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Posts posted by rabbitoh_777

  1. Rumour has it that Lee Lin Chin will be the Christener.


    A zip line will be set up from the top of the Opera house to the bow in a novel way for her to crack the Porphyry Pearl.


    It appears though the Lord Mayor of Sydney Clover Moore has her nose out of joint, saying that if anyone but her is going to be wearing a bike helmet with a bottle of sparkling affixed to it in her city that it will be over her cold lifeless dead body !


    Go Lee Lin...



  2. Dear Pot Planted Fern


    A real 2nd of April posting you have threw-up there, a day late and a dollar short. :o


    As for Taronga zoo the Galah cage is missing a few feathered friends, a short term residency should be easily arranged as long as you leave the tin foil helmets home in Arkansas...


    Cheers r



  3. You seem to think I support the Raiders, while I do like it when they win, I do live here after all. They are not my team. My team no longer competes in the NRL and therefore remain undefeated in that competition.;p


    Oh my... till ya fess up and wear it loud & Proud but have Can Bra in the old nic avatar whatevs ya call it, you get tarred with the same slimy limey green brush.


    From the sounds of it the Adelaide Rams may haps? Were they "dissolved" around the time of Snowtown when John Bunting was Capt. Coach? :confused:


    Though we all do know you are more in league with the round ball Greg Louganis associates of flare throwing hooligans after all ... :p


    Cheers r



  4. P&O sponsor South Sydney, sort of says it all really :p


    Lol. squeeze every last red cent out of em, I say!


    What's this about all your lot blowing a big horn at the start of footy matches then all getting the big dose of the Vikings clap for all raiders fans involved. :p


    Funny too that your sponsors have included Trade Unions and Milk and now Huawei pronounced Wah-Way supposedly sounds like crying whiny babies ("who are we" indeed more like it?), now that really says it all matey... :o


    Cheers r



  5. Good ole Pong & Orrible, never fails to disappoint... ;p


    Anyway hopefully they just continue to scoop up all the flotsam and jetsam we don't want to encounter cruising elsewhere thus serving a purpose needed, as is always appreciated by the aristocracy, gentry, second estate... :eek: :')


    Cheers r



  6. If I paid 50k to come down to Van Diemen's land and only got to see Abigail and Maria Venuti I'd call it a big bust as well mate!


    Get in to us sons and daughters of convicts and then the cannibals descendants down the two shaky southern states buddy we deserve it, NCL is our countries National carrier after all! :rolleyes:


    Seriously though the biggest busts I have ever seen are all over Trumpsville USA...


    Loving all the rhubarbing never the less.


    Keep it up, start spreadin' the news....




    Cheers r





    Now they are -

    RU = Mugs on drugs

    RL = Thugs on drugs



    I like what the yanks call soccer players = Lawn fairies - they will decorate your lawn in any position but mostly lying face down in agony.


    Down here in Oz, since they are all covered by actors equity = Flaring Feigning Floppers...


    Indoor soccer, Fusbal, Foosball = Fuzzballers, Footstools, or if you're over 35 and still playing = Flash mob Faux Pas ...


    Harsh but fair. Lol...


    Cheers r



    Yeah well, enough said. :rolleyes:



    As opposed to what ? Dare I say that horrid slime green jersey-ed, broken down machine The Canberra Raiders with Victor the Viking? :rolleyes:


    How does that relate down under and to Can Bra?


    Vikings, from Old Norse víkingr, were Nordic seafarers, mainly speaking the Old Norse from way, way up North old son not land locked man made lake pollie-villers who speak with forked tongue. :D


    Although seeing as they only ever played one Grand-Final (and lost) at the Grand old Girl the SCG. I am not surprised that a Canberra resident would be totally unaware that at least 53 Major Premierships have been decided at the Spiritual home of rugby League in Australia.


    More than any other ground in Australia by far since 1908.


    Yet you poor Johnny come latelies have only been in existence since 1981 so I guess you can't be expected to know the greatest game of all's history let alone rewrite it as politicians and public servants are prone to doing. :p



    Cheers r



  9. .

    Shield is only about 4 weeks. Doubt we'll get there this year, sailing out the next week, but trying to talk the girls into staying down when we get home to see the game (Tigers I think).


    Daughter was so excited at Christmas she had renewed my membership (each Christmas saves her needing to find a present) and Cook and Reynolds were there so she got my cap signed.


    Her no 1 prized possession is a T Shirt Spud signed at the Tomahawks game back in 99 or 2000 at Redfern.



