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Posts posted by Sparky74

  1. 3 hours ago, Mycruiseobsession said:


    Yes that's  why I only use 10mg rather than the suggested  20mg.


    I have experimented over the years. I find 20mg makes me too drowsy the next day.


    Usually the night before these high probability of travel sickness trips I just do the phenergan everynight before bed - have the best sleep 😁


    But for example, on a tender day where it looks like it's going to be rough I also take one trava calm original an hour before. Have sometimes had to take another around 30 mins before the end of the day's return day trip - I can usually feel if I am still off.


    Trava calm original does contain caffeine in an attempt to balance out the drowsiness and I am a coffee drinker, I will also have the odd energy drink! Heart seems to cope with it 😆


    Hopefully the skies have cleared now? The rain radar looks promising. 



    I always struggle to sleep on planes. When we went to the UK I took 25mg of Phernergan and it had no effect. On the return trip I took 50mg and still didn’t sleep. A year or two later I’d had several sleepless nights at home and in desperation took 75mg. 😱 That did the trick but I did feel a bit doughy the next day. 

    Since then I’ve found that 10mg will give me a good night's sleep. I suspect the 25mg tablets might have been a bit old. 🤷‍♂️

  2. 14 hours ago, Mycruiseobsession said:


    Oh no! Hope she feels better soon!


    I never find kwells works 

    I am super sensitive to travel sickness. 

    The only combination that works for me is the lowest dose phenergan (10mg) the night before and a Trava Calm Original at least an hour before the tenders, ferries etc.


    Same with going on land tours up places like the Gillies Range in Cairns.

    DW had left the packet of Kwells in the unit at Arlie Beach, so upon arrival at Hamilton Island I popped into the chemist. I was served by the pharmacist and he suggested 2 x Trava Calm Orginal half an hour prior to boarding as a stronger drug than the Kwells. Apparently 10mg Phernergan is the next step up. Also both can make you drowsy.


    The return journey was much smoother and I managed to get a couple more shots of the Pacific Encounter from the ferry. 



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  3. 1 minute ago, arxcards said:

    The weather has been pretty ordinary for much of the east coast. As best I can tell, Adventure left Moreton Island early yesterday, and I can only presume it was too rough to tender. Hopefully we will see a break in the weather on Saturday.

    It’s been pretty good up here in Airlie Beach. 
    My elder sister had to go home early for work. 😔

    They flew to Brisbane on Tuesday and reported it was cold, wet, and windy upon arrival. 
    We've been here since last Friday and today would be our "worst weather" day but I’ve been out for my morning constitutional in T-shirt and shorts! 
    I will, however, take my light jacket to Hamilton Island today.

    I'm more than happy to accept this as mid-Winter weather!

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  4. Ship Ahoy!

    An early glimpse of the Pacific Encounter for us before we board her in Brisbane on Saturday. 
    This photo was taken from the balcony of the unit we're staying in at Airlie Beach this week. 
    It’s not the clearest weather and it’s a bit windy; and it’s forecast to pick up as the day progresses. 
    I’m not sure I’d like to be tendering ashore today. 
    But then again we’re booked to take a boat ride to Hamilton Island today! 


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  5. On 6/22/2024 at 6:14 PM, Sparky74 said:

    You may also like to check out the Oceanliner Designs channel on YouTube. Lots of videos about the Titanic. Lots of videos about other maritime disasters. Lots of videos about ocean liners (as opposed to cruise ships). Presented by an Australian, Mike Brady. 


    Mike has just released a new video about Monarch of the Seas. 


  6. 10 hours ago, Cbtours said:

    Weren’t you celebrating aunties cruise the first cruise we met you on 🤣🤣🤣

    Yes, one of today’s antisocial media "memories" was that two years ago we were at Airlie Beach on that cruise.

    Today, we are again at Airlie Beach with Auntie. 
    It’s her 80th birthday on Monday. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, CDaze71 said:

    I'm so desperate I booked my first ever 3 nighter. Never done anything less than 7 nights before. 


    We’re doing 3 nights on Pacific Encounter from next Saturday. It’s Auntie's 80th birthday on Monday so everyone is flying to Airlie Beach to celebrate. DW & I decided we’d need a short cruise to recover. 🤷‍♂️
    No visit from the upgrade fairy for this cruise yet. 

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  8. As I recall they’d stuffed me around with the booking for this cruise. I can’t remember the details but I remember getting really cranky when someone assured me they'd ring me back with a solution to my issue and then failed to do so. 
    I did wonder at the time if the upgrade was a sort of apology, or sweetener, or bribe… It was a bit of a strange cabin, an aft balcony with a pillar in the middle of in. That was on Brillance OTS.

    We also received a complimentary upgrade on our first ever cruise, 4 nights on Legend OTS out of Hong Kong. Three of us: DW, a friend, and myself shared a cabin and were upgraded from an inferior to an oceanview. The ship was sailing at about ¾ capacity. We were so green! LOL. We learnt a lot about cruising on that trip and have learnt a lot more since.

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  9. This thread has piqued my interest as we are considering cruising on BOTH the Westerdam AND the Crown Princess next year. 😱


    We've only cruised once with HAL so far (Alaska in 2022) and thoroughly enjoyed it. We sailed with Princess three times so far and enjoyed those cruises also. 

    This doesn’t help answer your question, though. 🤷‍♂️

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  10. The Plus package isn’t worth it for us
    We don’t drink alcohol. 
    We're not big coffee drinkers. DW doesn’t touch the stuff. 🤣
    DW will have 1 or 2 soft drinks/day on a cruise. I try to steer clear of them. 
    It’s nice to disconnect when on holidays so I’m happy not to have wifi. 

    We used to buy the soda package on RCI, back when I drank softdrink but I’d get to the end of the day (especially on port days) and realise I hadn’t had 3 drinks which is what I needed to have to be ahead. So we gave that away and DW just buys a drink whenever she wants one. 🤷‍♂️ It works for us. Now we have Diamond status on RCI, so 4 drink vouchers/day. And shareholder OBC when sailing on Carnival Corp lines. 

    Free laundry would be nice but I’m not chasing status. I can do a lot of laundry for $65/person/day. Heck, I might even start up a freelance laundry service on our next cruise, undercutting the cruise line. 🤣🤣🤣

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  11. 6 minutes ago, Mycruiseobsession said:


    Did you take an actual  photo? If so photography of monitor screens are not the best.


    I would suggest a screen shot. Depending on what operating system your laptop uses you can use the Print Screen Function and save it as a jpeg.


    Then you will have a clear image  to upload.

    I wanted to take a screenshot (of something else) on my laptop the the other day and realised there was no PTR SCR button. Goggle to the rescue! The Windows logo button + SHIFT + S takes a screen shot and puts it on the clipboard. You can then paste it into an email or wherever. It worked for me, but this wasn’t in relation to shares or OBC. YMMV

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