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Oklahoma Cruiser 2012

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Everything posted by Oklahoma Cruiser 2012

  1. For some reason, I expected a man in the front ringing a bell and another behind pushing a wagon. And @bgrmini, About as well attended as your attempt at comedy, I suspect.
  2. "Fully" vaxxed is the 2 shots and a booster. An additional booster is recommended for certain age-groups and those with health conditions that can compromise your immune system.
  3. I'd be coughing and hacking the entire time I was being "thrown off". Covid theater is the equivalent of the theater of the absurd.
  4. Well, to be completely technical. Cruise lines adopted the United States CDC recommendations voluntarily. The CDC no longer REQUIRES the Cruise Lines comply with their recommendations, as the order expired in Jan of 2022. The cruise lines could very easily opt out of the cruise line recommendations, and I suspect they'll maintain the fully vaxxed requirement, but drop the pre-cruise testing.
  5. Interesting little email this morning. Regent Seven Seas Cruise Line sent an email this morning "Beginning on August 1, 2022, we will no longer require our guests to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test result prior to embarkation, subject to local regulations. There are a small number of cruises — including certain voyages that begin in Canada, Greece and the United States — where guests may still be required to produce evidence of a negative COVID-19 test result within a specified timeframe upon embarkation. These requirements will be highlighted for the guests on those voyages at least 30 days prior to sailing". Let's hope the others follow. I'm all for requiring vaccinations to cruise, but pre-cruise testing is so unreliable. I think the only way it'd work is to require daily testing for 14 days prior to embarkation and daily during the cruise. Something I would never be willing to do.
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