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Posts posted by Swampduck

  1. How was it to get drinks on Equinox? we like the Martini Bar.. Some people say its difficult. When on Connie i never had a problem.


    Hi all, I am on the Equinox leaving on the 25th Aug. I have never had a bad experience yet on one of the ships, from the service at that bars to the cleanliness of the public toilets. I will keep an open mind and post my comments when I return. We were on the Equinox last Aug 15, so this could be interesting to see what differences a year makes.

    I have to say, i'm not sure about the chic nights, they could've just changed them to cocktail nights and kept everyone reasonably well dressed! :rolleyes:

  2. No need to get nasty. I read the initial post but not the entire thread. I will say this. If you wake up every morning with bites, say something. OP has no clue what cruise line did after they left the ship. The last thing a hotel or ship wants is to do nothing on notice of bed bugs.



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums


    Seriously? Nasty? :confused: I don't think so! I stated what the OP had said!

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but first they should read the whole story! :rolleyes:

  3. Yes, they will make it into luggage. Hopefully, OP carefully inspected her her luggage when she got home. They actually could have been carried on by the previous guest in that room. Ships take this very seriously and you need to let them know right away if you see bites or any other evidence of these bugs to avoid the spreading and infestation to other cabins. I wonder why OP let this go all of the way to the end of the cruise. :confused:


    Maybe if you re-read the posts from the OP you would learn, that at no time did they think these were bed bugs, just bites. They also stated that they left their luggage in the garage overnight and then emptied on the lawn!!


    I for one am very thankful for the information the OP has given, as I will know to check my bed, first thing.

    So thank you OP :D

  4. For the first time we have opted for select dining and I believe that reservations can be made 4 days before sailing. Is it best to do this or can we be flexible and just turn up when we are ready - if we do this are we more likely to have to wait? We will be wanting a table for 4.


    Also, if we decide to reserve - what time are the evening shows so that we can plan round this?


    Thank you for any advice and thoughts on how others have worked with this.


    We have always done Select with Celebrity, to me, it the only way. You can lie at the pool that little bit later, or if you fall into company at the sunset bar, you don't need to be rushing off to get ready. Or if you decide you want to dine with your new friends, assuming they also are Select, then you can do this too. You don't have to wait long, in fact I don't think we ever have. I would never dream of pre booking before the cruise, as how will you know what you have on that day.

  5. In reality are we safe anywhere..Germany, France, Florida, and now shootings in Japan. I'm just thinking if your in the wrong place at the wrong time it is our fate. I've been in turkey previously on land vacations when there has been troubles I was even there when they had a large earth quake, if you want to travel you need to know that anything could happen....even before you get to your destination


    I'm a firm believer in fate... what will be , will be! But that doesn't mean that I want to put myself in the situation, where it might just happen! Of course, you are right & I totally agree with you, at the minute, we cannot guarantee our safety, this can happen anywhere, this I know only too well. But again, do you want to spend your holiday worrying or relaxing... I know which one I choose & I still say. "Cancel the Turkish ports" :cool:

  6. I took your advice and called the number you suggested. I was on hold for 20 minutes. I told the very pleasant representative that I cannot understand how in good conscience Celebrity could send thousands of passengers and employees into a region that is on the US State Department travel warning list and in a 3 month State of Emergency. While I was on hold I was reading a CNN article that in Istanbul "Thousands attend anti-coup rally organized by main opposition party"


    I got the same response that they are monitoring the situation and could make last minute decision. She did say that all calls are logged in and reported to decision makers. I am happy there are 2 cruises before my trip so I will know what they do with those dates. I would like to be able to leisurely do some research if our port is changed. Time will tell!!!


    I will try and ring tomorrow and add my voice to the list of those people NOT wanting to visit Turkey at all. Here's hoping Cc see's sense & puts the safety of passengers & staff first. I think this is the wrong time to be going there & it is a holiday I am wanting, I certainly don't want to be spending my cruise worrying about visiting Turkey.

