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Posts posted by CaribSailor

  1. We're sailing on the Independence in a couple of months with extended family, and are having some consternation over dining & attire.


    Our college-aged son is 6'5 with even longer arms, and weighs about 175lb soaking wet. i.e. very tall & very skinny. He doesn't own anything even close to a proper jacket, and you can't exactly run to Kohl's and grab something off the rack for him.


    So we're considering an alternative on formal night, either Chops or Giovanni’s if they work out. I've seen "formal everywhere", "never formal for specialty", and of course comments about those who don't even make an effort and wear shorts.


    What's the straight scoop for Royal Caribbean and formal nights? Is our strategy sound? Are jackets really required anywhere for formal night? It's our first RCI cruise, and we're hardly cruise veterans.






    The last time I brought a jacket on a cruise was about 10 years ago. Over the whole formal thing.. I would say only about 50% of people participate in formal attire. In specialty restaurants its always business casual at best.

  2. My first experience with a Pinnacle member in the CL was listening to her complain about how people in suites were getting upgrades but she wasn't.






    DW and I will hit Diamond on our next cruise. So what I really need to know from the D and D+ folks, is there a class we need to take while onboard or a handout with guidelines for proper Diamond complaining? I want to get it right and not look like a complete newbie when I get back and post on CC.




    What I'd really like to see people start complaining about is that warm half of a tomato when you order hash browns on the room service menu. Sheesh! I'm not sure what I'm even supposed to do with that. Eat it? Make ketchup out of it? What?




    Nope just hang around these boards on occasion will give you a good idea. You must have missed my follow up post on what exactly this class complains about most. Please do give us an update on your r upcoming cruise if they have in fact added Windows to the diamond staterooms yet ok?


    In case you missed it:


    "I can't believe the concierge didn't remember me from 10 cruises ago"


    "Where are my crystal blocks"


    "I can't believe they tried to bring someone who is not part of our club into our lounge"


    "Why haven't they named a ship after me yet?"


    "Shouldn't I be recognized as soon as I board the ship with a parade"


    "Shouldn't the captain visit me in my stateroom for my personal requests each day"


    "When are they going to add windows to my stateroom?"


    "What do you mean I just can't take the whole bottle of booze from the lounge back to my cabin?"


    "You mean to tell me my diamond pin won't get me out of a speeding ticket?"


    "Aren't we supposed to get Michael Bayley's cell phone number to provide him feedback directly?"


    "I thought my Diamond discount gave me a discount at Diamonds International?"

  3. ***The Diamond/Diamond+ Darlings*** who always feel they are not valued enough for their contribution to revenue. They love to complain and moan about their diminishing perks. Love the ones who think they are "Royalty", especially on these boards. I wonder if these lovely individuals will ever learn that you can't complain your way to happiness [emoji6]


    You don't ever hear about Gold, Platinum, Emerald or Pinnacle members complaining like this group of whiners. You always know they are Diamond/Diamond + because that is how they start every post - "We are Diamond/+......"


    It seems for some reaching this level of achievement is their life's dedication and their greatest accomplishment.




    Oh I forgot.. You will hear Diamond/Diamond+ members complain about:


    "I can't believe the concierge didn't remember me from 10 cruises ago"

    "Where are my crystal blocks"

    "I can't believe they tried to bring someone who is not part of our club into our lounge"

    "Why haven't they named a ship after me yet?"

    "Shouldn't I be recognized as soon as I board the ship with a parade"

    "Shouldn't the captain visit me in my stateroom for my personal requests each day"

    "When are they going to add windows to my stateroom?"

    "What do you mean I just can't take the whole bottle of booze from the lounge back to my cabin?"

    "You mean to tell me my diamond pin won't get me out of a speeding ticket?"

    "Aren't we supposed to get Michael Bayley's cell phone number to provide him feedback directly?"

    "I thought my Diamond discount gave me a discount at Diamonds International?"

  4. Entitled upper tier C&A members.

    Crowded DL and CL

    Suite benefits or lack thereof

    Useless future cruise certificate

    Moving to a class system

    Adding additional cabins

    Dynamic Dining


    Fake service dogs

    Etc, etc, etc.....



    ***The Diamond/Diamond+ Darlings*** who always feel they are not valued enough for their contribution to revenue. They love to complain and moan about their diminishing perks. Love the ones who think they are "Royalty", especially on these boards. I wonder if these lovely individuals will ever learn that you can't complain your way to happiness [emoji6]


    You don't ever hear about Gold, Platinum, Emerald or Pinnacle members complaining like this group of whiners. You always know they are Diamond/Diamond + because that is how they start every post - "We are Diamond/+......"


