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Everything posted by drron29

  1. We are now at the Casbah. Reputedly the former stronghold of pirates but now private houses within it's walls.
  2. This is the womens mosque. A disguised telecom tower.
  3. The old city walls also damaged in the earthquake.
  4. A mosque has been built which uses the old tower as it's minaret. It was to be a huge structure and these were to be the supporting pillars. Said to be recycled from Roman ruins.
  5. And now a drive to the Hassan Tower. The Mohammad 6th Tower. Mohammad 5th Mausoleum. . The entry to the Tower. The Tower. This was to be the Minaret for a very large mosque. Building began in the 12th century. The dynasty was defeated so never completed. A lot of damage done by the Great Lisbon Earthquake in the 1750s.
  6. The Royal Primary School. Someone said this was the President going by. And the Mosque where the was an attempted assassination of the puppet French installed King. This set off mass protests culminating in the French leaving in 1953. The defence Department and other official buldings.
  7. The Royal guard in red uniforma plus member from the Army,Navy, Marines, Cutoms and police also guard the Palace.
  8. Now the gate to the old town Rabat. Now in the Royal Palace precinct. And when the fountains are off the King isnot present.
  9. Our Excursion to Rabat was to leave at 0830. It was only 0820 when people were allowed off and a very long line to get on to the gangway. Then a long walk from there to the cruise terminal so we left a bit late. We berthed at the container terminal. On the walk to the Terminal we passed a Moroocan ferry that was not in great condition. Then in the busfor a90 minute driveto Rabat. A mixture of new, old and decepit buildings in Casablanca. Lots of gulls flying around. Some slums
  10. Thursday and we woke up coming into Casablanca. A mixture of fog and pollution so a bit drab. Looks like a new passenger terminal. But not used yet. Quite a few fishermen heading to seain their small boats. The Morrocan navy was in. And a motley collection of cargo ships.. And the Viking Jupiter was just tying up.
  11. For our first sea day we managed second at trivia. One of the winning teams was 5 women. One was celebrating a birthday. Her 100th. I really hope I can emulate her but think it doubtful. Being a points hound -airline points, hotel points, supermarket points and those important Silversea points - I go sstraight from trivia to the putting competition. Fortunately for me luck is often as important as skill but not today. I did pick up a point for equal 3rd but have to admit it was also equal last.
  12. Both the Dawn and now the Moon have a variety of outlets. European 2 or 3 prong type, 2 universal outlets though it didn't taked my computers US plug but no problem as 4 separate outlets that takes US plugs plus 4 USB outlets. Should cover most peoples needs.
  13. So only need to book a deluxe if you want a higher deck and a midships suite.
  14. At yesterday's trivia we came in second. On one of the winning teams was a lady who had a birthday that day. She turned 100. Don't think I will be able to match that but would be delighted if I did.
  15. And the food; We both had the caviar to start then I had the pumpkin soup. Then we both had the lobster that was perfect. Then Rojaan had the day's mango dessert and I had the cheese platter. Rojaan had the Brown Brothers Sav Blanc from Australiaand I had the night's French red which I again enjoyed. Our waiter for the night was from Cambodia. Has one son who is 22 and finished University. A lovely fellow. We were also visited by the Chef who is from Praque. We gave him no hassles as we enjoy the food in Atlantide. We also had a visit from Karolina the sommelier who is from Serbia. She came to apologise for the slow wine service at the beginning. Fairly understandable as there was a long queue to get into Atlantide after the Captain's Welcome Party. But I did notice at least 2 extra wine waiters were brought in so everything improved. We ended up having a long chat. One of the reasons was because we had visited 2 Serbian wineries outside of Dubrovnik when on our Dawn cruise. I am sure she appreciated some positive comments.
  16. A few changes to the menu in Atlantide for formal night.
  17. Tonight the Captain's Welcome Cocktail Party. Most in formal wear. So Captain Zanello is half Italian and half Australian. Obviously a good bloke.
  18. The only real limit apart from money is taking a few days off so you can see your family once a year.
  19. Since our cruise on the Dawn there is now also a limited buffet at the pool. And our view.
  20. The menu at the pool bar. And to the food. Portobello sandwich for Rojaan and a classic reuben for I.
  21. I think I have become a victim because of what I have said on here. Went to our favourite lunch place Kaiseki and it was full. At least an hour wait so now on the pool deck. Why is life so cruel.
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