    Very nice, you have raised her right, gut! They were dark times indeed but that's a nice souvenir regardless.


    Love the Spud, was a good apprentice to come to us after one of my favourites "Bundy" Les Davidson left the club.


    Keep the faith mate, the way we finished last year & the way they won their last 5 games including beating the Premier Sharks and were one point off beating the runners-up Storm as well in Melbourne thanks to Damien Cook giving Cam Smith a penalty :mad: in the last minute has given me a lot of confidence in their chances.


    Souths had a very dismal year but also still had a better points difference than the 2 teams who finished 2 wins above them being WESTS TIGERS & the NZ WARRIORS and the also Illawarra Dragons who were only one win ahead at the finish.


    Renno can't have another injury plagued year though. :(


    Cheers r



  10. .

    Who's under the thumb???


    Surely not me,



    It may be me, speaking of Can Bra my better half has roped me into spending the Australia Day holiday break visiting "The sumptuous exhibition Versailles: Treasures from the Palace is a once in a lifetime chance to see and experience here in Australia a mesmerising period in French history. For the first time ever, the treasures will travel from France to entice visitors into a world of power, passion and luxury through this epic exhibition on show in Canberra at the National Gallery of Australia from 9 December 2016 until 17 April 2017. ".


    Good grief the things we do, mate... the Charity shield on the other hand can't come quick enough!


    Cheers r




  11. .

    Now this is quite helpful, thanks.


    And I thought Canberra was Canbra (as note in another post). Surely someone cares???

    And New Carsel--who knew.


    Thanks for all the tips--I am keeping them in a file.




    Only Peter Harvey (deceased)and also MicCanberra (Alive) but he still questions himself but is too "paranoid" to say so. :p


    As for Newcastle people who live there we are called Novocastrians, or if you're married to Gut's missus Novo castrated... :eek:


    Cheers r




  12. .

    To me such a sad reflection is one of - that more and more people that are quick to pose one of the first questions in their minds after the initial shock, sorrow, outrage etc. which is, "I wonder what the police might have done differently" ?


    How about the Judge, judicial system, bail enforcement requirements and we the people who put government in place that continues to pander to the vocal minorities driven by media interests.


    All too often it is the rights of the 'offender first, victims last' which is now far too prevalent in our society today.


    The doo-gooder mentality and mantra "everyone has equal rights as a human being", well this life form is no human being, not an animal, not a bacteria but a virus that needs eradication by something other than the weak ineffective anti-biotic failure of a system we currently have.




  13. .

    I suspect one poster is talking about the width of the deck that is called "Promonade" (as opposed to say Baja deck), while everyone else is talking about the walkway around the deck that most people refer to as the promenade deck.



    You spoil-sport Gut, I was pmsl enjoying the pedant hunting exercise from the all for one, one for all free for all from the "harry half arsers" club. ;) :p


    It never ceases to amaze me of the pack mentality on these boards turned on anyone who has a different opinion, opposite way of looking at or reading anything that doesn't follow the mob majority "norm for normal, nutters" accepted take on absolutely anything... even if it just a good old taking the urine or a good dose of pedantry! :rolleyes:


    Hope you & your family had a joyful festive season and a happy new year mate.


    Cheers r.





  14. .

    I would implore all followers to contribute to this thread. At the same time I urge Cruise Critic to institute a campaign on all forums to spread the message: 'Help all cruisers avoid illness'


    At the risk of offending some followers of Cruise Critic: If you are someone who doesn't automatically wash your hands thoroughly with soap and drying them after using the toilet, I don't want you on my cruise or any cruise. If you likewise don't take advantage of the excellent cruise lines' policies of actively encouraging the use of hand sanitisor before eating, you are selfish by causing illness and inconvenience to your fellow cruisers.


    I can only speak for men, but I see a significant number of men not washing their hands properly or at all after the toilet. Are you aware that just by touching the door handle of the bathroom you can spread bacteria from an unwashed hand? Princess ships even have a sign in bathrooms suggesting use of a paper towel on bathroom door handles.


    I urge all those who do the right thing to avoid touching the bathroom door handles without the use of a paper towel. I do not encourage you to get into confrontations with cruisers who are irresponsible in this regard, but rather to encourage cruise staff at every opportunity to enforce hygienic practices. For instance, cruise staff need to strictly monitor hand sanitising stations and refuse entrance to those who decline to do the right thing.


    Come on cruisers and cruise companies. Help make our cruising experience illness free! ;)




    I feel ill, nanny wipe my botty...





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