  7. Well put.


    Cannot wait to hopefully visit Turkey on our cruise in October. Regarding the recent government turmoil in Turkey, we are not worried nor would never plane to cancel over this. Especially with the events being far away from where we will be visiting and for the fact that this event and the people involved are not after tourists. I have been in other countries during government issues and though while it can be an inconvenience, we are not involved.


    In regards to the recent attacks from extremist, this can happen anywhere at any time. I certainly would not cancel a trip to France, Orlando, Belgium, or any of the other places and locations that these horrible events have occurred.


    For what it's worth, here is my opinion. I personally feel that until Turkey settles, all port calls should be cancelled. There has been more trouble today, with one of the town Mayors being shot dead. There is trouble at the airport also. There was trouble in Kusadasi in the afternoon of Friday past, when the coup was beginning. I would prefer Celebrity to cancel, as this is not a good time for visiting the country.

  8. Agreed. It continues to baffle me how much people on here gossip and complain about what others do that has zero impact to them. What somebody else wears or whether someone else sends a text message (assuming the phone is on silent) is none of my business and would never impact my cruise- or dining experience.


    Now - people talking loudly on a cell phone or a screaming baby that the parents don't carry out - those complaints I would understand.


    Exactly! Surely what other do does not impact on you! Spend your time conversing & getting to know those at your table and forget about those at other tables! Live and let live.

  9. Thank you north29. We have never been to Barcellona, is there a language barrier on the buses or taxis?




    They speak the best Spansih I've heard !!!


    Though all joke on the side, we stayed in Barcelona last year for 4 days after our cruise, we stayed in the HCC Monte Blanc. I would totally recommend it, you should google it. Also there is a great restaurant next door.


    best regards


  10. We are from the UK and find the best way to get price drop guarantees is from Celebrity! We have two cruises booked at present with price guarantees. One for October 2017 (guarantee expires December 2016) and another for March 2018 (need to check when that expires!).


    So we are not promised late offers but we have booked the exact room we want (we are very room faddy) on each cruise...and we have had some security...Hopefully someone from Canada will enter the discussion re what generally is available from Celebrity and from TA's generally.


    Hope you manage to find a good provider...



    We booked while on board last year, with the same, we could cancel & change our booking up to 2017. So far on our future booked cruise there has been 3 price drops, bringing our price down over £1,000 plus we have went from a balcony to Concierge class. Each time there was a price drop I contacted my TA, first they said I would lose my deposit, and obc. But I told her how I booked and phone Celebrity myself.. they honored the way I had booked. The last drop, my TA rang Celebrity twice and had no luck getting them to honour the booking saying I would loose the deposit & OBC but still come out on front! But I was not taking that, as it was not what we were told when booking, so I rang myself and once again it was honored. Basically, we could just cancel and re-book the same cruise with no penalty . There has been another drop yesterday... im just waiting on the TA opening tomorrow to get it changed. The money is better in my pocket than in Celebritys !!!:D

  11. :confused:

    Hi .... Can I pick your Cruising brains?

    I have booked a CC cabin 9346 on the equinox, but for only £100 more I could change to a CC aft cabin ...

    We have always been on the sides.. towards the aft but never on it..

    what do you think?

    Would we be better staying where we are? Or do you think the Aft cabins are better... & why..


    thanks in advance..


  12. Based on the extremely low prices for transatlantics this year, much lower than the last few years, and heavy discounting on European cruises this summer, I think that tourism in general is going to be light in Europe this summer. I believe the Paris bombings last November have really contributed to that, and the Brussels bombings are just reinforcing it. Since Cruise critic represents only a small fraction of the volume of cruisers out there, it would be very interesting to know how cancellations are going and will go in the next couple of months. My guess is they are going to be at a higher level than they have been over the last few years