    It seems for some reaching this level of achievement is their life's dedication and their greatest accomplishment.

  5. I'm 31, look 23, and feel 18.


    Suck it, old people! (That's sarcasm for you really old people.)



    People think we are much younger all the time.. Maybe it's because we lead a very healthy lifestyle, don't drink like fish, eat like pigs or sit on the couch and watch tv for 10 hours a day. We are very active. Most people and I'm sure the ones commenting that there is no way we can look that young probably look 10-15 years older than they really are due to being fat and lazy [emoji13] and smoked for years - bet you regret all of that now don't you??? And to the poster who said his 22 year old doesn't get looks in the lounge is probably because she is with her parents[emoji108]

  6. Well this thread gets interesting as it goes along.




    I find the initial idea of extra points if you spend $450 per person on board intriguing and in our case it would probably work to RCI's advantage. There are some sailings in which we don't spend anywhere close to that, but plenty others when we get probably 3/4 of the way there--usually when my husband gets a drink package and I have a massage. On those sailings in which we were already spending at least half what is needed, I probably would decide to treat ourselves to a few more meals or another massage to bump up and get those points we well.










    And back to the track the thread is now on:




    We've had two cruises with one obnoxious, loud, made sure everyone knew how important they were Pinnacle. hat is two people out of hundreds, or probably thousands. I figure they would be jerks about something else if they didn't have status to be jerks abut and shrug them off.




    And, hmm, yeah I have to wonder what is going on with Caribsailor that they have had so many bad encounters with "lounge police" and the like.


    We are in our young 40s and have not had that happen yet, nor have my teens ever felt unwelcome in daytime hours whether with us not. Sometimes people ask what our status is or how many sailings we have been on, but it always just seems like a friendly ice breaker, not some judgmental fishing (maybe this is the issue? Maybe Caribsailor is interpreting nice questions as rude due to some preconceived idea of how he will be treated?).



    Nice try [emoji6][emoji108]🏼

  7. You say you look young for 40. Ok. What 38, maybe 35 maybe 32? Don't kid yourself. My daughter is 22 and is Diamond Plus. In her own right, having done the sailings herself. Did she pay for them no, but she sailed them.


    So when she goes into the CL or Diamond lounge do you think people look at her and think, why is she in here. No actually they don't. Most people are enjoying their cruise and not involved in evaluating who belongs or does not belong in the lounges.


    Weird that you do though. Being forty and all, lol.


    Oh and I still get carded, fairly often and I am older than you. Guess I must look YOUNG!!!



    A little late to the party there sunshine.

  8. Makes sense to me.




    I've never been carded in the lounges, but have received the occasional second look from a guest. We only zip in to use the computer or ask the concereige about something and are on our way. I do think there is a difference between the normal guest in the lounge and the guest who questions if you belong.




    As a guy in my early 40s I have yet to meet one of "those" type high C&A guests. The high ranked members that I have met by the pool, beach or RP have all been really nice. I guess I have missed the bad ones.




    I have met more of the annoying 35-50 age group that "measure" themselves to the people around them. I just smile and nod. I heard an expression one time that makes me smile when they are going on and on about this and that. "Everyone is and expert 60 miles away from home", and the ones talking at me are a long way from home.;)



    Agree with you 100%. Life is not a pissing match and in this case we are talking about vacation. It bothered me that on more then one occasion someone made not only myself feel uncomfortable but my wife as well. We are low key and keep to ourselves on most cruises and only went into the DL on a few of our cruises while our son was at adventure ocean. If anyone thinks I'm judge mental, how about the lovely person who decided to judge us first? I generally don't share anything about my professional life onboard aside from I work in technology but this lovely lady had it coming, she was just snide.

  9. Personally, I could care less how someone earned being in a particular lounge. The role of the concierge is to make sure people are in the lounge because they truly have access to the lounge -- it isn't my job as fellow cruiser to police it and I don't. I ask for respect from fellow cruisers and enjoyable time together. I give respect to fellow cruisers, even if they display less than admirable behavior.




  10. I have met many wonderful people in the DL and am sorry that you have only had what sounds like 'sour' experiences there. My parents taught me not to judge people on superficial issues, such as the ones you have chosen to highlight. Can some behaviors that people display be inappropriate, sure. But then again, I could view your reply to the person who queried you on how you obtained your gold card, as in bad taste. A simple 'I paid for the cabin to have the privilege of being here' would have sufficed. But instead your ego seemed to feel it was necessary to slap yourself on the back with your explanation.


