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Posts posted by CaribSailor

  1. I, too, have tried other cruise lines and have come back to Royal. I've met many wonderful people on my cruises and look for cruises to sail with them again. Because of this, I will now be sailing solo because I know there will be people onboard that I know and will be included in activities with them. I'm tired of hearing negative comments about their ships, especially Harmony which hasn't even sailed yet. If one is so unhappy with the ship, food and entertainment, then why spend the money to sail with Royal? Some people are just never going to be happy, no matter what. Like Internetwhiz said, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".



    I guess being critical on a cruise critic is...ummm inappropriate? Why does everyone have hurtphelioma and take everyone's opinions personally? This is one of the problems with this world.. Everyone is so freaking sensitive.

  2. I am not an RC cheerleader. Nor am I the one bashing them... There are some things that I do believe to be true


    1. some people are not happy unless they are unhappy

    2. Some people let the smallest things affect them.. Such as mayonaise on salami sandwich


    For me......

    I like Royal (and I have sailed many other lines)

    I like the layout of the ships

    I like the casino program ( I think its the best at sea)

    I like the overall level of service


    could things be better? Of course they could.

    But... they could also be a lot worse.


    That being said.. there are certainly circumstances that would not be acceptable to me...but over my 18 RCCL cruises those things have been few and far between. and to be honest, when I have had to deal with guest relations, I am very nice, explain my situation and for the most part they have solved my issues to my satisfaction.


    Sailing on royal has a certain comfort to me, I know what to expect. I do agree that it is different sailing now as it was in 2001 for example. It's less formal (which I like) there are more things to do, if you want to ( which I like) .... The food is not as good as it once was... but the ships were smaller, and without all the activities, or other food choices... The MDR was sorta a big part of the picture. Now it is just one small part of the overall cruising experience.


    But cheerleader? Not a chance. Overall happy, satisfied and continuing to sail RCCL .. yes.. absolutely



    One of the rules I live my life by is simple - you can't complain your way to happiness.

  3. Just wear what you want and it doesn't matter where you dine you will be fine. In my opinion it's actually the people that do dress up that look out of place these days..MDR or specialty nothing formal is required at all. And thankfully this formal attire thing on cruises is dying off. For those of you who really enjoy the formal nights I hear HAL is running them strong. Also they have special discounts on interior cabins for RC diamond/+ members. 🤓[emoji111]🏻

  4. No. I obviously blared it loudly for the whole world to hear. [emoji52]


    Of course I wore headphones. Have a seat.



    I think you need to take a seat... Easy there.. Why so jumpy? Layoff off the sugar and caffeine. What are you on your 10th soda today?

  5. Mercedes doesn't have any true return loyalty program, as there is no benefit as an owner. They are happy to see you return for your next purchase. One might think that they are buying a high quality product with some end value. In reality all you are buying is a brand name that portrays an image.


    It is rare to find anyone who straight out owns a Mercedes anymore. Most people lease them as they are worth close to nothing compared to it's purchase price. After 4 years of ownership your trade in is worth a fraction of its orginal purchase price.


    Our family has owned Mercedes since 1978 and they are not the same product ever since Chrysler bought into them. My mom currently has two and I am trying to convince her to lease her next one, if she is really wants/needs another one. Her last one had 37,000 miles, was 4 years old with no accidents, dealer serviced and at trade in was "valued" at 20% of it's orginal purchase price. Yah, that's Mercedes loyalty. :rolleyes: Mercedes thinks they are the top dog, but they aren't. They are living in the past glory years and charging top dollar for a product that is no longer top shelf.


    I always tell my mom that she should try Lexus, where from my experience they know how to treat their customers. However, she has been loyalty branded to a product that only wants to take and never give back.


    Since you brought in the car anology I will state that Mercedes is in the exact "tier" as RC. The car anology is actually a good one, as Mercedes and cruising RC in the "past" are not the same product as today. If one doesn't like the RC loyalty program expand your boundries and try another cruise line.


    Afterall, IMO the best loyalty program is to oneself.



    While I agree with your post and yes I should have said lease there are preferred financial offers to MB clients. They have nice partner offers with ML. I didn't say the product was good bad or indifferent and couldn't careless what others think about what car I do or do not drive.. We have actually had a better experience with BMW and Tesla quality wise. However, based on offers and return incentives by MB we always make them our first stop. I also just ordered a 488GTB and the experience so far has been amazing.. From welcome packet to communications and production updates simply amazing.


    And yes, the last part of my post IS my loyalty program to myself [emoji6]

  6. Please Note: This post comes from someone who lists their favorite cruise line as "Princess."




    Easy for a Princess/Carnival fan to wish bad stuff on Loyal Royals!



