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Everything posted by Morecruisesplz

  1. That can not make them money long term. If that were the case they would build ships with fewer cabins. Sailing with empty cabins is no way to build a railroad.
  2. Yes, OMHO, white is like tempting fate.
  3. Has nothing to do with gender. Lack of communication, overwhelmed staff, and it's faster to leave them together.
  4. If he is around. Sometimes they are mia.
  5. Sometimes. Depends on when you talk to cabin attendant. At some point 1 choice is full on his schedule and then you don't get a choice.
  6. How is the price? Maybe we could book two of them for these "friends."
  7. White = wear once then wash it. Not conducive to packing in smaller suitcases.
  8. Can 2 smaller people share this cabin? Asking for friends. 😏
  9. Sure, they ask and put it in your profile. Then when you get to your cabin, you can ask the attendant to separate them. The default is together as cabins are made up quickly the morning of departure day.
  10. I used the v one, so your explanation makes sense. I didn't look at anything except the # of nights when counting.
  11. Allowed gaming the system is still gaming the system. If you book a guarantee, keep it. Don't make someone who books later and pays full price take that connecting cabin
  12. Embarrassed? Why fold them up? Leave the 2 bills flat and hand them proudly.
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