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Crazy For Cats

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Everything posted by Crazy For Cats

  1. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. It’s a very rainy morning here and it’s supposed to last most of the day. This afternoon I’m getting the second shingles shot so I’m planning on not doing anything tomorrow. I’m pretty sure I’d like today’s meal suggestion. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  2. I received notice overnight that Homer was dropped from our May 2025 NA itinerary. It was replaced with Sitka.
  3. I have good news to report. We disembarked the Rotterdam on 12/22/23. When I checked on Tuesday my account wasn’t updated. I just checked this morning and the proper Mariner credits were applied.
  4. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. It’s a rainy morning with the temperatures in the 50’s, I expect the snow to vanish by this afternoon. Today’s meal suggestion is a favorite here, although tonight we’ll have turkey breast. I haven’t had the drink of the day in a long time, it used to be a favorite. I ordered DH roses for Valentines Day and they arrived yesterday, they are Lego so he’ll have fun putting them together. I hope everyone has a good day today. Mona would push me out of bed to get breakfast if she could.
  5. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. We got a light dusting of snow overnight. I prefer my beer in bottles instead of cans. I’d like to think that I’ve made a difference for the good with all my rescues. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  6. Good Evening, tonight’s dinner was almost like I was on a BHB. The butter chicken sauce was so good! On my next trip to Aldi I’ll get more. The drawback was that I had to cook!🤣 Even DH liked it!
  7. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. The temperatures are 16F this morning and I’m fine to stay inside today. The meal suggestion would go well with tonight’s dinner. I’m making butter chicken with a sauce I picked up at Aldi, it gets good reviews. I’m hoping that today is a quiet work day so that I can catch up what got missed with last week’s project. I hope everyone has a good day today. On weekends Mona encourages me to lay in bed with her. I suspect that’s why she wakes me up so early on weekends.
  8. They watch the rabbits, squirrels and of course the birds. I enjoy their chirping at them all.
  9. Good Morning, thanks for today's daily fleet report. It's a cold start to the day at 14F. We had a dusting of snow overnight. Mona had me up early so I had plenty of time to get ready for sail in. I'm curious about today's meal suggestion. I'm not sure what's for dinner, either ham or going out. I hope everyone has a good day today. How to tell you we have rabbits without telling you.
  10. Mona had me up very early so I got to watch sail in. The camera operator is up early again so we can see the NS arrive.
  11. Today I needed to go to Kohl’s and return an item from Amazon that came broken. While at the center I stopped in at Aldi and picked up two spiral hams that were marked down to .89 lb. Tonight while watching HGTV I saw an ad from HAL promoting Alaska. I thought it a nice ad.
  12. @dfish I make chicken liver like my mom taught me. Dip the liver in flour that has salt and pepper. Then fry them in a cast iron skillet that has butter and some oil. I make mashed potatoes and when they are ready pour some of that water into the skillet to make a nice gravy with the remaining liver bits.
  13. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. It’s a cold start to the day. It’s 15F with wind chills in the single digits. Today’s meal suggestion sounds really good to me, not DH. I’m planning on making chicken liver which I haven’t had in a long time. Yesterday work went much easier as the migration is complete on our side. I don’t have much on today’s agenda except for a load of laundry. I hope everyone has a good day today. Jasper and Zander got me up for breakfast which also let me watch the NA arrive.
  14. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. Another cold day with snow in the forecast. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good and I’d like a potion of something when the work week is done. Yesterday’s data center migration was horribly run by the customer and things ran over six hours late. We eventually got them in a reasonable spot with lots more follow up today. I didn’t have a chance to read yesterday’s daily. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  15. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. I’ve been on a bridge line since 5:30. The customer did not do their copy correctly, so much for the dry run. There is a strong chance that we will need to fall back and do the data center migration another day. @dfish the pork looks very good with today’s meal suggestion. @seagarsmoker best wishes on your interview. Tax season is almost here.
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