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Posts posted by cruisinnancy

  1. Are you sure you are eating enough during the day? I'm not an expert but eating more during the day will keep your metabolism going rather than eating the bulk of your points on an evening. I hope you get to goal soon :)


    Hey all, I just came across this Post and would like to join it. I have been on (and off) WW for around 1-1/2 years and it seems like I am at a stand still as far as weight loss goes. I thought maybe a little more help can't hurt. I was 178 then with a goal of getting down to 150 and got down to 156 last April. Then went up to 163 and now down to 162. I weigh myself every morning. I like to do that so I know where I am at and no weekly surprises. Yes, It sound a little fanatical but I believe it's best to be a little (Just a little) to stay on target.

    Here is my usual daily routine. I eat a banana, apple, carrot, & a teaspoon of fresh ginger smoothie with water every morning (0) points) and for lunch I usually have frozen veggies with or without the cheese sauce (the WW approved type with about 4 points total) when I get home is another thing I eat I think out of boredom. Mostly whole wheat bread with jelly or bowl of whole grain cereal like honey nut Cheerios with light soy milk. and I eat a healthy to semi healthy dinner usually with brown rice (all within the WW guidelines) Then on weekend I cheat a little but again usually within the WW guidelines. I know I need to exercise but only maybe 5 times a month on average.

    I cannot figure out though when people say they have a hard time reaching their daily 29 points. Either I'm doing something wrong or I lack the imagination to come of with things to eat that are not point makers. Maybe I'll try another smoothie in the afternoon, I like fruit but do tend not to eat it whole I would rather it in a drink. I would love to get to my goal by our July cruise. I am fearful that I will gain too much back.


    So that's my story, My name is Chris, Can I come and play with you all? :)

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