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Posts posted by xbatt8

  1. We are sailing the last cruise before the trip back to Australia. It is still a 7 day, but it does include Glacier Bay rather than Tracy Arm. We also end in Vancouver rather than Seattle. Anyone know how different the Funtimes will be.


    I am sure that Biggee is tired of emailing, so if someone could forward the Funtimes to me I would be eternally grateful. Thanks in advance.




    Renegadedb8 at yahoo dot com

  2. Think about it, if we smuggle, drink too much and fall overboard, carnival is liable. Yes this rule is due to the many who choose to break it. Carnival didn't establish this to stop your water from being brought on.


    But this assumes that the water shaking doesn't work... It does.


    I really doubt that carried on water bottles amount for even 10-15% of the smuggled alcohol. Rum Runners, water bottles in checked luggage, other hollow fake products, and simply putting sealed bottles of booze in checked luggage accounts for the lion's share of smuggling these days. And this new policy does nothing to stop that.


    Plus, I would think that if they wanted to stop people from drinking too much they would also stop their program that allows a person to drink 15 Long Island Ice Teas in 3 1/2 hours, and the program that allows you to buy 2 liters of alcohol and consume it all in one night if you want.


    But they didn't change those programs.


    No, I think it's mostly about selling more water. They offer a great price for purchased water, AT THE ONSET, and people are happy to do it. Then they simply start raising the price a dollar this month, a dollar 6 months later, and the next thing you know it's $9.99 a 12 pack and Carnival's profits have gone way up. I have heard that this strategy works well for boiling a frog... :) Don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant plan, but it's not about smuggled alcohol in carryons.


    Now they ARE correct about the time needed to shake water bottles and how it slows down embarkation. But I will bet you dollars to donuts that they will have to inspect cans as well. Pretty sure the inspection time will be a wash. If not, you will see just as much smuggled alcohol in cans as that is easy to do also.


    But that's just my $.02 worth. Your mileage may vary.



  3. I know those that use Carnival as a liquor store seem to have their shorts in a knot over this but I wonder how much of an impact this really is in the big scheme of things..


    Not much, necessarily. A lot potentially.


    I realize that I haven't read all the threads on the policy change, but I really haven't seen any knotted shorts in this thread. Expressing displeasure with a new policy is hardly getting shorts in a knot.



    I have never bought liquor on a cruise. I know lots of people that cruise and none of them have bought liquor to bring home..


    And of the 10 million Carnival cruisers, I'm pretty sure many of them do. OK, not in your circle of friends, but I seem to see an awful lot of boxes being carried off the ship on debarkation day. Pretty sure they would stop taking up all that space on the ship if no one was buying, no?



    No one on this forum knows what percentage of people make the purchase or if any potential hit to the revenue is significant enough to make a difference. Carnival is a business and they have done the math. They know the potential impact to the bottom line and how long any negative impact will last, if there even is one. Writing on a forum that "you will not buy liquor in the gift shop ever again, that will show them" may make the person writing the statement feel better but that is about all it will do.



    Well, I hate to be cliché, but the civil rights movement that changed a country "started" with just one person. You know, one person can move a mountain... one stone at a time, yadda yadda yadda.


    I haven't seen anyone say that their purchase will change the world or that Carnival will fall to their knees because of their 4 bottles of Cruzan rum that they buy. But people should be free to make the changes THEY want, just as Carnival does.



    It is a personal choice, if it is important to have the the liquor you make it work, if not don't buy it and move on. .


    Absolutely. Never said differently. In fact, I said pretty much the same thing. BUT, if enough people feel this way - refusing to buy liquor due to the hassle, and it starts to affect their bottom line, then changes will likely be made. That's been Carnival's MO for years.



    If a change related to alcohol really has a significant negative impact on the quality of the cruising experience or quality of life perhaps it is time to move to a type of vacation that does not cause so much stress.


    Again, I haven't read all the threads, but I have yet to see anyone who said this. Have you?



