have a great cruise :)



    I so agree with this! I wouldn't take out a loan but I would certainly sacrifice to make it happen.

    My husband and I made a conscious decision to

    travel with our 2 sons while they were young.


    We gave up fancy dinners and new cars for shared experiences.


    They are now grown and always tell us they had the best childhood and they still travel with us when their schedules permit.


    If you really want it, you can make it happen!

    Enjoy every minute as you only get one shot at life!

  6. My husband and I were just discussing this and if we were at the child bearing age, would definitely cancel even if we lost the entire cost of a cruise.

    How could you enjoy yourself if you were constantly in fear?

  7. Our first cruise was our honeymoon pre Achille Lauro. No X-ray machines and our family joined us onboard for a Bon Voyage party. I miss those times but steps needed to be taken to ensure


    Remember when you could go to the airport and literally walk to the gate and wave to your loved one that was flying to some fabulous place? I do.


    Did anyone get birthday cards with cash inside and the sender had no concern that you would receive the card? I was a recipient.


    We all adapted and went on with our lives.


    After the horrific events last week in Paris, my husband told me he wants to cancel our Med cruise. I was hoping it was a knee jerk reaction and I told him to just see how things play out.

    I'm still firmly committed and he knows I will go without him if he decides to stay home.

    My son offered to take his place.


    Shortly before our Med cruise in 2013, things really started heating up in Syria and my husband expressed concern about our stop in Turkey. Thanks to all the savvy people here on CC, I convinced him that Ephesus was far from the Syrian border.

    I reminded him of that last night and asked him if terrorism was even on his mind that magical day. His answer was " no."


    Before you get the impression that he is just some nervous traveler, I need to point out that he worked tirelessly at Ground Zero for weeks on end. He would return home after 11pm and we would talk for hours before he could get some sleep. Looking back, I'm not sure how we managed to function living on 3-4 hours sleep.


    His reaction to the Parisian attacks just brings back painful memories that I must respect and acknowledge.


    Everyone brings their own fears and experiences to the table and while some can move on, some cannot. That's ok.


    You can rationalize all you want with statistics, but walk in someone else's shoes and you may have a different viewpoint.


    Personally, I'm sickened and angry. Angry makes me defiant and I will NOT ALLOW some lunatics the opportunity to prevent me from seeing and experiening all the world has to offer.


    As Jimmy Buffett would say, I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead. "

  8. Appreciate your kind comments. Just wanted to be clear that these pictures with the French tri-color night lighting were not taken by me. These were from the Bing search engine that pulled up these visual images up from various posted news media sites around the world.


    THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


    Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


    for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 126,236 views for this posting.


    Terry, I always enjoy your posts and fabulous photos. You really should be a photojournalist.

    You played a big part in my booking my one and only Med cruise in 2013 and as you well know, once you go, you want to return. 😃

    I still remember touring Ephesus and seeing all the sites that you photographed and posted and thought of you. What an incredible day that was!

    Booked another Med cruise for next Sept with a lot of new ports. Sadly, my husband wants to cancel due to the recent attacks in Paris.

    I'm still committed, so my son make take his place.

    Praying for the people of France and that we can all travel freely without the threat of terrorism.

    Now, I'll start reading about your cruise " down under."



    Thanks again!

  9. Stan excellent post. You make some very valid points.


    Also Sail7seas - It was not my intention to say that the people caught up in the Paris tradegy were unaware or unobservant. I'm sorry, if it came across that way.


    I was trying to say that in any travel situation you need to be aware and observant of your surroundings especially when your not in familiar terriority.


    I know your heart was in the right place with your post.

    However, the Paris attacks are a game changer.

    Are we supposed to keep one eye on the stage at a concert and the other on a potential suicide bomber that may have entered the venue?

    As a New Yorker, we have lived with the the VERY REAL knowledge that we have a bulls eye on

    our backs. Talk to us and we will tell you that we know it will happen again.

    Our mantra is: If you see something, say something.


    We should not have to live this way, but that is our reality.

  10. I've been watching and reading similar threads on CC over the past months, and mainly I've remained silent- because of mixed feelings, because of circumstances that may separate me a bit from others, but mainly because I was having some difficulty trying to express my thoughts and feelings. But Keith, your statement above put it all together for me precisely.


    While both Paris and South Carolina were acts of terrorism, there is a very basic and important difference between them (and between Paris and almost all the shootings the US has experienced); it is the same difference as between South Carolina and 9/11-


    There is a difference between terror and terrorism, especially what the world is experiencing from the likes of Al Quaida and now ISIS: attacks like the one in South Carolina are a personal form of hatred, aimed at the momentary killing of a particular group or ethnicity, while terrorist attacks like Paris are organized global based terrorism, aimed at changing the world.


    You can go into a church in South Carolina, look around you, and try to determine if someone sitting in a pew might be filled with hatred and want to kill you. But if you are sitting in your local cafe, or standing at a bus stop, or shopping in your local grocery, you likely aren't even considering the possibility that someone is going to come in firing a gun.


    The South Carolina killer wanted to kill that day. The Paris attackers were part of a directed unified terrorist nation, whose goal is the destruction of Western civilization.


    You can conceivably prevent an attack in a church in the US by having security checks at the door, and maybe also armed guards within. But for now, the world doesn't have (or possibly isn't willing to have or to act on their ability) the means to prevent attacks like the ones in Paris.


    I'm not sure if comparing the two is the product of naïveté, stubbornness, or the preference to go through life with blinders on.


