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Posts posted by seavoyager6

  1. Hi There,


    Am wanting to take my wife and 13 year old son on a Transatlantic crossing for Southampton to New York on 20 August.


    Looking at the current prices being offered on cunard.co.uk, can I expect to see some reductions if I wait for a few months or should I bite the bullet and book now? I'm not overly fussed re location of cabin, my only requirements are for a 3rd berth and a balcony.


    My advice would be to bite bullet since at this early date bullet is only a refundable deposit. Keep eyes open for price drops which you or your TA will get if they happen and or alternatives

  2. This is my first WW venture but there are several men & women at my weekly meeting who are life time members. All of them say the same thing you said- the maintenance is the hard part. But the successful ones echo the same thread- keep tracking & coming to meetings. I will reach the life time status & I know that meetings at least every 2 weeks would keep me on track. The added benefit that life time members are free as long as they remain within 2 lbs of their goal weight is another plus. I use e tools but do not track that way. I just need meetings as support. Good luck to both of you in your WW program.


    They are righr about maintaining but don't think about that now..


    Got off track for the last month..


    But jumped back on the wagon yesterday.


    Tracking on WW Mobile for the first time.

  3. Had a great and unexpected weight loss at my weigh in on Sunday to get down to 1.6 pounds below WW goal as we leave tomorrow to meet the Eurodam in Amsterdam on Wed for a 12 day Baltic Adventure.


    Goal for the trip is maintain or small gain for which I will be adding 5 PPV daily to my daily point total.


    Cruise tricks I use to achieve this along with the usual tracking...


    Increase activity..walk steps and around ship, active excursions where possible and eat meals in MDR, Pinnacle, Tamarind or Canaletto.. AVOIDING the godawful cafeteria as much as possible

  4. I had an unexpected great WI - down 2.6 lbs! I'm so close to goal. The regional person was at my meeting today. She pulled me aside to ask if I had ever considered working pt for WW. I don't think I have the time to commit to it, but I was very flattered.


    I also participated in my first running event yesterday. It was a color vibe 5k. Another WW friend and I did it together, and we had a blast. I started a couch to 5k program in April which was a big step for me. I'm moving forward to the 10k now.



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    Worked for them the last 8 years until the end of 2012. It's a fun way to keep your focus, buy products at half price and feel good about helping people with a problem you know a lot about. You can fit a few hours in around a busy schedule and still feel good about.


    It's not for the money for sure

  5. Suggestions


    1) plan to stay the same or gain 3-4 pounds.


    2) Add 7 points to your daily allowance


    3) Eat regular meals in the MDR for the most part and avoid the godawful cafeteria if possible


    4).Buy the 3 month tracker and track honestly even if it kills you to do it


    5) Hit the fitness center, the promenade deck and the jogging track. I'd recommend Activelink

  6. Yes fully aware this is a WW thread ,

    But just because you are allowed it , doesn't necessarily mean that you should have it ....simple .... If you want to speed up your metabolism and increase your fat and weight loss cut out sweeteners & caffeine.


    Here is where we'll agree to disagree. The WW program is about a lifetime change in.the way we eat and live in order to live a healthier and more active life style without deprivation that produces small steady weight losses (average a pound a week or so) to eventually get to a goal weight and then maintain that weight for the long term. It is not and really never has been about rapid weight loss, giving up carbs, glutens, aspartame caffeine or anything in order to achieve a quick fix.


    That is what diets are for and there are thousands of those things out there. You go on it, lose weight fast and then, because they are full of deprivation, you go off it and generally gain it back and more.


    I have followed the evolving Weight Watchers program for 26 years now and reached goal for the final time in 2004 and have maintained goal for the 8+ years since.


    Maybe giving up stuff works for you.and if it does, God Bless.

  7. Aspartame and caffeine has been linked to slowing down metabolism = slower weight / fat loss

    So if you can't kick the soda habit , try going for a soda without caffeine and/ aspartame .

    Drink decaf instead if a coffee addict .

    Good luck guys !




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    May be true but since this thread is about WW, there is no such prohibition on the WW program. Soda, if you have to have it, (water is better) with ANY non-sugar sweetener is way better than soda with sugar or corn syrup.


    As for coffee, WW prior to points plus allowed you to only count 2 glasses of caffeine coffee toward your daily water target. Points plus eliiminated that so any coffee counts as a liquid.

  8. Cruising to paradise,


    I have found the books and yup, on ebay. Even got the calculator which I didn't have before. I appreciate your input. At least I'm not the only one it didn't work for. I'm not saying PPlus is bad, but just not for me. Looking forward to the support from this group.



    I've been told the same, use your points. I was also told not to do too many zero point foods, to the point of having your regular points left. They may be zero points but they are still calories. Also WW mentioned that if you don't use the points, your body thinks it's being starved and will go into starvation mode. Hope that helps.




    I'm glad you found a way of doing WW that works for you. There are members still doing selections and exchanges and probably a few still eating liver once a week.


