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Everything posted by QuattroRomeo

  1. Oh my, that is terrible news Charlene. It must be so incredibly frustrating to have to wait. At least you know your pet is okay, that is very good news. Safe travels home.
  2. We still have several canvas bags, ( used to get one per person, not per stateroom) and a couple of the blue document folders too- it was always exciting when they arrived in the mail! (ok I looked for a dinosaur emoticon but couldn't find one🛳️....)
  3. Thanks for sharing your cruise with us. Sounds like you're enjoying the Explorations Cafe ☕. We thought it was very good on the Koningsdam and look forward to trying it next month on Rotterdam. Have you also enjoyed the coffee and food at Dutch Cafe? We liked it there too. I think you could ask to take a photo with the rock band- after all, you liked them! And I would guess they have been asked before. Good "save" on the laundry! I can just imagine neatly folding hubby's socks and underwear, wrapping in tissue and placing in a basket...🙄!.. ps- agree with you about the tablespoon of cottage cheese at breakfast- have seen that on a few ships, so now I ask for a scoop!
  4. I hope the islands live up to your dreams! Have you chosen excursions?🌴
  5. We did this several years ago, so it might have changed. My recollection is you spend a lot of time on the bus. But we did find the ride from Gatun Lake to Panama City quite interesting for scenery. I remember seeing a gigantic ant hill. In the old city, you drive around some ruins, which was fine- pretty much just rubble, and have a decent walking tour through the old quarter. (prepare for the heat). At some point there was a stop at a small duty free mall. It was okay, lots of souvenir junk. I think we got an ice cream in there somewhere. The contrast of old and new buildings in the city was very interesting to see. The drive back was not so great because you are stalled a lot in rush hour traffic.The single biggest issue we had and still remember is the lack of planning for a washroom stop on the return trip. Sitting in traffic for ages, my husband made the driver pull into a small gas station. And EVERYONE on the bus got out and waited in line.. So, a decent tour, you see quite a bit, but tiring. Just make sure the driver makes a rest stop plan for the return.
  6. Sounds like an interesting strategy! Do you pick a cabin, or go guarantee for the inside (and does getting a gty make any difference when it comes to bidding opportunities)? I am guessing you pick a room so that if you stay with an inside, you are happy with location, but don't want to assume!
  7. Thanks for the review! It is always disappointing to miss ports- Argostoli and Mykonos in your case- especially when you go all the way to the Mediterranean! I hope you get a chance to go back. We've done a few Med cruises in the Fall- the weather is just right and fewer crowds. Hope you have good memories and photos for the places you did see! (Croatia is great isn't it!?)
  8. - Langoustine soup, Osso Bucco, and Sicilian Marzipan Cassata Torte in Canaletto - Apple pie in Grand Dutch cafe
  9. We received 2 tiles ( and 1 shopping bag) on our Inside Passage cruise on Koningsdam (May 28). On the last sea day, we were walking from the aft elevator on deck 2 toward mid-ship, and happened to notice a Mariner reception in a lounge area opposite Club Orange dining room. It was mid to late afternoon. I believe the sign said Mariner 4,5 reception. There is nothing about in the daily programs so I assume invitations were sent to eligible guests.
  10. The itineraries are pretty great on all of the ships so that has to be a consideration for you. But having done Med cruises on large and smaller ships, we would do small again. Especially when there are few, if any, sea days. We just found that after each very long day walking on cobblestone streets in the sunshine, then standing in line to get back on the ship, and then returning to the larger ship looking way down the oh-so-long hallway to our cabin, it was exhausting! If you have several sea days, then it isn't so bad.
  11. What a delicious-looking meal! Is the spread in the second photo hummus and seaweed? Or something else?
  12. Love your photos of Friscardo village, what a great spot. After eating all of those tasty Greek salads and seafood during the tours, does the ship fare kind of pale in comparison?? 😁
  13. We are considering the Nieuw Amsterdam B2B Dec 4-18. Haven't done a B2B before, but now with retirement we can consider them! We recently sailed on Koningsdam; first cruise since covid. I see that Amsterdam doesn't have as many things as Koningsdam- no Dutch cafe or NY Deli for instance, both of which we enjoyed. Would Club Orange help a bit in the food choices? Is it available on Amsterdam ( I see there is no separate dining room). Is there a good sandwich station in the Lido that might offer comparable NYDeli items? What happens on turnaround day for B2B passengers mid-cruise? If you leave the ship in Lauderdale, do you get back on board through the same line as passengers just newly embarking? We have been to all of the ports before, so know what to expect that way. Although good snorkelling opportunities always welcomed! Our curiosity is more about the ship itself and the B2B considerations or recommendations. Things that we like on board: specialty dining and offerings like Chef's Table specialty coffees small lounges with music wine tasting good promenade deck interesting daytime activities that aren't just promos evening shows and music Things we don't care about: pools, loungers, hot tubs or spa casino drink packages The fare on HAL website for OV is just guaranteed rate when I checked yesterday. How could Club Orange factor into this? If you have opinions or experiences to share about Nieuw Amsterdam or B2B, we would appreciate them! 🙂
  14. You know you're in an authentic family home bakery when you can walk past the shower!!.. guess it would be easy to wash away those crumbs..😁 Was the baklava great?? The assortment of goodies looks pretty tasty!
  15. We have often ordered flowers on cruises; never had a bad bouquet! Recently we ordered them on Koningsdam out of Vancouver. See photo in link below: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2857586-koningsdam-review-may-28-june-4/?do=findComment&comment=63342547
  16. We have enjoyed Chef's Table on NCL and RCCL in past years; haven't heard of it on HAL. My understanding is that NCL has discontinued them; not sure about Royal.
  17. We were recently aboard Koningsdam, and noticed that the wraparound deck, I think deck 5, had all of the lifeboats obstructing the view, at least mid-ship, when you walked around it outside. Is it the same on the Nieuw Statendam?
  18. The Market certainly is a destination in itself!! Gotta get me some of that "wrinkle disappearing" soap!.. The city and the market areas are so clean, very nice. Other than the soaps, did you happen to notice if there were many locally made items or is it the ubiquitous made in China stuff? e.g.the ceramics. And yes the prices are pretty great!
  19. Could I be invited to bid if I booked a GTY and not a specific cabin? In the past we always had a specific stateroom booked, so I don't know what would happen without that.
  20. You're doing great with all that walking in the hot sun!! Love the photo with the pile of grapes, hanging bananas and huge mound of olives!!
  21. Yes, I do know that many cruise ships, and many ships period, are built in Europe. Heck, I watch "Mighty Ships" religiously!! Anyway, what I am trying to learn about is how US lines procure some things in between drydocks. In the grand scheme of things a sofabed isn't that important, (except in this case it is for the OP), but it is interesting that it wasn't replaced item for item.
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