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Everything posted by drron29

  1. UK RAISES ALERT LEVEL TO: The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent Russian threats and have therefore raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross..” The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. The Russians have been re-categorized from “Tiresome” to “A Bloody Nuisance.” The last time the British issued a “Bloody Nuisance” warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada. The Scots have raised their threat level from “Pissed Off” to “Let’s Get the Bastards.” They don’t have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years. The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from “Run” to “Hide.” The only two higher levels in France are “Collaborate” and “Surrender.” The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France’s white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country’s military capability. Italy has increased the alert level from “Shout Loudly and Excitedly” to “Elaborate Military Posturing.” Two more levels remain: “Ineffective Combat Operations” and “Change Sides.” The Germans have increased their alert state from “Disdainful Arrogance” to “Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs.” They also have two higher levels: “Invade a Neighbour” and “Lose.” Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels. The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy. Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from “No worries” to “She’ll be right”
  2. We haven't been to Bali this century as the place is overrun by Aussie bogans ( chavs in the UK and I suppose red necks in the USA). But last century we did a cooking course in Ubud which was very good. Ubud would be a nice place for an excursion. I went white water rafting there. I had fun though most on the raft didn't as our guide loved tipping the raft over.
  3. No Sean the Irish Indian as we christened him some years ago. Was a waiter in Atlantide.
  4. drron29


    Not an Amex benefit in the Colony down under either.
  5. We are doing our own air. same reason as you have.
  6. That is right. We do our own flights and always have something on before and after the cruise. We would never pay for the SS arranged transfers as they are too expensive. Easy to arrange private transfers. For example we left our last cruise in Venice. Now you do have to take the ship shuttle to the actual cruise port. From there the SS transfer to the airport was $US100+. We arranged a very good private transfer for 40 euro.
  7. We are already booked on the Muse sailing from Bali to Yokohama and then from April third continuing on to circumnavigate Honshu. It should be good for cherry blossom viewing for most of the ports. The voyage afterwards would be good for the more northern ports and Hokkaido. Definitely the best time to visit Japan though the best spots for viewing cherry blossom will be crowded.
  8. I would be looking at a jungle lodge. Usually enough wildlife sightings and numerous birds if you are interested in that. To me much more interesting than another city.
  9. We were obviously lucky as on our Dawn cruise in August we met a few crew we had sailed with before. One fellow had been on 5 of our previous cruises and named them al. Rojaan had to pull out our list of cruises and found he was right. Two of the new crew whose employment with SS began on the day we boarded quickly picked up the SS way and were excellent.
  10. Even the people who are high flyers who cruise SS behave like everyone else and have been gracious and good company We have met and dined with a Governor of the Bank of England, A couple of Admirals and Wing Commanders as well as A UK High Commissioner to NZ plus a couple of Australian High Court judges. But the great majority are just like us. Retired but not rich and just love travelling and in particular cruising. I am sure you will fit right in.
  11. Agreed for wild life a jungle lodge can’t be beaten. We also stayed at an Ecuadorian lodge. The most memorable moment was when we were in a canoe and a huge Anaconda surfaced right beside me. We were literally head to head. Fortunately it seemed more scared of me than I of him.
  12. We are having a 3 day weekend in Sydney this weekend. JP would be proud. Got on the plane this morning with 1 carry on weighing 7 kg( 14.5lb) for the 2 of us. Mind you we don’t have to pack for -40C weather. Don’t need as much for 30C weather.
  13. The next day we berthed in Santarem but the tours didn't sound exciting so we stayed on board. the dock was some way from the town and with the temperature 40C with nearly 100% humidity I wasn't going to walk there and back. So the next day was the villages of Boca De Valeria. definitely not a rich place. The highlight was all the children. Unfortunately they have learnt the worst from Western tourism. Most of the kids know 3 words of English-money one buck.There were mainly children,some in traditional(?) dress holding sloths,birds,snakes,caiman,monkeys and the most distressing was a log covered with the hide and head of a jaguar-that I could not photograph as it should be discouraged.I had no hesitation giving out my dollar bills even though I got shouted at by a woman passenger who accused me of child exploitation.As 10 cruise ships per year go up the Amazon and some may not stop here I thought that was a pathetic argument especially as the woman still took photos but didn't pay. The dollar was immediately taken by a parent and obviously rarely spent wisely. several houses had new freezers from that money and were usually full of bottles of Coke. Later we did learn that the crew also donated a lot of cereal and other healthier options. This was also where a lot of the old furniture from the Cloud's refit was unloaded. here a pool lounge going to the village. We also visited the school. I did open my wallet.I was in the room at the same time my accuser was and once again noted her tightness. Sorry for hijacking the thread. i do have some more pics of Manaus and the cruise down river if you like.
  14. Next to the town of Breves at the start of the narrows, and here we first saw the waves of small craft that came out to greet the Cloud all the way through the Narrows. but also a few logging places. An old fish trap. And although the whole time through the Narrows was a great experience this fellow and his mates were the Star.
  15. Just a few pics from our Amazon cruise. First the Cloud docked in Grenada. Then the start of the Amazon at Belem. Two days here the first was a tender in the second at a cargo wharf. On the first day we went on a ship's excursion to a garden,the cathedral which we couldn't go in as it was Sunday and the fort. On the second day I went for a stroll around the port area. A much better idea than the excursion. Didn't take as many pictures as in the markets had a tap on my shoulder from a Portugese speaking policem an. no idea what he said but he indicated to put my camera away. i complied.
  16. See you onboard @Wombat706. We are cruising from Yokohama via Singapore to cairns on the Muse in October/November.
  17. Go for it. We have had grandchildren with us on an Expedition cruise up the west coast of Africa. They were spoilt rotten by the crew and other guests. There were a few other guests that obviously disliked their presence but overwhelmingly accepted by other guests. A few expressed the wish that they should have brought their grandkids along. Should be a marvellous experience for your daughter.
  18. Well I just noticed I got my mondays mixed up so the First monday will be a practice run so I will be in form for the second Monday of Feb our time when I just might have 3 or 6 G&Ts.😁
  19. Well on the first monday of February I know exactly what I will be doing. The Superbowl is going to be on Australian free to air TV at a very reasonable start mid morning. So i will be in front of the TV with my cashews and veggie crisps with a gin and tonic or two. Afterwards might find myself slightly inebriated. from champagne if they win or beer if they lose. Of course I am talking about the Philly Eagles.
  20. The Prawn Star is on the Sunshine Coast and at The Wharf where the tenders from cruise ships dock. Although in Queensland it is called a Moreton Bay bug in Sydney it is called a Balmain Bug. In fact it is a slipper lobster. Very nice eating.
  21. It sounds as though we were on the same cruise as 57 varieties. Lots of birds and some animals usually when off the ship. We were lucky as at lunch when cruising the Narrows we had lunch on our balcony with another couple we had met on board. Our butler worked through his time off to serve us. But the highlight of the lunch was when we were escorted by the Amazon pink dolphins for at least an hour. Just magic. We had fleeting sightings in other spots. Also a few caiman. I actually really enjoyed it. One of the reasons was that the Cloud had had a refurbishment and dropped off a lot of the old furniture at villages along the way. The towns were also interesting to walk around. Again this was not an Expedition cruise and I am sure on an Expedition cruise there would be more of an emphasis on the wild life.
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