  4. We are on Freedom July 4~11 and are starting with over $700 onboard credit from our Carnival card.


    First, since your OBC is mostly/all from your MC points, the credit is refundable. That's good news for you.


    However, one thing to think about: when you use your points for OBC, you get the same rate as using your points to pay money on your credit card bill. However, when you use points for OBC, you aren't getting 2X points for spending the money on the cruise. For example, let's say you will spend $500 on your S&S card on the cruise. If you use 50,000 points to get a $500 OBC, you will have a wash. But if you use those 50,000 points to pay $500 on your card, then you still are a wash money wise, but you earned another 1,000 points by using the card for your $500 spent on board.


    Not a big deal, but a few more points. :D



  5. I always bought my liquor the last night of the cruise around 6 or 7 at night and was allowed to take it with me to my cabin to pack that night.


    It would seem that you will not be doing that any longer. We will see if this policy continues after people stop buying liquor in the gift shop because they don't want the hassle of getting up at 0 dark 30 to fight the crowds on the morning of debark.


    I, personally, will not buy onboard liquor any more. If I find something really special in a port that is worth all the extra hassle, then so be it. But certainly not for the common booze they sell on board.



  6. It's not a big deal, of course, but it is a deal.


    I prefer my sodas in bottles as I only use a small amount at a time. A 20 oz bottle lasts me most of 2 days. Once opened, a can will go flat in half a day. So I will have to use at least twice as many cans as I did bottles. Again, not devastating, but also not without its disadvantage.


    As for water... They are not all alike. There is a particular national brand that has always tasted like dirt to me. I know that there are many people who claim that all water tastes alike and that the water on board is perfectly fine. That's great that they think that. There are also a great number of people who think that all mayonnaise tastes the same, or that all sodas and beers taste alike, and that a steak is a steak is a steak. Conversely, there are also a large number of us who know that this is nonsense. We have our brands that taste different and which we prefer over the others. Were this not true, brand wars would cease to exist.


    Again, the changes are not a BIG deal, but for many of us, it IS a deal.



  7. Sometimes the host has the wrong answers- on the Ecstasy the Aussie cruise director cost me my ship on a stick with "what were George Washington's teeth made of?"


    Easy, they were made of pulp, dentin, enamel, etc.


    Now his FALSE teeth are a different story. :D


    However, wood, is NOT the correct answer. If the CD said that, then s/he was absolutely wrong. You should have gone to GS and shown them that they were wrong and asked for your SonaS.


    The real answer is that one set was made of ivory, but other sets were made of human teeth.



  8. How does everybody feel about it being on the last day, instead of earlier in the cruise? I think it should be right at the beginning... you know, a nice welcome back before your cruise gets hopping.. not at the end when you are tired and it's time to pack... i am hoping they think this out and change it up..


    I think the logistics of the party pretty much mandate the last day.


    First, you don't want to have the party on a port day as few would show up. So that leaves either a sea day or sometime at night.


    I certainly can't speak for all cruises, but most of the cruises I have been on had their sea days on the second day (first full day) and the last full day. Since the second day is elegant night and the Captain's gala, you wouldn't want to put 2 parties together. So that leaves the last full day.


    So what about an evening party on a port day? Well, unless the port stop is a short one and the ship leaves at 4pm or earlier, you would be having the party during a large number of early/late diners' dinner.


    Additionally, during the middle of the cruise is usually a deck party. And again, I think the idea is to space out the parties. Captain's Gala at the beginning, deck party in the middle, and past guest party at the end.


    While I, too, would like to see it earlier in the cruise, I can fully understand why it is usually at the end. It just make sense.



  9. If Brittany Spears walked in my door I would have no idea who she is. I'd never heard of Katy Perry.


    Well, for not knowing anything about the younger generation, you spelled Katy right (not an easy feat). You did spell Britney wrong, so you are batting .500. All things considered, you did well... :D




    Most Carnival West Coasters I have spoken with would rather have Breeze!