    Hey.. I hate to burst your bubble, but Americans & Canadians are not the only tourists!!! What has happened is dreadful, but for the rest of us, life has.... IT HAS to go on...or thy win. But please.... do not think, not even for one minute... that the only tourists are American/Canadian. Europe is a fantastic place to visit and it will be visited by European tourists.... but you are more than welcome to join us

  13. We're booked on a cruise that ends in Istanbul in July. I am hoping Celebrity changes the itinerary. We have already booked our flights, so it would mean changing those, but I'd be happier doing that than disembarking in Istanbul at this point. My personal opinion is that, with what has been happening in Istanbul in the past several months, going to Istanbul is taking an unnecessary risk. I'm seriously debating whether we should cancel our cruise completely, but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that - I love the rest of the itinerary, it's just Istanbul that is making me nervous.



    We feel the same and it's like a waiting game to see what has to happen before Celeb X changes these ports. With the latest events yesterday, we are too questioning are cruise in Aug, we disembark in Istanbul and even though we were there last year and stayed a few days, totally loving the place and promising ourselves that we would return.... Now, well it is a different story, I don't want to return at the minute with the way events are happening, esp if it is tourist that are being targeted. I don't know who safe we will feel even though we are assured that it is a safe port for disembarkation and then safely off to the airport... i'd really rather go elsewhere!!

    Our cruise which leaves 25th Aug, is still more that half empty and I have never seen prices so good, but I don't think it is enough to get people to take this chance.

    So now, just watching this space and see how this plays out. :confused:

  14. I have a couple questions on the equinox.

    Does anyway know if there is a clock in the room?(aqua class)

    second is there a make up mirror. (important for wife.)


    Please place all clocks in the bucket at the main entrance.... you are on holidays and won't need it.;););)

    Make-up mirror, large bathroom mirror and vanity mirror :D:D

  15. Hi Debbie. I booked last night and asked that same question. If we book flights and transfers with Celebrity, it is their responsibility to arrange things if the ports change.


    I was assured that the port is a secure area and we are sent in secure transport to the airport, which again is secure. This is why they have kept Istanbul for an embarkation/disembarkation port.


    I phoned Celebrity direct and found a very helpful man. On the internet I could only book flights the day before the cruise, so had to stay in a hotel overnight. He could manually over-ride the system and book flights for the morning of the cruise. He pointed out that we overnight in Athens so it should not be a big problem if anything went wrong with flights.


    Thanks for that... so they confirmed that it would be their responsibility to change our flights? I think i might just book ours with them then. Which date are you going on? Ours for the 25th Aug is half empty, but great savings to be had...

    Debbie :)

  16. I think we are feeling the same as everyone else... what a dilemma to be in! We have booked Greece and Turkey leaving 25th Aug, from Athens but then coming home from Istanbul. Now we were there August past and it was fine, but with the recent turn of events I am worried that Celeb will maybe change the final port. We haven;t booked our flights yet and we always book our own, now we don't know whether to book direct with Celeb this time. Does anyone know, it we book our flights with Celeb and they change last port, is it their responsibility as well as costs to change our flights? Also, our ship is more than half empty... will they sail with an empty ship?



  17. We have a cruise booked for this August on Reflection, i'm watching weekly as prices are tumbling :eek:


    Problem for us we booked in UK and cannot change booking without losing our deposit.


    so it needs to drop below £300 before i am in profit.


    Next time i will not be booking early and will wait .


    Out of interest i looked for a similar cruise on reflection in August 2017 and the price is twice as much now without any offers ( drinks etc)


    Why do they do this when i know it will be half that price this time next year.

    I know prices will drop as they have for the last 3 years we have booked this time of year.


    Only this time they seem to be knocking off £100 per week, from what looked like the low point ( when we booked)


    I wish they would post the actual price they want us to pay and let us book as early or as late as we like.




    change the uk booking so we can change bookings without losing deposits, or make the deposit low enough to not bother about.


    I was under the impression that the TA could get the discount until your final payment. You should contact your TA and check that out.