    I worked for WW from 2004-the end of last year and learned a lot from the staff training


    Each time the program is changed in a major way (like the introduction of Points Plus) the change is based on the latest science re weight loss. Points Plus made fruit a zero point item because NOBODY gains weight from eating fruit in reasonable portions and eliminated calories as the basis for point calculation.because there was a proliferation of really awful food choices being made based on calorie count (100 calorie snacks, et al)


    If you eat following the 9 healthy guidelines and concentrate on power foods, you will come close to using your daily target fairly easily. If you do that it is NO problem having a few unspent points.


    And, I need to mention that that starvation mode idea is a myth and, yes it was promulgated by WW staff for a long time until its falseness was carefully explained.


    I wish all of you luck on this journey

  9. Thanks for the welcomes! I don't mind being one of only two men in the group. Looking forward to chatting with everyone.


    I'm done eating for today and have 10 points left. I can't seem to get a clear answer to my question of whether or not thats allowed. Do you have to use all your points every day or is it ok to be left with some points? Thanks.


    The answer is that it's OK occasionally but not every day. Following the recommended levels for the 8 healthy guide lines is more important than actual points eaten and if followed, should put you close to your daily number.

  10. 360 is points plus, more or less


    Not that sure why you would find such a big problem going to plus from points.


    Points calculation eliminates calorie s and uses carb, protein, fat and fiber. Some point values are higher, but it is more than made up for by ALL fruits being zero points plus values.


    I would hope you'd give it another shot and try to approach it with a clean slate. I'd also recommend e tools and WW mobile if you have a smartphone because it easily and accurately calculates points plus values for you.

  11. Nicki


    Cut out bread / gluten and caffeine

    And alcohol for a week and it will soon come falling off you

    Caffeine and artificial sweeteners ( aspartame ESP) slow down your metabolism and you therefore burn less fat .

    Trust me it works ! Good luck




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    Let me start by saying that I'm very happy for you that your diet plan of giving up bread, glutens, caffeine, alcohol and artificial sweeteners for seven days works for you.


    But since this forum is about Weight Watchers points plus 360 plan, I feel.it is important to summarize a few things


    Weight Watchers is a program created for a long term life style change to healthier eating incorporating portion control, accountability and increased activity. It includes NO cut outs and there are NO foods or food groups that.are banned.


    Cutting out things is NOT recommended because after you cut them out for seven days, day 8 rolls around, your diet is done and off you go


    Here's my advice, Nikki and anyone else struggling.


    1) Incorporate the 9 healthy guidelines in your daily plan. Whole grains, low fat dairy, lean proteins, healthy oils, liquids, fruits and vegetables. The more of these in your daily points totals, the better as you will feel fuller longer and be more satisfied.


    2) Track


    3) Weigh and measure when possible


    4) yes dust off the treadmill but if you really hate the treadmill,.just get out and walk and enjoy the summer


    Sorry if I sounded preachy but I have been on the WW program since 1987, made goal for the third and final time in 2004 and have maintained since them


    Trust me, it works

  12. I joined WW almost 6 weeks ago and down 13.4 lbs so far. Super excited I found this topic and looking forward to reaching my goal and becoming a lifetime member.



    Sent using the Cruise Critic forums app


    Welcome aboard. Hopefully the success you read about from folks following the program will be motivational and help yo stay focused. It does for me. Love losing and then maintaining without the deprivation of giving things up altogether or feeling you.are on a diet.


    For the record. I made it through Canada Day with NO problems at all. Beimg from the lower 48 helped:)


    Planning to also successfully get through Thursday, too

  13. Having some trouble figuring out the "why" for this thread. Is this QM2's first ever voyage across the deep and dangerous transatlantic circle route from Southampton to New York?

  14. Great job SH...


    I had a great week and got down below my WW goal weight losing 1.0 at my WI early this AM at 7:45


    And, of course BRAVO to those putting themselves and their health ahead of any other daily or weekly obstacles that will ALWAYS be lying in wait. Stay focused, don't fall back to being the person who can't say NO. Be accountable and DO THIS for YOU

  15. Will be boarding QM2 pm Monday and looking forward.


    Did the July 1-6 Halifax/Boston 3 times.You'll have a great time.




    Halifax ...Atlantic Maritime Museum




    COW best ice cream in.North America


    Both a walk down the boardwalk from.the pier





    Its July 4, the place is mobbed, anything you'd like to see (MFA, Gardiner) are closed and its a bus ride with a fee from the dock which is all the way out by Logan Airport. We've made it a sea day, enjoyed the ship and watched the fireworks at night.

  16. Thanks everyone for the congrats....sure nice to share the good and the bad. So much of this weight lost journey happens between the ears....mindset is everything .but it makes it easier when you realize everyone has the same struggles.


    Still hot here...my daughter dropped by for a swim this evening ...there we were two water babies...chatting and treading water (no sun hat required :D)...hey do you think you use more activity points if it's after dark? :p;)


    No, but you might earn more

  17. Hi Salacia:)

    Yes we will keep a light on for her

    As well

    As the Statue of Liberty !

    The QM2 will be in the USA for the

    4th of July Independence Day Celebrations:)




    No....er...not. If you were to have looked at her schedule for 2013 (as well as the last 7 or more years) you'd have known that QM2 will be in her usual place on July 4....250 miles northeast in Boston, MA.


    July 1 Brooklyn

    July 2 Sea

    July 3 Halifax

    July 4 Boston

    July 5 Sea

    July 6 Brooklyn

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