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Posts posted by juicyjuju

  1. Which, in the interests of clarity and honesty, is where it should be.


    I prefer it to be included in the price. We've travelled on Seabourn and it's much more civilized not to have to deal with ghastly, awkward tippping. We still make a donation to the crew welfare fund at the Pursers desk on Seabourn but since drinks are included, you don't tip for drinks, or room service for that matter.

    I hate ordering room service on Cunard because I never know whether to tip, or what to tip. If I have coffee delivered and tip two or three dollars, will the server be grateful or embarassed? If someone tipped me two dollars for doing my job I'd be mortified....but then I'm not in a service industry.

    Just raise the price a little, have no tipping and bring back civility and gracious service!

  2. The idea that SS may eventually go "country club casual" and eliminate many of the formalities of traditional cruising was not good news to me. Personally, I enjoy the dressing-up, the parties and receptions where you can meet and greet the Captain and officers and get to know more of your fellow passengers, and all those fabulous social traditions. A big part of what appeals to me about a cruise holiday is the opportunity to step into another world, very different from day-to-day life -- a world with a bit of glamour, fantasy, and adventure. Doing away with many of the traditional aspects of cruising could make the experience rather ordinary to many of us. Much like staying at a nice hotel -- pleasant at best, but nothing terribly special or memorable. Just one opinion on the issue.


    I love getting dressed up and my DH doesn't mind wearing a tux at all.

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