  18. "If it makes you happy... then no-one else's opinion matters"


    Isn't this what makes us all different... thanks for the review. But I have to say, I have only been on RC and now a total Celebrity baby... couldn't see me changing, albeit, I have to agree, manners seem to be a thing some people leave in the bucket on the gang plank on the way onto the ship... maybe they collect them on the way off.... but IMHO....Why so rude?

    Thanks again and happy cruising x

  19. The Beach Boys


    :D Kokomo



    Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take ya

    Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama

    Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go


    Jamaica off the Florida Keys

    There's a place called Kokomo

    That's where you wanna go to get away from it all


    Bodies in the sand

    Tropical drink melting in your hand

    We'll be falling in love

    To the rhythm of a steel drum band

    Down in Kokomo


    Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you

    To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama

    Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go

    Down to Kokomo

    We'll get there fast

    And then we'll take it slow

    That's where we wanna go

    Way down to Kokomo


    To Martinique, that Monserrat mystique


    We'll put out to sea

    And we'll perfect our chemistry

    By and by we'll defy a little bit of gravity


    Afternoon delight

    cocktails and moonlit nights

    That dreamy look in your eye

    Give me a tropical contact high

    Way down in Kokomo


    Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you

    To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama

    Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go

    Down to Kokomo

    We'll get there fast

    And then we'll take it slow

    That's where we wanna go

    Way down to Kokomo


    Port Au Prince I wanna catch a glimpse


    Everybody knows

    A little place like Kokomo

    Now if you wanna go

    And get away from it all

    Go down to Kokomo


    Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you

    To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama

    Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go

    Down to Kokomo

    We'll get there fast

    And then we'll take it slow

    That's where we wanna go

    Way down to Kokomo


    Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you

    To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama

    Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go

    Down to Kokomo

    We'll get there fast

    And then we'll take it slow

    That's where we wanna go

    Way down to Kokomo


    Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you

    To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama

    Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go

    Down to Kokomo

    We'll get there fast and then we'll take

    it slow That's where we wanna go

    Way down to Kokomo


  20. Thanks for your review.

    My husband & I done the same cruise, we left on 8th March, we were celebrating our 25 wedding anniversary & I have to agree with you, a fantastic ship, wonderful friendly staff & delicious food.

    I would have to disagree with you on a few parts you mentioned, but this is only my opinion, so please do not be offended.:o

    I found the age group varied from the honeymooners in their 20's right up to the older couples and friends, who were having so much fun that I think they like me feel that age is only a number. By the way I have also just turned 50 and my husband is 46.

    The drinks package: the classic as good as it is and free we upgraded to premium as this is what we always buy and we were delighted when it cost us only $300 to do this, which then widened our totally drinks package and we also had the evain ( which we drink at home)

    We had lots of Americans & Canadians, on the ship and it was lovely to hear them, we the Northern Irish were in the minority, which i don't mind as I go on holidays to meet people from different countries and cultures.


    Sorry were not happy with your cabin, but you should've goggled it before you left and you would've seen if it was obstructed, but at least you will know for the next time to book another category on a different deck. :rolleyes:

    Glad you enjoyed the Caribbean, we found it so relaxing & yes it rained with us to in St Lucia, but sure isn't that why the place is so green.;)


    Anyhow, we had a brilliant holiday, the staff spoilt us with flowers in our cabin on our wedding anniversary and then that night a beautiful cake presented to us in Murano. :D

    We left the ship totally relaxed and knowing that nothing could beat a holiday with Celebrity.

  21. Hi

    while on our cruise in March we booked an open passage as I had not decided where, when and for how long I wanted my next cruise to be.


    We disembarked on the 22nd March, but as yet I havent received any thing from Celebrity or my travel agent to say this has been booked.


    • Do I contact Celebrity
    • Do I contact my travel agent


    Has anyone else booked on of these? If so, what is it I have booked?


    I have to say that I found the "Future cruise" staff to be quite uninterested in what we were trying to book and just sent us away with the form and told us to fill it in.

    So any information would be great.

    thanks in advance

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