    Tourists outside (or even within) their own country don't have the training to be on alert for possible terrorists. Heck, I've even seen Israelis occasionally get lazy at home in that regard (although there is always someone to speak up and scold those who let their alertness slacken). At the most, tourists know to be on guard against pickpockets - and we all know that those who are on guard are still in the minority; I doubt that the typical tourist would even know what to feel suspicious of, if they even thought to be.


    This is what I told my grandchildren, when they expressed fear at the latest (and newest) form of terror we have been experiencing here in Israel:


    'It's OK to feel afraid. It's a very sad situation, and it is even OK to be angry. Know that there are people who care about you and your safety very much. And do not ever hesitate to talk about your feelings. Do what you are comfortable doing, and if you are afraid of going somewhere, that's OK. If you want someone to go with you, or you don't want to go at all, just ask.'


    I'm hearing people on CC express their fears; I'm hearing people express their bravado; but only sometimes am I hearing people actually say, "I understand what you are saying, and it's OK."


    We each will make our own decisions on where or when to go or not to go. It doesn't make you braver, or smarter, or more worldly if you travel, and it doesn't make you a coward or naive if you prefer not to travel. Expressions of bravado may make you feel better about yourself, and that's fine- but personally I think that a person who says 'I'm afraid to go there right now' is no less brave.


    Well said!

    We have a Med cruise booked for next year and after hearing about the horrific attacks in Paris, my husband announced he won't go.

    I realize that it's a knee jerk reaction that may

    change or not but I must respect his decision.

    He worked 18 hrs a day at Ground Zero wearing a gas mask and saw first hand the carnage

    that the rest of the world watched on TV.

    No comparison in my book.

    We lost 4 friends in the towers and saw the funeral processions that went on for months at our local cemetery.

    You can throw all the statistics in the world at him, but unless you have walked in his shoes,

    you cannot know the horror.

    If he elects to cancel, I will likely go with someone else which he fully supports.

    So sad that we even have to discuss this.

  11. Every time I hear a passenger went overboard, my heart aches for that soul and the family and friends left behind.


    I find it beyond deplorable that a passenger would be so insensitive to post a video of this man's final moments. I will not look as it will haunt me. Shame on them and the news stations if they indeed aired the footage.



    I stopped watching the news after 9-11 and prefer to read as I don't need visuals of tragedies.

    Prayers go out also to the crew that tried to rescue him. This will certainly have a deep and profound effect on them.


    Sorry for the fellow passengers that witnessed such an horrific event.


    We all know the thrill of stepping onboard a ship with the anticipation of creating wonderful memories. For this family, it has been a nightmare.


    Prayers for this man's soul, may he RIP.

  12. Thanks for your replies. So it looks like we need to decide what we're going to do in each port. We know for sure that we want to do a private tour in Rome and are considering private tours in Florence/Pisa and Athens. Any input regarding which ports lend themselves best to private tours, ship tours, or DIY would be very much appreciated! Here's where we go:


    Monte Carlo (Cannes)

    Florence/Pisa (La Spezia)

    Rome (Civitavecchia)


    Ephesus (Kusadasi)


    Valletta, Malta


    Definitely RomeinLimo for Florence and Rome

    Athens Pk Travel

    Ephesus Deluxe in Turkey

    Santorini and Valletta we DIY

    Monte Carlo is the one port we haven't visited.

  13. Hi, op here. Read everyone's comments with interest. Especially enjoyed those that said tough, or words to that effect - hopefully they will have a vacation they have waited a year for ruined for them one day soon


    I do not need a cruise line to look after my safety - i would never have been allowed to go to London for work while the ira were active if they were in charge


    I would have happily signed a waiver exonerating them while I was in Israel


    Just as big an issue of missing the whole point of this trip is the fact that it is due to rain in Greece for much of the week they are planning there while Israel basks in 30 degrees


    I feel for the front desk staff tomorrow - it could be a long day for them


    I will still have a good time on my med cruise that I have paid twice as much for as if it were advertised as a med cruise, but it's certainly taught me a lesson for future vacation plans


    First of all, I am so very sorry that your itinerary has changed. It's most certainly a port specific cruise and such a change is beyond disappointing. However, your placing the blame on Celebrity for world events beyond their control.


    Your statement that you would happily sign a waiver is absurd. Are you exonerating them if you are held hostage or killed? What about your fellow passengers and the crew? Are they not entitled to feel safe when traveling?


    One of the benefits of cruising is that the ports can change if weather or political unrest would disrupt the trip.


    Israel has been on my bucket list for a long time but I have yet to book anything due to the volatility in the area. I have a friend that is scheduled to fly there next week for a 2 week land vacation. I'll reach out to him and see if it's still a go.


    Glad to hear you plan to enjoy yourself. Hopefully you'll get there someday.

  14. Really. That's the beach with Sandals. I went to the bathroom at the Halcyon and at a beach restaurant before and they were perfectly fine. Dickenson is a very busy beach why did you feel unsafe there?


    Yes, Sandals was to our immediate left. I don't recall the name of the beach bar but there were a lot of locals that were unsavory characters hanging around the beach bar and the restroom was beyond disgusting. A friend of mine went there on a different cruise and felt the same way. In fact, she's sailing this month and has elected to stay on the ship when docked in Antiqua. Personally, I would try another beach if I stopped again on another cruise but that's just me.

  15. First of all, how wonderful that you are celebrating on a cruise. Is it safe to assume that it's everyone's first cruise?

    Agree that you don't need bottled water as the ship's water is as pure or even purer than bottled water.

    If you tell us the ship and itinerary, we can offer a lot more advice.

    As far as something special, perhaps a reservation in a specialty restaurant or perhaps a memorable excursion.

    I would decorate their cabin on my own and not burden the cabin steward.

    Looking forward to hearing the details so I can offer more advice.

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