    I would rather keep the Miracle. I love Spirit Class ships. Smaller, less crowded, and a 2 story night club with no smoking on the bottom (dance floor) floor. Plus a spacious Serenity area with jacuzzi and pool.


    Give me the Miracle/Legend any day.



  11. Our next cruise is between the Magic or Freedom. So far we're leaning towards the Freedom, based on 2.0, and the fact that I've read a few people complain about how crowded the Magic is.


    For those that have been on the Magic, does it really seem over crowded, with constantly long lines? I'm willing to give it a try without 2.0, but not if it's more crowded than the Freedom.


    I didn't think it was too bad. I do like Spirit class better because of the fewer number of people, but the Magic seemed OK.


    There were a number of things I really liked tho. The seaday BBQ was excellent with awesome sliders. And the grouper fingers at the Red Frog Pub were amazing...


    I haven't been on the Freedom, but I liked the Magic.



  12. Where did you eat in Ensenada?


    This is a pretty old thread, but if you are looking for some good eats, I have a few favorites that I will share.


    For some good old fashioned tacos, my favorite is Taquerias Mexico Lindo. It is 2 doors down from Pappas and Beer on Av Ruiz, 200' from Av Adolfo Lopez Mateos (the main tourist street). Great pescado (deep fried) or al pastor. It is my usual hangout - and close to P&B for the after party... For seafood tostadas, La guerrerense is pretty amazing. Absolutely fresh, but it is not your typical shrimp and pescado, but rather ceviche, urchin, and other such cooked and/or raw seafood. Do not be put off by the long lines or the fact that it is a cart...:) it is usually found on Alvarado near Mateos (a very short walk from the docks)


    For sit down dining with something other than tacos, we really like Birrieria La Guadalajara. It is on Macheros about a half block inland from Lopez Mateos. Amazing food, but it is predominantly Birrieria. However, we also like El Meson De Don Fernando for a much more upscale dinner place. Best molcajetes we have ever had. Not cheap, but very good. It is also located on Lopez Mateos almost on the corner of Alvarado (short walk from the docks).


    All of these places are close to shopping, bars, etc. all are on or near Lopez Mateos, and all are on Trip Advisor.


    As always, your mileage may vary, but these happen to be our go to places.



  13. As to whether or not you could refill a wine bottle with tequila, the answer is yes. HOWEVER, I suggest you color match, as I have had folks hold our wine bottles up to the light and examine them closely. Tequila in a Pinot noir bottle will likely get confiscated.


    Not all ports check all bottles. On some cruises I have had every water bottle shaken and on others they never even asked to see any of our liquids. Luck of the draw I guess. Depends on the port, the inspector, the profile of the passenger, good mood, bad mood, hangover, etc etc etc. In other words, there really is no rhyme or reason.



  14. I have to wonder what the Passenger Services Act is gonna do with this...


    If Carnival has to pay $300 for each passenger on the current cruise that began in Long Beach on Thursday but will end tomorrow in San Diego, PLUS rent enough buses to get 2,000 people to Long Beach, PLUS either rent more buses to get tomorrow's folks back to LB on Thursday (or pay another $300 PP to violate the PSA again), then they are going to lose a LOT of money. These cruises were really cheap to begin with (some as low as $220 PP)/


    I wonder if the PSA has an easy out if safety is claimed as the reason for the open loop...



  15. If you had to choose just one, which would it be? Why?


    Also, are they close to each other? We plan to go to Dr. Cave beach and read that Pork Pit is close, but not sure where Scotchies is.


    Thanks for any help in advance.



  16. A little off topic, tell me a little about Ensenada(what do you love about it?). We are sailing the Inspiration in February and have never been there. What should we see, stay away from, etc??


    I love the food and the fun. We usually get tacos from our favorite taco shop, then DW shops and I have a blast at Papas and Beer. I usually get a massage as well.


    We have 2-3 places that we like to eat so it doesn't get TOO old eating the same thing... :D


    Just a fun place to enjoy.



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