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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. Assuming Royal doesn't take up my feeding the Chair Hogs to the sharks idea ☹️, my next recommendation would be to go back to the good old days of locking the steerage passengers below deck. It wouldn't address the Chair Hog issue directly but there would be a lot more deck space and loungers for the 'upper classes'. 😊 Of course, since Mrs. Dawg and I only cruise balcony and above, my recommendation to Royal would be to include only insides and OV's in the new steerage class. 😉 P.S. I still like my shark idea better but for some reason Royal seams has some kind of an issue feeding possible repeat customers to the sharks. 🤔
  2. Are you talking about Chair Hogs or my university students?🤔 😉
  3. And we could bring in another type of shark to "eat them alive". 😱
  4. Then you are probably not going to like the solution I proposed to Royal management recently. Instead of saving their towels and other belongings at the towel stand, Royal should pile all the stuff onto a raft towed well behind the ship. The hogs can swim out to retrieve their stuff. All the while their fellow passengers would be encouraged to chum the water to attract even worse creatures. 😁
  5. I would avoid booking an excursion with some of the posters here on CC too. But, or course, those posters would probably want to avoid me like the plague too. 😊
  6. We hate cruise ship excursions as well. We did Chichen Itza by plane. Great way to go. It included a private tour of the site and we were done by the time the haggard cruisers arrived in their crowded buses. 😁
  7. Rumors ... here on CC? We don't deal with rumors on CC. We post just the way Joe Friday likes it. Just the Facts. 😉
  8. How does closing the ice cream machines down at 9:30pm indicate cruise lines trying to "phase out older cruisers"? Most of us old farts are in bed by 9:30pm! If anything, closing the ice cream machines down at 9:30pm indicates cruise lines trying to phase out younger cruisers. 😁 Now, if the cruise lines were closing the ice cream machines down at 9:30am, we might have a concern. 🙃
  9. OK. you are free to think that. And I'm free to think the way I do. In the end, nobody cares what you or I think about this issue. CC is just a way to waist time. 😊
  10. Of course not. I was responding to the poster who said their major concern was with Royal was doing for the magician. So I addressed that issue. Just because I didn't deal with the assailant doesn't mean "there should be no repercussions against the assailant". If you really have to know, I'm no lawyer but it looked like assault and battery to me. Hopefully some jurisdiction will throw the book at him. I couldn't care less what Royal does/did to him. That's their business and since I don't own any Royal stock, it's not my business. But if I owned Royal, I'd want the Captain to pick a crew member who most resembled Dick Butkus and have him (or her) to tackle the jerk right off the stern of the ship. 💪🏈 😁
  11. So if Royal should link what they charge for water to Walmart's price should they also link their dress core and allow 'wife beater' t shirts in the MDR? Carnival's price for water might be linked to Walmart's price but I thought Royal was a bit more upscale. 😁
  12. So what do you want Royal to do for the aggrieved magician? Get him his own Netflix special? This guy has probably had more publicity in the past few weeks then he ever had in his entire career. Maybe Royal should take 10% of his increased earnings he will generate because of this publicity. 😁 BTW I missed all the other threads about this so thanks for posting. I guess I avoid cruise ship magicians on land as well as at sea. 😉
  13. I'm against being "strong armed" into tipping or buying girl guide cookies. 😉 But if tipping University Profs ever becomes normalized, I might change my tune. 😁 Prof DirtyDawg wants a bigger retirement treasure chest.
  14. Then buy a Kia. Kia makes a nice model called a Carnival and with the money you save, buy a nice pair of head phones to block out all the kiddie noises. 😁
  15. I get that it can be annoying too but people have to realize Royal Corporate does not care one lick about us as people. We are $ signs to them, that is all. Only if enough us refuse to give Royal any more of our $ will will they ever deal affectively with the miscreants (much nicer word that I use for them). $$ is the only language Cruise lines understand.
  16. But you can reduce your exposure to the little monsters by changing cruise lines to one that has less of them. Hey, if I was the Almighty, I'd have the little **it disturbers and their parents walk the plank if they acted up on a Cruise. But fortunately for them (and the other 8 billion souls on this planet 😉) I'm not. I do like your branding iron idea too! 😁
  17. When I moved from a Toyota to a Lexus it wasn't 'running away' It was Upgrading. 😁 You asked; "Why should anyone have to switch from a cruise line they have been sailing on for years?" When that cruise line no longer meets your needs/requirements, it's time to shove off and make a change. Of course, you can continue to spend your hard earned money with them and write lots of letters to management complaining about the situation, but why knock your head against a wall. Move on. Like fish, there are lots of and cruise lines in the sea! 🛳️
  18. We never had an issue with our boys when they were little kids and teens on cruises because we NEVER took them! We waited until later to cruise with them when they were, at least, semi-formed human beings. 😉 They are all really nice and successful adults now but in their teens ... 😱. That being said, I would not change anything about those years. Not because those experiences helped make them who they are now. No, it's because Mrs. Dawg and I have some BIG Stories from that time to hang over them. 😊
  19. Not yet but I've pitched Royal on a new promotion. It's called BOGOFF. Buy One, Get an Old Fa*t for Free 😁
  20. I used to think that way until I hit 60 and started getting all those 'Seniors' discounts. If discounts are good for me, they must be good for the kiddies too! 😁
  21. Why not book on a cruise line that doesn't cater to kids? Celebrity and Holland America usually have fewer kids than Royal.
  22. This guy went 40 years without tipping a porter. His bags always showed up! 😉
  23. What's in a name; "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet". 😁
  24. Yes, it's official name is Price Discrimination and it is done all around the world in many, many markets. Now that I'm over 60, I enjoy the benefits of Price Discrimination when I get those seniors' discounts. 😁 💓
  25. 7604 is peanuts. But if each of those 7604 folks ate 76 hotdogs at one sitting, now THAT would be a REAL Word's Record. 🌭 😁
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