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Posts posted by CRocks

  1. I'll check back periodically. We will be there in mid August.


    Does the place have a web site...they may mail you one (you probably checked but you never know).


    No website but they do have a FB page. Contacted them + they don't take Paypal, wanted me to call down there + give them my cc nos. Was a little apprehensive doin that + won't put the nos in a FB message. That's be great if you'd check back before sailin, not havin much luck. The shop is right in the terminal where the tenders dock.

  2. We collect poker chips from different Harley shops. Is there one locally and convenient


    YUP, Black Pearl HD, right there where you get off the tender. It's just a little store, the actual shop is not within walking distance. Just so happens I been tryin to get a poker chip from there myself.


    If you'd be so kind as to get one for me, I'll Payapl yah 10 bucks to ship it to me.

  3. IMO, Belize is one of those less developed ports I like to book excursions thru the ship in case there's a problem. We were in St. Maarten just last week and 4 of the Carnival tour busses were stuck in traffic with no chance of making it back in time. One call from Carnival to the local PD + a police escort was sent out to stop all traffic + escort the busses back to the ship. Those folks would have had a serious problem had they not booked thru the ship and St Maarten is FAR MORE developed than Belize. Strictly my opinion. Most popular excursions there are cave tubing + snorkling. Enjoy!

  4. Not much in Freeport, we go to Port Lucaya when there. Nassau, different story. Many like Atlantis, I personally enjoyed the historic tour to the 2 forts + queens staircase. You can do this with a local taxi driver. Straw market a bit of a zoo. Enjoy + congrats to your son.

  5. You don't say which ship you sailed last, but it's fun to experience all clas ships. I'd choose Freedom hands down. Paradise is an older Fantasy class ship, and while I enjoy their open air deck space, I prefer the amenities on the newer, larger ships. Especially if you're considering a balcony cabin, very limited balconies on Fantasy class. Most important selection on a cruise..........who you're with, that makes the cruise!

  6. Last cruise was my first with ATD + we loved it! Yah just can't beat goin to the dining room anytime it's convenient for your schedule that day. Never had to wait more than a minute to be seated. Some might like not getting the same waiter + tablemates each nite. But, we dined with another couple that went with us + got a 4 topper every nite with great wait staff every meal.

  7. Oh, and to answer the original question -- no passwords for the Wifi connection -- you just select the ship's Wifi (available just about everywhere on board), and you're connected.


    But if you want to go outside of a few specific websites (the FunHub, which is the ship's site, carnival.com, and a few others…), you'll need to click on the link on the main FunHub web page to connect to the outside world. It'll prompt you to make an account, link it to your sign and sail portfolio, and either buy a plan or pay for things minute by minute. After you make your account, you log into it any time you want outside access to start billing.


    But VERY important no matter what plan you choose -- *always* remember to follow the log off instructions or it will continue to bill you minutes even if your laptop is put to sleep or shut down.


    If all you want is to upload a bunch of photos, though - you may be better off waiting until a port, finding free or less expensive WiFi at the port, and using that instead. Nassau has free wifi in the main building at the port - although it's often overloaded by all the crew and passengers using it. St. Thomas has some cafes with WiFi, but I found awesome free high speed WiFi at Paradise Point last time I was there. No idea about St. Maarten -- didn't go looking for Wifi when I went there last.


    Thanx for all the great info!

  8. Sailing Sat on the Dream. Have always missed bein able to post pics while aboard so my GF's daughter loaned us her laptop. My question is, do I need any special password or login sequence to get on the ships wireless internet. Pretty good with computers, but never used a wireless laptop. THANX!

  9. How long is the tender in Belize? Only done the tender at Grand Cayman which isn't bad. Wasn't planning to get off in Belize, but if they're only a couple bucks I'll grab a few if I get off.


    Thanx but I believe DCP is gonna pick one up for me. The tender ride is much longer than GC, about 30 min.

  10. Do they say belize on them??? Do all HD stores sell them ? I need to know more about these poker chips.



    Not to be confused the the poker chip sets HD sells for playing cards, every HD dealer across the world has dealer marked, non denominational, poker chips in various colors. They run between $1-2 each + are collected by HD owners + displayed in glass pic frames on walls. HD sells the frames for around $100 or you can pick them up on ebay for $35-40. It's a nice momento of the dealerships you've visited across the country/world + it's MUCH cheaper than buyin a dealer t-shirt at every stop.

  11. I got lucky. I kept an eye on it and bought it last year when it wasn't doing very well. With the dividends, on board credit and the fact that it's gone up over 20% since then, my return is 25% for less than a year. Not bad :).


    True, but you haven't MADE anything till you sell at that price. A wise man would do just that + wait for it to go back down (and it will). At today's valuation, it's got MUCH more downside than it's got upside and that can be said for the entire market. In the 90s I made tons of money off DELL. Bought everytime it fell to around $30, sold everytime it went to around $60. I'd put a limit order in to sell the same day I bought and a limit order to buy the same day I sold. Course, those days are gone + will never return in my lifetime.

  12. First of all I think we've all learned in t he last 5-10 years that mutual funds are NOT the great thing the financial investment world claimed they were. They really are just a gamble

    I've done some comparisons and over the past 10 years my GIC's and savings bonds (at only 2-3%) have vastly outperformed any mutual funds I bought, and I bought the low risk ones!!


    You obviously bought the wrong ones. Here's one example of a bond fund I hold which has blown away your 2-3% return + it is by NO MEANS one of the top performers, simply one I own as an example. Diversity, diversity, diversity, is how you make money + minimize risk!!! That's why people with portfolios < $100K can't adequately diversify w/o the use of a no-load, low exp mutual fund or a VASTLY diversified issue such as GE (almost the same as owning a stock MF) CCL is by NO MEANS a GE!



    YTD Performance as of 12/05/2012 14.97%

    1 Year* 16.42%

    3 Year* 11.28%

    5 Year* 9.06%

    10 Year* 11.88%

    Life* 10.24%


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