    I am neither as old as some of the cruisers we have met, nor as young as you.....but there are lessons that my parents taught me (and I hope I transmitted to my children) that perhaps you did not get.....so sorry.


    I hope I don't bump into you in the lounges.....I am sure I will recognize you, by the size of your ego walking in the door and will know to avoid you.


    Just my personal thoughts.



    Hey no worries. I don't take what you said personally. The funny thing is you have no problem that a fellow passenger questioned my wife and I as to why we were in the lounge.. Was it YOU? Guess your that type of person since you don't have a problem with it... Therefor you must feel entitled to police the lounge. [emoji23] maybe if the person who decided it was their responsibility to police the lounge wasn't such a jerk about it I wouldn't have been a jerk in response.

  11. CaribSailor, that backhoe you ordered has arrived. Shall I send it home or do you need a bigger hole to crawl out of.:p;) Folks like the lounges or they don't. Our "young" family doesn't frequent them, even though we can.


    Maybe it's time to return to the thread topic, and let this side discussion gracefully disappear on the horizon.:)



    No holes here! They asked and I answered with actual examples as to why we don't care for the lounge. People maybe disappointed or disgusted in my replies to this thread but we were disgusted and disappointed that passengers take it upon themselves to "patrol" the lounge. But yes I think the more you spend the more points you should get. [emoji57]

  12. Take it from someone who is on social security and travels in inside cabins lots of times; calling older folks "old bags" is totally disrespectful whether they are hoarding drinks in the DL or not. It's especially insensitive when said by a 40 year old man. I'm sure you work very hard in your profession but it seems like those "old bags" are not the only ones with a sense of entitlement.



    Exactly where is it? I was simply explaining a few situations to show why we avoid the diamond lounge

  13. And you are speaking from experience.



    Sure we have been in there but generally steer clear of the mortuary. Prefer the suite lounge/concierge any day. The difference in people between the diamond lounge and suite lounge is night and day. It's not that all diamonds are old bags or walk with the sense of entitlement but when you see on more than one occasion on more than one cruise someone ordering drink after drink and pouring the contents into a container and leave then come back 30 minutes later and do it again you have to wonder who you are surrounded with. We just don't care to go there anymore. We are younger and usually gets looks as to why we are in there and have been asked directly and indirectly by fellow rocks if we actually belong in there. I don't really care who you are or what cruise status you have...I even had someone in the lounge ask how I had a gold card and they said wow this must be a nice treat from your parents..I laughed and said I sold my 4th company by the time I was 36, I'm 40 and I actually brought my parents on the cruise. Their look was priceless.

  14. A wife is different than a child, she makes contributions to the marriage/partnership. Do you really want to go here?



    Actually I do. I know plenty of wives who do not contribute to a marriage financially. All they do is spend to keep themselves looking young and pretty. It's really no different. Days at sea are days at sea sorry. From a wife's perspective it's all about perception. It's not the 50s or 60s,70s and 80s where the wife takes care of the home anymore and in my post I said employed by an actual employer not a kept woman.

  15. a feeling of




    You are the one talking about taking over the lounge. I abide by the rules in effect when I cruise. If they take away the extra points for booking suites it would not be retroactive so it wouldn't affect me in the least. It's not a feeling of superiority, it's a feeling of pity.



    Easy there... Guess you haven't been outside in a while. Take over the lounge?? The diamond lounge is where people like to pretend. Kind of like the Raccoon lodge. But hey that's what vacation is for right?

  16. Been in the DL you can have it. Would probably go if I needed a nap and a drink. Paying up for cruises? So if only nights spent are on a ship should count you wouldn't mind giving up the multiple points per night in a suite then?

    Look at it this way, now you will have a whole new group of people to feel superior to while you have free drinks in the DL/CL.



    The diamond lounge is like night of the living dead...reminds me of the movie cocoon. Cruises are becoming like Florida home of the newly wed and nearly dead.

  17. I see this as Royal providing incentives to drive the behavior they wish to see. If I was a Royal exec, I would rather provide the loyalty benefits to folks that have spent a lot of money on my line, then folks that haven't. So it makes sense to reward the folks that spend the money that provides solid return to shareholders.


    I don't know this as a fact, but I can't imagine the company makes much money selling inside cabins to folks that do not spend on board. To then provide those folks with loyalty benefits is a double hit to the bottom line. Not saying they shouldn't provide those benefits, but pointing out the business case to support rewarding onboard spending.



    They want you to spend as much money as possible today as there is no guarantee you will be alive to book inside rooms for the next 25 years or even tomorrow.

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