    I do? I think your eyes are playing tricks on you..where did it ever say I was a carnival or princess fan? Good one though!


    I think you have been standing on your head too much there yogi..

  7. I would like to see a new loyalty level between Diamond Plus and Pinnacle. Even if there are no additional benefits. It's just a very long stretch from Diamond Plus to Pinnacle, 525 cruise nights to be exact. A really great looking loyalty pin would be perfect. I suggest the current Diamond Plus pin with two plus signs (++) on the right side.


    If you are currently Diamond Plus. What would you like to see?



    Now this goes on the wall of stupidity. I hope Royal cuts their loyalty program even more so more diamond/+ members complain about their investment in cruising[emoji23][emoji13][emoji12] it cracks me up how a group of people feel so entitled like they bought into something and have been sold a bill of goods..I think there should only be 2 loyalty levels - gold and pinnacle, no need for the hot mess in the middle. I don't know what is so hard to grasp about what a loyalty programs purpose is...why would any business do more than they have to to keep you as a customer? Over the years they will continue to repackage the benefits to make them look pretty while removing 10-25% of the so called benefits. If you want to experience an actual loyalty program buy a few Mercedes and see how they treat you on you next purchase. Are these boards just full of retirees who haven't worked in a company in the last few decades and think a loyalty program is really something that is a benefit to the end user? Come on now..

  8. While your statement about life is quite true, the fact remains, smoking on the balconies is prohibited by Royal Caribbean. Therefore, the SMOKERS need to "get over it" and quit smoking in places that it is not allowed. How's that? Does that work for ya? :D



    I personally could careless. I don't smoke and it doesn't bother me when others do. And if you think the smokers will get over well..... Think again...


    Does what work for me? And how's what the weather? Quite nice actually about mid 80s and high clouds..

  9. I am a RCI shareholder and care about rising shares.


    2 weeks ago on the Allure TA I reported 2 different smart smokers on their balconies that affected my wellbeing. Although the smart guys tried to hide in the depth of their balconies my call for security was successful. As they were repeat smokers on this cruise I was glad RCI could make some 2x250$ profit from the smart guys.



    So what? Do you want an apple or something?

  10. So if you settled into your balcony cabin or suite and found scaffolding set up on the balcony and were told sorry, we're doing maintenance this week so you'll have very limited use of that balcony during your cruise, you'd be OK with that? I don't think so. If I book such a cabin and find people smoking around me when I've been promised no smoking, believe me there would be issues.




    And to respond to a pp, yes people die every day from the results of second hand smoke. A dear friend is currently battling tongue cancer. She never smoked but lived with smokers.



    Actually I did book a suite at one point and the furniture had not arrived for the cabin aside from the bed and couch... Did we leave the cruise? No... We rolled with it. So your post has no bearing.. Nice try though... And I actually posted on the experience if you care to look.

  11. A passenger who has issues with tobacco smoke would have an expectation of not being exposed if they avoid the areas where smoking is allowed. They would book their cruise with that knowledge. If then smokers use other areas where it is banned (eg cabins and balconies) then those breaking the rules are responsible for the problems caused.



    Now if everything in life was exactly how it was said to be that would be awesome..... However it's not so nice try 🕷

  12. No, you are wrong. It is not the non smokers "flaming the fire".




    The non smokers are just blue in the face trying to get the smokers to realize that their smoke bothers them. There is nothing wrong with that. That is NOT flaming the fire.




    A good share of non smokers cannot breathe the smoke due to health problems or are allergic to it.




    That is the unfairness of the whole thing. The smoke travels and it bothers people.



    And exactly who's problem is this??

  13. Smokers have had this sense of entitlement for years, as long as they are in their cancer-allowed area. It's not just OK, but it's their right to let smoke drift from the cancer zone and affect others.


    Just as I was certain gay marriage would become legal, over time, the acceptability of this "right" will wither away because nobody has the right to infringe... be it equality or fresh air.


    #steppingdownfromsoapboxnow [emoji3]


    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk



    Yeah Ok so then lock yourself in your bubble don't eat meat or drive a car or even wake up for that matter.. Because even going outside increases your risk of cancer these days so I don't know what to tell you.

  14. It's very simple.

    I have a God given right to breath fresh air. As a smoker, you may have a right to smoke as you wish. The second your right to smoke infringes on my right to breath fresh air all bets are off, you no longer have a right to smoke.



    Lol. I'm not a smoker but this is pretty funny. Do you have as you put it "a God given right" to poop in the street?

  15. "Old timer"? Now that is something I have never been called before. Did you just make that one up? Is that a new expression? So what is an "old timer" exactly? I would guess someone 40 or older?



    vous pouvez juger un livre par sa couverture or screen name in this case. [emoji196]

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