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Posts posted by Funsince1983

  1. 15 minutes ago, MeganGC1983 said:

    Better than the dogs before him. 

    Truth. Out of the 5 dogs I was aware of being there while we were there - one was DOA, 3 were put down and the last was being admitted. 

    • Like 8
  2. 13 minutes ago, TravelE said:

    No! Blue Pearl will take all your money. Ask me how I know?!


    I hope your fur baby is 👌 

    🥴🥴🥴 I'm dreading the bill at the end of this. He's getting some fluids and anti nausea meds so hoping it won't be ALL my money. 😂

    • Like 9
  3. 5 minutes ago, SenatorsFan said:

    Oh no. What's going on now? 😔

    One of the dogs has some sort of nasty tummy bug. Woke up this morning and vomited a TON, then kept crying, screaming almost, and throwing up more, threw up probably 8-10 times and was like howling in between. Loaded him up to come here and he had diarrhea in my back seat so that's awesome. 

    Waited a while because they had 2 euthanasias and one dog DOA. Vet finally just came in and just got pulled right back out to go put another dog down so.. still awaiting our diagnosis. He seems to be acting fine now though, hoping for some fluids and to be sent on our merry way.


    • Like 19
  4. 4 minutes ago, Jamman54 said:

    Let's go Devils! They have a habit of losing games to teams below them after beating teams above them. They beat Dallas,  and then lost to the Coyotes. The Devils beat the Jets on Thursday.....

    And we're off to a great start.... woof. 

    • Haha 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, MeganGC1983 said:

    I’m trying to get ahold of Aris but his phone is on quiet mode. That casino bar must be hoppin! 

    Lightning strike.. that's gotta be some odds. I read it did damage to 3 decks. She's gonna be shut down for a while.. 

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  6. 9 minutes ago, Roscoe13 said:

    Guys!  Guys!  Listen up now!  The bakers and chefs are taking it to a whole new level with this Iron Chef sour dough reduction discard talk...


    Challenge accepted!

    When you are in a cover two defense and you hear Omaha called as an audible should you drop out of it to a basic zone or go to the safety blitz?

    I know nothing about Omaha. Ask the midwesterners. 😆

    • Haha 5
  7. 4 hours ago, Riles34 said:

    Looks great! My wife is "sourdoughing" it up today as well. That process of feeding the starter and weighing things is above my pay grade! You have rain, we have 18" of snow...its a stay at home kind of day.

    Sourdough is confusing AF when you start but once you get the hang of it and know your feeding/bulk ferment/cold retard timing it's easy peasy. 

    • Like 3
  8. 16 minutes ago, TravelE said:

    Discard? As in you are going to throw them out? But they look so yummy. 

    Haha no, they're going to get eaten. When you have a sourdough starter you need to "discard" some of it before feeding it, otherwise it A) gets out of control and B) uses too much flour. So they're made with non active starter - most people keep their discard in a separate jar in their fridge and you can make all sorts of recipes using it. 🙂

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  9. Happy freakin Saturday. This month has been rough. Ready to bid adieu to March. Made some sourdough discard bagels this morning, going to go start a loaf of bread. Working out. Other than that nothing on the books, life has been rained out today and I am not complaining. 


    • Like 24
  10. 44 minutes ago, #55worktoplay said:

    It’s also been my experience that one thing leads to the whole room. It tends to go quiet here for a few days😀

    Haha it was needed. We have a real old junky couch in the basement. The rug was not needed. That I wanted. And well, then I was like let me see if I can find something for downstairs.. and I did 😆

    • Like 7
  11. 8 hours ago, edspec said:

    I'm in Oakland for a WASC visit, fellow educators will know what that means 🙂

    I planned an extra hour for the drive from Sacramento area and due to horrific traffic arrived just in time.  There's a reason we're moving to SC Tribe.  Crazy, crazy, traffic with delays due to nothing but lots of cars...on a Sunday afternoon.  At one point six lanes and we're all stopped.

    Have lots of work this week, probably a good thing @pirate4me2 and @TxTeach79 are done with their excellent  reviews.  I'm thinking both of them need another vacation asap.  


    On another super interesting topic...to me anyway.  Anyone else notice how many people are on Ozempic or something similiar?  I'm a child of the 60s and I've been dieting for over 50 years so I'm all for it but didn't realize how many people besides me were truly done w/ dieting.  I notice it at conferences, on cruise reviews...let's face it, if you're over 40 and you've always been a little chunky you haven't just discovered exercise and fiber.  Admit it and join the happy club. 

    There's a special on abc tonight about the whole weight loss drug "revolution" hosted by none other than Oprah. 

    I've talked about the whole weight thing ad nauseam with @MeganGC1983 our formative years were when anorexic thin was in and size 6 Jessica Simpson was getting bashed in the tabloids for being fat. We both have girls - and don't want them growing up with the insecurities and the constant worry of "am I enough" because of their body size. All I want is for them to be healthy, strong, kind, confident and independent. I feel like I'm constantly teetering the line of "this is me, I need to accept it, love myself and just be happy" and "the scale says I'm unhealthy, I need to lose 10-15lbs." BMI is such a mindf*ck outdated way of determining a persons health, yet they still use it. My kids know I workout a LOT, but they think it's because I think it's fun (no, I don't) and I want to be strong. They know mom can squat more than dad. I try my hardest to not let them see me weigh/measure my food. I've been caught before and then they get hung up on reading nutrition labels (even if it's just for fun) and I don't want that for them. But.. as Megan can also vouch, I think every mom friend group knows someone who went to Colombia, or Mexico or Turkey or wherever and had weight loss surgery or a tummy tuck. It's just another unfortunate side effect of our generational upbringing. 

    • Like 15
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  12. 1 hour ago, #55worktoplay said:

    Well that’s how the rich get richer. I kind of wish I had a little bit of cheapness in me. 

    ....now that we all know why I'm poor 🤣


    Ya girls got a shopping problem. I did some serious retail therapy today. A new wool area rug, there may have been an entire rooms worth of furniture involved as well. Shoutout to Crate & Barrel Outlet. I don't see any point in skimping to save money. Can't take it with you when you die. 

    • Like 10
  13. 8 hours ago, dmet0225 said:

    Disgusting outcome tonight for the Stars.  They have to go to a shootout and an OT against the lowly Sharks two weeks ago and then this tonight against a team that just fired its head coach.   I was disgusted while sitting in that arena..


    Not what I expected, either.  What I also didn’t expect was the number of Jack Hughes sweaters in the stands tonight.  It’s not like they’re a big name team, and they were everywhere tonight.   You know who really surprised me?  Jesper Bratt.  That kid is a little fireball out there.  QUICK!  Admittedly, I have seen very few of their games, so I’ve missed out on watching him.  

    Early in the 2nd period, my son said, “Watch Jake Allen turn into a brick wall.”  Sure enough, he was right.  

    I am the proud wearer of a Bratt jersey. Sometimes. Tons of Devils fans there, the let's go Devils chants were audible on TV in the 3rd. 

    I'm truly wondering if having that veteran presence in net for the first time all season was really what helped last night, they looked like a different more confident team that actually wanted to be there. I think Allen will be a good a good enough stopgap for now to end the season and hopefully just the backup next. So glad they were able to ditch Vanecek and not have to buy him out. 


    Siegenthaler and Marino being out also helped because they've both been god awful this year. DeSimone had a good first game for us and I think Hatakka is going to be a stud. 

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