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Keys Kathy

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Everything posted by Keys Kathy

  1. They overcharge for the service. Get jewelry or a gift for someone.
  2. with GTY, you can always change your stateroom in the same category. often Obstructed view means there is a lifeboat below you. Personally, I don't look down, I look out!
  3. Use the info they sent you and dispute the charge with your cc company.
  4. I check it two ways: resident rate and Military. I am embarrassed to say the resident rate is often lower than the Military rate.
  5. Take one of those spacesaver bags. Just roll it up and put it in the suitcase: minimal weight, minimal space. DH will most likely not notice.
  6. Wow! How soon did you ask? People don't realize this kind of thing can happen and don't ask. I am glad some got to use it! No wonder they got our luggage to the Lobby so fast. I missed meeting nice people!
  7. All I want is my cruise. I don't blame them, nor do I blame me. I just want my cruise.
  8. I fell on the ship before we left port. Since my shoulder was fractured and I had other more minor injuries, they had us disembark. We had not unpacked or used the cabin. What should I expect to happen next? I have sent two emails to customer support.
  9. I take photos of their name tags so I know how to spell their names and state their position correctly.
  10. We didn't have "trip" (LOL) insurance. We are relying on MSC to do the right thing. We never unpacked. I was dropping off our carry-on and heading to have lunch with new friends. I left the Halloween Candy we brought for the YC crew and cruise ducks with one of the Officers. Has any found a duck? Oh, good drugs help with healing too. I tried to go without a pill in the middle of the night...... not quite time yet. Two pluses, 1, it was my left shoulder, 2, Windows 11 has a speak-to-type feature
  11. It is nice for me to hear the weather was lousy. I fell Sunday going from our cabin to the YC dining room for lunch. My shoulder is broken so they had us get off the ship. We were still in port. I hope someone got upgraded to our cabin. I have contacted customer service about resuming our trip another time. Hopefully, they will co-operate.
  12. The great thing about Grand Cayman is riding the tender to view the unbelievable waters. We ride right back. We visited the Museum there years ago, very interesting, but we don't need to go back to the Island to visit all the tourist shops.
  13. Thank you for showing up again... I was starting to get jitters....... I bought the Halloween Candy for the staff today. I hope they like the selection.
  14. Thanks so much for the info. I will bring about 120 pcs of candy for Yacht Club people. I also have 20 cruising ducks and the Conch Republic Flag for our door.
  15. Don't you love it when they break the rules and expect the cruise line to compensate them when the cruise line has the extra cost of repairing all the mess in the cabin? I wonder if the next cruises were able to use the cabin.
  16. Would you please ask in the Yacht Club how many staff are assigned there? I want to bring them some Halloween Candy. Asked them to include their kitchen staff.
  17. I think Amazon links are OK. It is TA links that are not allowed. I bought one yesterday. We are running out of time for Amazon! Buy whatever you want/need TODAY! I have a USB fan sitting on my nightstand. Hubby gets cold. I get hot. Can't wait to hear about Butcher's Cut.
  18. Do you find the air circulation good enough for sleeping, or should I bring my fan? Do you ever wear your neck fan to bed?
  19. I agree about the mirrors. Doing your business with a mirror that shows how much weight you gained was a bit unnerving! My knee didn't like the tub; it was too high.
  20. My aren't you pleasant! You could have just ignored my comment if it didn't suit you. I guess your family are the ones who feel men shouldn't dress like gentlemen at dinner in a public dining room. My husband is the one wearing slacks to dinner and a tux on Formal night. Yes, the rest of the time he will be in shorts.
  21. You go to the Yacht Club tent. They will check you in, give you your bracelet, and escort you to your next place. Depending on the time, it could be a special lounge area or right on the ship to the Top Sail Lounge.
  22. The Summit does not have the "ship within a ship" concept that Yacht Club has. I don't think X got that right until the Ascent. BUT Summit is not as big, nor does it carry as many passengers as MSC. Having been in Yacht Club, we avoid going "OUT THERE" due to the crowds. We went out for the Diamond Party and walked around while the ship was in port and the crowds were off the ship. Other than that, we had our own pool, bar, buffet, dining room, and entertainment. If you want anything from the buffet, the Bulters will get it for you.
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